Thanks so much for joining us for this series on joy! Grab your coffee and come on in away from those things that threaten to steal your joy!
Yesterday I left off with some equations in the form of questions that really have the power to steal one’s joy if we were to dwell on only one part of the equation. And please know, from my heart to yours, I am in no way trying to minimize or simplify the effects of pain, sorrow, loss, sickness, or any other challenge that has the power to destroy us or transform us emotionally, physically or spiritually; I am just encouraging the truth that because we have the freedom of choice in all things, He is constantly and relentlessly working all things for our good and ultimately they can bring Him glory and unite us as His bride … if we let them. I know this because I have experienced it over and over and over again! We can let these truths steal our joy or add to our joy; it’s up to us.
Let’s now move to the verse that started this particular conversation, Psalm 27:6 “And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me. Therefore, I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle. I will sing; yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.”
Talk about another handful of diamonds. Let’s begin to look at them one at a time so we too can offer sacrifices of joy … which I don’t understand but we’re about to find out and hopefully sooner than later!
Again, David mentions trouble here … trouble in the form of enemies. David was one of the most sought after guys of his day, and more often than not, the “sought after” was not in a good way, but to take him out. He spent many years on the run for his life, especially from King Saul who was extremely jealous of David, destined to be king.
Have you ever walked into a room full of enemies? When I think of entering a room full of people that don’t like me, I don’t believe I would have the confidence to enter with my head held up high! I sometimes struggle to walk with my head held high in the presence of one who deems me their enemy. How confident are we in our Savior who goes before us, the One who promises to never leave us or forsake us, the One who promises to fight our battles? Do we believe His promises? David did and because he did he was able to exclaim that he could hold his head high and offer sacrifices of joy. Oh, to be one with our Defender like that.
See, the term sacrifices of joy, I believe, speaks of the ability to worship through chaos, through the storm, through our greatest tribulations and trials. But it gets a little deeper than that. Grab your shovels, and follow me.
In 1st Peter 2:5, the Apostle (one who was appointed by Jesus) Peter writes: “You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood to offer you spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
I know, you are wondering what in the world does this have to do with sacrifice of joy … Hang in there with me.
I’m so excited because I’ve never really understood this verse either, us being living stones and called priests but now as I am writing this for you, diamonds are sparkling so bright that I can’t take my eyes off of them. Won’t you join me as we stare into their brilliance so we can truly understand the depth of joy, and offer sacrifices of joy?
Join me tomorrow and be sure and bring your shovels so we can get some serious digging done!
His Joy-seeker,
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