don’t tell her I said that;” “Between you, me and the fencepost…” “I would
never tell them this, but…” What one word comes to your mind when you see these
Thanks so
much for joining me for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Tuesday’s Trench
Truth with Trench Classes United.
What comes
to my mind is the word gossip…and truth be told, we all participate in it in
one form or another, though it may not be intentional. I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count
the number of times I’ve been in a conversation listening and before I knew it
I was swept up in the current and joined in with my two cents.
How do we
avoid this slippery slope? The best way to not be swept away is as soon as we
feel this current coming toward us we need to move out of the way!
But how, I
can hear you ask?
By excusing
ourselves, leaving the conversation because even just sitting there listening
is a form of participation!
Oh, Coffee
Hour Friend, trust me when I say I understand how difficult this can be,
especially when I justify it in the name of venting! Let’s dare to be bold by
refusing to compromise our own integrity for the sake of feeling part of
something we really shouldn’t be part of, trying to fit in, feel accepted...at
whose cost?
If we can’t say what we’re saying
about someone to that someone, then we shouldn’t say it to anyone!
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