When I think about my own recovery from co-dependency, more times than I care to admit, I groan within, wondering if I will ever get it right, ever be free from it. But then He does something in His own sovereign way: splashes me with perspective as I read His Word, or maybe He will use another one of His own to send me a message of encouragement or sometimes, He just gives me a one-liner that catches my attention. That one-liner will run around in my head for a few, travel down to my mouth where I will chew on it a bit, and by the time it reaches my heart to go on down to be digested, I am encouraged and reminded that He who began a new work will be faithful to complete it until the time of Christ Jesus.
See even when I am filled with doubt, He’s still got the brush in His hand, painting on the canvass of my life but I get this picture that He has to splash a different color on what He’s painting to represent that present doubt, but then suddenly mid-stroke, He swooshes and revives my faith and the color changes. It has to because just as the light sends the dark scurrying off, active faith chases doubt away.
Yes, as long as I am showing up, He will continue the painting of my life, one brushstroke at a time, adding more of the color of faith than doubt because as long as I am alive, I will continue to seek Him for true recovery to break free from the chains of do-dependency until I am co-dependent no more – except on Him.
Breaking free,
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