Thanks so much for joining me today for a little break. I have a fun
story to share with you so grab your coffee and come on in for a bit.
Just a couple of weeks ago, my assistant and I were in Texas at the
C.S. Lewis Writers’ retreat and when I got a chance to take a break, we
went exploring the sights around the camp in search of nature’s beauty
so she could capture it with her camera. Walking up the hill was
invigorating and calming at the same time. It was such a peaceful place
full of woodsy-type smells, the sound of whispering branches as the wind
rustled through them, birds talking off in the distance, and other
creatures, too. At one point we even saw a deer saunter across the road
and take off in the forest of trees.
Suddenly something sort of whimsical caught my attention, its colors
dancing before my eyes, teasing me and taunting me to follow it in
flight. It was a beautiful butterfly. As I watched it traverse the air
just in front of us, almost as if it was showing off, I was mesmerized.
The little beauty pulled me out of my trance when it landed on the
ground just in front of us.
started to move toward it ever so slowly and motioned for Jocelyn to
join me so she could capture this beautiful butterfly who had its wings
wide open, in all its glory, as if he was showing off. She got one
picture but as she crouched down beside me and got the camera focused,
the little bugger shut his wings and then after a pause, took flight
We stood and watched it, expecting it to just fly away, but instead,
it flew around us and around us and toward us and then away from us and
then back toward us. This went on for a couple of minutes and suddenly,
in my gut, I realized this butterfly was wanting to dance and if it had a
voice, I could only imagine the joyful laughter we may have heard
coming from this beautiful creature and the pleas for us to join him for
some playful dancing.
I lost count of how many times we danced with the butterfly, stopping
when he did, bending down to try and capture him with his wings wide
open displaying his colorful splendor and each time we would get just
right, and Jocelyn would get ready to click and smack! Wings shut, he
would sit there for a pause, probably laughing at us, and then he’d get
up and take flight again.
It made me think of the pursuit of happiness, how just when we think
we’ve arrived, bam! Here comes heartache, trouble, trials and our
happiness takes flight again. And then unannounced, it returns,
flittering and fluttering, tempting and teasing us to reach out and
grasp at it just one more time because for sure this time we’ll catch it
only to have it intercepted with life’s disappointments and troubles.
This happened enough to where we thought we’d never get the shot so
we began to walk the way we came and as I turned around, my mouth came
open in disbelief; he was following us! At one point he came so close to
my face I jerked backwards in my reflexes. We were back in the dance,
falling for his tricks when he would land on the ground with his wings
wide open only to shut them when we were ready to take a picture.
I got an idea and picked up a leaf. I stood up and held my arm straight
out with the leaf in between my index finger and my thumb. “Be still
and see if he comes,” I told Jocelyn. It wasn’t thirty seconds and
suddenly, there he was, perched on the leaf in my hand looking right at
me. Happiness bubbled up inside me and I could barely contain myself,
but I did. I stayed right there, in the happiness of the moment before
he took flight again!
Oh that we would stay in the moments filled with happiness, soaking
up the laughter they bring, not worrying about it going away, or about
tomorrow for that moment is what we have here and now.
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