Monday, July 24, 2017

Monday’s Mantra

It’s Not What I Thought!
Thanks for stopping by for Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Monday’s Mantra with Trench Classes United. Grab your coffee and come on in.

Have you ever thought something was a certain way, or thought something meant something else only to learn you were not so correct? Well, I’m about to share one of those a-has with you!

Just the other day in my own coffee hour with our Father, I was sitting in the Beautitudes –
 Matthew 5:1-13. I just love doing that, sitting in scripture and digging for diamonds.  So these 8 profound principles can also be called spiritual conditions and they each have an eternal reward! What’s cool is if you’ll notice, the first one’s reward is “the kingdom of heaven,” and the very last one, those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake is also rewarded with the kingdom of heaven. I find that so cool.

For the sake of time, let’s talk about just the first one; after all, there’s enough in that one to chew on for a while and strengthen your Strand of Faith with more knots. J
I hate to admit but I’ve never really sat in them before, really studying them, and after doing so, I realize why: Right away, I learned of a misunderstanding I have always had when it comes to the very first one, verse 3: Blessed are the poor in spirit…STOP!

When I say “Poor in spirit” to you, what do you think it means?
I thought it meant those less fortunate in all aspects…but I was so incorrect. It means humble and charitable!

Humility leads us to generosity!
Now I don’t know about you, but I used to cringe at the mere thought of humility, but I’ve come to welcome it for humility is necessary in the journey of faith. As I dug, I realized I had allowed my ignorance to really rip me off. This new understanding helps me to desire this beautitude!
 And did you know that charitable is not just referring to $$$$? Nope, charitable also refers to the generosity of our time, talents and tasks!

So who do you know that could use some of your charitableness today? Practicing this will keep us “poor in spirit,” for we can never out-give when we are relying on the Giver of all good things to sustain us and take us to our reward of the kingdom of heaven.



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