Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
- Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
By the end of our first day on the road back home, my heart was sad but happy, too. How can that be? I had much to be thankful for. I had talked with Jeff a couple of times already – I could hear sadness in his voice and while I don’t like to know he’s sad, it makes me glad to know he misses his mom. But I KNEW he was going to be okay; he was where he was supposed to be. When we are able to find things to be thankful for, the light of thanksgiving casts a shadow over sadness, sending it backwards into the backdrops of life.
See, one of the last things Jeff had said to me before I left and as he held me close was he would for sure return my phone calls a lot quicker! He made good on his promise. That first day of statewide separation brought with it a glimpse of hope and promise that our communication would become even stronger. I let that realization plant in my heart and the hope that came with it. All of this was worth more than understanding it all in the moment.
The days ahead showed they were right where they were supposed to be. Lauren got settled in with working from home; the kids were registered in school, doctors located, and oh, the fun they were having exploring being in a new place, especially surrounded by Lake Travis.
For the first two weeks I remember scrolling through my Facebook feed starving for signs of life from them! I was rewarded almost every time! We experienced their explorations, albeit secondhand, and the thrill I felt for them combined with the assurance that Abba had brought them there and would see them through this new season filled my soul, confirming that it was best to lean not on my own understanding, but in all my ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct my path … and if that physical path means away from my son, then I will trust Him, knowing when He joins our paths for visits, they will merge but for a time and I will soak up every minute of that merging … allowing faith to carry me through the separations.
For those of you who are regular Coffee Hour friends, may I encourage you to read my son’s blog, Jeff’s Java Hour right here at Chicklit Power, for more on this very subject wherein he shares some immense disillusionment about traveling across the country for a job that he didn’t get! But oh, how amazed I am at our Father’s loving hand in it all, His plan that Jeff, or any of us, were unable to see, a plan that tested Jeff’s ability to faithe thru it that he would experience the unconditional love and trustworthiness of his loving Heavenly Father!
Faith-ing thru the journey
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