September is here, hallelujah! Fall is quickly approaching and as the end of the year approaches, we reflect back at how quickly time goes by. Isn’t it unreal? On Sunday I had the opportunity to drop off food and water to Michael, a man without a home who lives under the I-10 freeway overpass in Calimesa. He was lying down on his back resting with his cart parked next to his side. He awoke as I got closer and I could see that he was disoriented.
As I got closer to him, I could see that his countenance changed once he saw the bags of supplies I carried alongside. I had managed to sneak in a Bible wrapped in a few XL tee shirts that I pulled from my closet. I knelt down beside him and asked him if he was hungry or thirsty. He replied no, so I talked to him for a few minutes. I reached out for his hand and asked Michael if I could pray for him. I prayed for him and during that moment in time, I felt spiritually connected to a man I knew nothing about. God had put it on my heart to visit this man who I passed everyday as I rushed to and from work in such a hurry that I kept telling God “I don’t have time this week, so I’ll visit him next week.” Tonight I realized that I had put it off for far too long.
“If we are the body, why aren’t His arms reaching; why aren’t His hands healing; why aren’t His words teaching? And if we are the body, why aren’t His feet going; why isn’t His love showing that there is a way?” These are the lyrics to a song written by a band called Casting Crowns and as I listen to these lyrics, I’m reminded of the Great Campaign God has given to us through Jesus Christ. In Mark 9:14, Jesus, Peter, James and John are descending from the Mount of Transfiguration. These three disciples just had their minds blown as they saw Jesus transfigure before their very own eyes. They were greeted by the rest of the disciples and scribes who were too busy arguing over theology to realize that a young boy in the crowd suffered from demonic possession. The father desperately called out unto Jesus to ask for His assistance in removing this demon from his child.
Jesus said to the boy’s father “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” [Mark 9:23] Immediately the boy’s father responded: “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!” Jesus then commanded the spirit and took the boy by the hand and LIFTED HIM UP. I am reminded of this story now as I look back at Michael's current situation. Jesus has the ability to take us by the hand and lift us up, no matter how bleak the circumstances may be. All we need is a little bit of faith! I always find that my mustard seed faith is enough for God to move in ways that I never thought possible.
I believe that God can do a work in Michael’s life and He will continue to do a work in yours also…all we must do is believe and pray to God to help us with our own unbelief. Have a blessed week!
In His Love,
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