Monday, July 17, 2017

Monday’s Mantra

Hungry for New Life

A couple of weeks ago, my husband was outside watering and cleaning up the patio and he found a humming bird nest with two eggs in a place I would never dream of finding a nest: in my Ficus tree. We were both so excited, and for several days, we kept going out to make sure it was still there and both eggs were still there.  But about a week later, we came out, and the eggs were gone! In their place were two brand new baby humming birds, new life, fragile, new life!

In the days that followed, I continued to check on them several times a day, and whenever I’d see mommy flying around towards her babies, I’d gaze at them from afar. It has been so…gosh, it’s hard to describe the beauty I see each time I visit them, and all the analogies that run through my soul as I stare upon their innocence, the total reliance and dependence upon mommy to show up and feed them, protect them, cover them.

Last week, I walked out there for the umpteenth time and what I saw rendered me speechless – yeah, that’s right, I said speechless! J There they both were, mouths wide open, eyes still closed, waiting for mommy’s beak to be inside theirs to give them their food. They were openly, uninhibitedly and passionately open-mouthed, no shame in their game, ready to eat…and they wanted to be fed now, as this picture shows.

Seeing them so ready and waiting to eat was symbolic to me; I just knew there was a spiritual message in what the Author of Life has allowed me to experience in the birth of these little baby humming birds. Actually there were two significant principles: as the baby birds are dependent upon their mommy to do everything for them, so we need to be dependent on Christ, the One who can do ALL things for us, to us and through us. Too often we are dependent upon others, and fall out of our nest, so to speak, because we have put our hope in the wrong things and/or persons.

The other principle has to do with food: How often do we come to His banquet table saying “feed me, Father, for I am really hungry”? Did you know there’s an open invitation to meet Him at His banqueting table any time? Coffee Hour Friend, He invites us to feast upon His principles and promise, to slowly take in, process, and digest at each and every sitting? There’s a beautiful word picture in Solomon 2:4 that says: He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love.” 2nd Samuel 9:13 is a reminder of the invitation for all of us to feast at His table anytime. This invitation is not for the “perfect, have-it-all together” person, but for us who admit that we are broken and lame without Him who feeds us, sustains us daily, for those of us dependent upon Him for our daily feedings for it is His food that brings us new life!
Feeding at His table

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