in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.
- Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
After what felt like devastating news to me, I was emotionally hung over for a few days. I wrestled with God about this life change, but in the very nooks and crannies of my heart, I did have peace despite not understanding why it was happening. I mean, I understood that they wanted a better life for themselves, a reputable school district for their kids, better employment opportunities and just overall a better life. I got all that immediately. It was good for them, but it didn’t feel so good for me, having to let go of my dream of Sunday dinners with all of our adult kids and their kids, monthly get-togethers to create fun memories … yeah, my dream was slowly fading into the distant clouds and I was having a hard time letting go of it, like a child holding on to a helium balloon with white knuckles, not wanting it to fly away.
Despite that dream seeming to have flown the coop, what did and still does reside in my heart is the desire to trust the only One who has never left me or forsaken me and knowing that when things don’t seem to make sense proves that understanding has nothing to do with faith. Let’s get back to my son and his family.
Then the job search began. Like a fisherman, Jeff began to cast his pole out there and a few weeks before the scheduled moving date, he had three different Chipotle Restaurants vying for him to join them. Their permission slip had been signed again, and again. I couldn’t argue with God. I didn’t understand why He was allowing this move as it pertained to the desires of my heart, but I just knew in my gut that He was and still is working all things for their good and mine. I assured them that though I was sad, I was confident of God's calling and I also let them know I was so proud of them for taking this leap of faith to Texas.
Here's the truth: While I was an emotional mishap, I was spiritually fine. In other words, there was peace amidst the emotional chaos.
God continued to guide them and convince me. Two weeks before they were to leave, my daughter-in-love’s employer offered her a job working from her own apartment in Texas! God had yet again signed His signature to their moving papers and had done exceedingly more than they could ask for [Ephesians 3:20].
Baffled but walking by faith,
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