Good morning, friends. Grab a warm cup of coffee and come sit with me. Thank
you in advance for taking time and joining me for Coffee
Hour with Chicklit Power and Faith Filled Friday with
Trench Classes United.
Last week we talked about waiting and trusting Gods timing for a
job, finances, health, or even a relationship to be restored. Today I was
reading in my devotion and it reminded me of how Abraham, Jacob, and Elijah
prayed. These men presented their causes and their strong reasons for them, and
they each saw God work on their behalf.
It made me stop and think am I presenting
my cause before the Lord, and I am laying my heart out? Am I believing with
great expectations, no matter how long the wait? You see, Elijah prayed for
rain and he sat at his watch tower with great expectation that God was bringing
the rain, and God did exactly that; He brought the rain in full force. Sure, it
took Elijah seven times of going and checking, but he didn’t give up; he
continued to believe. [1 Kings 18:41-19:8]
Coffee Hour friends,
the wait may seem endless and at times we may lose hope. When you lose hope, present
your cause before the Lord again and remember all that He has done for you and
will continue to do for you. His timing is perfect, and while we think He is
slow to answer, remember that His ways and thoughts are not like ours. Be encouraged;
He is making a way for you and me in our circumstances! [Isaiah 55:8-9]
I know this because
I’ve waited a really long time for something. Let me share how God answered a
prayer of mine that I have been praying for more than five years, and while the
prayer hasn’t been completely answered, God showed me by this act of kindness
by this person that He is making a way. See, there’s someone I’ve always had a
hard time with, a person who has and can bring me great hurt or sorrow at
times. I’ve learned to pray for this person that has caused me hurt or sorrow.
I pray over this person daily, and God has begun to grow my heart to have a
great compassion for this person.
As I have been doing
this for many years, I’ve watched God slowly tear down walls that were built by
both of us. Through my faithfulness to God, He has showed me the areas where my
thinking was wrong. I thought I wasn’t loved or liked by this person, and to my
surprise I was absolutely wrong!
I Praise God for all
the trials and pain that was endured, for it was not in vain; nothing He does
or allows goes wasted. I can now see this love because I am seeing it through
His eyes.
I love knowing that very
day I prayed for this person and laid my cause and case before the Lord, He was
listening and working behind the scenes.
Psalm 46:10
Amplified Bible (AMP) reminds us: “Be still and know (recognize, understand)
that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the
encouraged in the waiting…
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