Monday, May 4, 2015

Jenn's Journey from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Hi! Happy Monday. It's good to be back. I've had some technical difficulties which resulted in needing a new computer. I think I am back on track so it's good to be here on a Monday, having coffee with you.
The other day I picked up my One Year Bible…and happened upon a story that I have heard many a time, and was struck with a slightly new perspective. It's the story of a man named Zaccheus. You remember him, the man who was so short he couldn't see over the crowd, and eventually had to climb a tree to see Jesus. He was greatly disliked because he was a tax collector...not only that but he was in the habit of cheating people and keeping some of the money for himself.
The Bible commentary says that tax collectors were shunned much like lepers were in those days. You can find the story in Luke 19:1-10.
There is a bit of a back story as well. Zaccheus had apparently heard John the Baptist speak and his heart was touched. He was curious enough to want to see Jesus, which I take to mean that he was being drawn in just by the stories he was hearing. This is one reason we need to share our stories of what Jesus has done in our lives. Oops, I just digressed.
One day Zaccheus heard that Jesus would be coming to his town. He immediately ran to the edge of the city to see if he could get ahead of the crowd.
I can imagine that Zaccheus had quite a few feelings going on inside of him. Not only was he realizing the depths to which he had sunk, but I bet he had some insecurities coming from being a short man and having a hated career. I can bet that he felt really low…and perhaps thought that if he could get up in that tree, he'd have a bird's-eye view but he'd be hidden as well.
I can relate to that so well. If I can just get close enough, yet not completely risk having it all out in the open. It seems easier to be on the sidelines getting it together first.
Well, Jesus had another idea. He knew, supernaturally, what was going on in Zaccheus. He went right to that tree and stood under it. He spoke: "Zaccheus, you come down. I am coming to your house today." I can almost hear that kind and gentle voice. The commentary says that this is the only account in the Bible where Jesus invited himself to a person's home.
Zaccheus scrambles down out of that tree and excitedly tells Jesus that he is sorry for all he has done wrong and that he will pay back, up to four times, the amount he has cheated people out of. He must have been quite well off, you think??
The commentary has more to say on Jesus’ visit to Zaccheus's home. He merely wanted to instruct him on the ways of the kingdom. Can you imagine how awesome that would be? To have Jesus sitting in your living room, kindly instructing you on His pure and awesome ways? Nearly brings me to tears.
Though we will have to wait until heaven to sit and talk face to face with Jesus, He is standing next to you, to me, saying "'I'd like to be a part of your life;, will you let me in?" Revelation 3:20 says "Behold I stand at the door and knock."
I've struggled most of my life thinking I need to get it together before coming to Jesus. Not sure just where this came from, but lately, He's been showing me it's okay to be transparent with Him and allow Him in to make some changes. I pray that each of us will listen to that knock, and open the door. God's kingdom and His ways will make our stay here on earth a whole lot better!
Until next week, be blessed.

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