You know, a long time ago, before He took me out of my season of singleness, He spoke something to me and through me that I’d like to share with you now: There is no such thing as a perfect person but there is a person perfect for you! That rings so true when we let Him do the picking!
1st Corinthians Chapter 13 tells us that love is the greatest gift and the passage compares true love to many things that we may deem important and valuable in our world. Then it goes on to describe what true love really is. There’s something I learned from a mentor of mine a long time ago, and that is to put your name in place of the word “Love” and you will see just how true your love is. I like to call this the “Love Test.” So here we go:
____________ is patient, __________ is kind; _________ does not envy; _______ does not parade itself, is not puffed up. _________ does not behave rudely, does not seek its own. ______ is not provoked, thinks no evil. ________ does not rejoice in iniquity/sin but rejoices in the truth; _______ bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. ________ never fails.
Now, let me clear a couple of things up about this test, beginning with that last fill-in-the-blank: The only way we don’t fail is if we are allowing His love to abide in us. In other words, as long as we are staying plugged into the “Love” source, we can’t fail because love/GOD doesn’t fail! He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it at the time of Christ… In the meantime, keep loving toward a better score on your test!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Remember you don’t have to have or be a valentine to be loved!
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