Memorial Day! We often use this day as a reason to vacation, barbecue
or just have a day off..all good things. However, let's not forget the
real reason behind it, and that is to remember those who have served our
country. The sacrifice they and their families make is huge!! Send up a
prayer of thanks will you? Thank YOU for joining me today!
written a lot recently about my daughter..but today I have some
thoughts brought on by an experience at my 'other' job. I am a dental
hygienist, as a matter of fact, I graduated 21 years ago this Memorial
Weekend. Wow, where has that time gone? I enjoy my job because of the
people I get to meet and talk with. Somehow I manage to get in some
conversation with most of my patients in between the scraping and
polishing. I've met some wonderful and unique people throughout my
career..oh the stories I can tell. :)
The other day I
had a patient whose treatment required anesthetic. She'd put off her
dental appointments which resulted in needing a 'deeper' cleaning which
would cause some extra sensitivity and pain. I always attempt to make
this procedure as pain free as possible and there are several ways to do
just that. Well, the first option was not as successful as I'd hoped
and the patient was still feeling pain. So, I had to go with plan B. Now
that involved a shot, which most people despise, and I don't blame
them, but in the end it numbs the gums and teeth so the patient can have
a more comfortable experience. Just as I began to give her the
injection, she refused it. She told me in no uncertain terms that I was
not to touch her with 'that thing'. At this point I was not sure how to
help her. She was frustrated, but told me that she would "just deal with
it." I had no choice but to go ahead and treat her.
found myself reflecting on this situation and it made me think. How
often do I refuse help that is offered to me? How often do I say I will
just deal with something rather than find a solution? Do I put up with
unnecessary pain out of stubbornness? Oh, these questions sting! I can
answer yes to all of them. I know that I have clung to old habits
stubbornly, out of fear of letting them go. I have ignored that still,
small voice showing me a new path. I've chosen my way over and over
instead of opening my heart and mind to what God is showing me. I dare
say you, my dear reader, can look back to some times you've done the
same thing.
Thank God He is patient with us. Psalm 86:5 says
"But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, Slow to anger and
abundant in loving kindness and truth." He is right there, waiting until
we are ready to take what He has to offer. If we care to avoid pain in
the first place, He's given us the Ten Commandments..which were set up
as a guideline for a happy and abundant life. Being human, as we are, He
knew we'd fail or refuse them..and He has a plan for that too. There is
a plan B. He has something for the pain. He says "“Come to me, all you
who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon
you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you
will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is
light.” Matthew 11:28-30
the end of the appointment the other day, my patient said to me "Thank
you so much for being patient with me and helping me." God is doing that
for me..for you. All we have to do is accept!
Until next week, be blessed,
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