Christie remembered me right away, but we both knew we needed to get right to the problem. She repeated what my office manager had said; that Counsel had set it up. It was obvious she was frustrated as well, and within a few seconds, I could tell this was becoming a blame game but all I wanted to do was solve the problem, find a place for the deposition to take place and take names later. I mean as the minutes are ticking, so is the doctor’s fee, who had just walked in, right smack in the middle of all this.
Suddenly, I had Christie in one ear telling me to talk to Mr. W about getting another conference room and then here comes the agency owner walking like a bull in a china cabinet. In a gruff and demanding tone she says: “I have another business right there. You need to come down here,” and as the reality of her harshness hit me, I was grappling with my other ear, trying to listen to Christie. Apparently, I wasn’t moving fast enough because she repeated herself! Are you kidding me?
A hot flash threatened to break out and I mentally counted to three as I walked forward. “Christie, I’m so sorry, could you say that again, please? I couldn’t hear you because I’m being scolded and told to move from where I was standing.” What I was really thinking was: you just want to hear my conversation!
About that time here comes the doctor we are supposed to depose. As he walks toward me he hears the angry agency owner who apparently didn’t like the word “scolded” so she proceeded to turn her back on me and announce to all of us that she wasn’t scolding me; she has another business she’s trying to run.
Well, I could go all day about suppositions and accusations, but I won’t because two wrongs don’t make a right. I got off the phone with Christie, shook the doctor’s hand. He smiled at me and lifted his eyebrows as if to say, “What in the world …” He did say, “I’ll be right back,” and he walked into her office.
In the meantime, I told both attorneys I’d see about using a conference room from my friend’s agency if they wanted to. My client voiced his appreciation and said let’s see what the doctor says.
A few minutes later the doctor came out and announced we were driving to downtown Claremont to his friends’ office who was also an attorney. And then here she came to make her final announcement, not an apology, an announcement. She began to reiterate her policies but what she said next really pushed a button. With me standing directly across from her, she said, as if I wasn’t there: “Your court reporter said I was scolding her and I wasn’t scolding her. I was merely asking her to move so my other business wasn’t bothered.
I interrupted her and in a calm but firm voice I said: “Excuse me. You don’t have to talk about me as if I’m not here. I am standing right in front of you.”
“Well, I wasn’t scolding you,” she retorted.
My voice suddenly raised about a half octave from before: “Yes, you did. Listen to your tone right now. Why do you have to be so mean?” I turned my back, caught my client’s eyes, and the doctor’s and began to walk down the hall. I was so overwhelmed with what had just happened. Never in 22 years of reporting had I come across any agency owner like that. The most important thing was to get the deposition taken, for the sake of the doctor and the two attorneys, not just our client.
I was shaken up to say the least, and as the picture comes to life once again and I look at it from the outside in, I can learn from it and recognize these things:
1. When dealing with an unreasonable person, do not expect anything but unreasonableness.
2. When I engage with an unreasonable person, I only add a huge log to the fire which will now threaten to burn out of control.
3. My opinions, my expectations born out of my flesh cannot change that unreasonable person.
4. And lastly, I do not need to use my opinions and expectations to defend myself for though my flesh and my heart fail, God will continue to be the strength of my heart and my portion forever!
Incidentally, we did get the deposition completed and the doctor admitted that he had never seen her behave like that before. He even apologized for her, calling her behavior uncalled for, and then he added: Maybe she was just having a bad day! Ugh, more salt to flavor this lesson! The next morning in my quiet time, as I was working in my “Becoming a Woman of Freedom” study, I came upon this verse! God is so faithful, even when my flesh and heart fail!
Make it a great day!
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