Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Tuesday’s Trench Truth with Trench Classes United. Grab your coffee and come on in for a moment of truth.

Have you ever been super embarrassed about something someone you care about did; in other words, their actions made interaction with them and others awkward?

Okay, so maybe I’m the only one who parented a wayward child, got phone calls from the school about my child’s misbehavior and wanted to just run away. Have you ever been embarrassed by your spouse’s rudeness, or their I-don’t-give-a crap attitude about something others found important? Oh, and let’s not forget about that sibling’s or family member’s choice of lifestyle; or unhealthy choices they made which impacted their life and yours.

Am I knocking on any doors yet?

So even if you don’t want to admit that you have any kind of “issues,” aka, problems, including behavioral problems in your family and those closest to you, I’d like to share a powerful trench truth with you and hey, if it’s not for you, well, then maybe you can pass it on to a friend…but only after you promise to make sure it’s not for you! J

The truth is those we hold closest to us, we see as an extension of us so is it any wonder their behavior embarrasses us?

Please accept this invitation to learn how to live free from guilt as a result of others’ behavior, free to forgive and be forgiven!



Monday, October 30, 2017

Megan’s Monday Mantra

“Trust me in the midst of a messy day. Your inner calm—your peace in My presence—need not be shaken by what is going on around you.”   (Sarah Young, “Jesus Calling”)

Welcome to Coffee Hour at Chicklit Power and Megan’s Monday Mantra with Trench Classes United.

I am not particularly fond of medical tests. As I rested on the medical exam table, shivering from the cold temperature of the room, I kept reciting, “I love You Lord; I thank You Lord; I trust You Lord.” By the time I got to the fourth repetition of, “I trust You Lord, I started to laugh at myself …

This past year has been a very challenging one for me. If it’s not my health issues, then it’s one of my dogs, or a loved one’s health issue. It’s been one thing after another. Every time I manage to gather my strength and energy, to face these challenges from a Godly perspective, another wave comes crashing in and pulls me under. It’s like being caught in an undertow - I just can’t seem to come up for air. I continue to express my love for the Lord and thank Him for these faith-growing opportunities. I continue to tell the Lord I trust him … yet, I find myself exhausting my own source of strength to conjure up the trust I need to have in Him. I am weary and afraid. There is no fear in trust, so I know if I am afraid, I am not fully trusting in the Lord.

Why is it so easy to put our trust in the electricity that turns on our TV’s, or in the “wisdom” of Amazon’s Alexa? Why is it so easy to trust people of human knowledge and accomplishment, or a test result without question? Why is it so easy to put our trust and dependency in our own strengths and abilities?  And why in the world, do we get so surprised and indignant when one of the above does not function the way we think it ought to?

Trust is only as good as the person or source we put it in.

God’s Word promises we can trust in Him. He is the truth and only speaks the truth. He never changes His mind. There is no problem, no debt, no illness or fear, too big for God to handle. I do not pretend to understand why it is sometimes so difficult to place our complete trust in God, but I do know, if we ask Him for trust in Him – He will answer.

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”  (Jeremiah 17:7-8 ESV)

I have never asked for prayer in my blogs – but for me, it’s been a messy year.                                              
Your prayers are always most welcome!

Lovingly in Christ,


Friday, October 27, 2017

Faith-filled Friday

Repeat after me: I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Yup, the brain only knows what you tell it! Thanks for joining me for Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and faith-filled Friday @ Trench Classes United. Come on in for what I hope will be an a-ha moment in your faith journey!

Psalms139:14 says: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Now I don’t know about you, but when I sit in that verse for more than a minute, I can’t help but scratch my head with a couple of questions and check in with my heart at the beat of conviction for my disbelief.
See, we don’t get to just take the verses we like and claim them; the entire Word of God is God breathed and useful for teaching, and correcting. I don’t know about you, but I have NEVER praised Him for being fearfully and wonderfully made! In other words, I have not claimed that truth in my life. Whew, that confession’s out.
This is what I absolutely love about His principles and promises: They speak to me right where I’m at in His time.
I have another confession to make: I have never really deposited this truth in my heart to sprout up in my life because I’ve just not really thought about it, number one, but another reason is I actually felt there was a contradiction in the verse. How can I be fearfully and wonderfully made at the same time?
Oh, He loves our questions, Coffee Hour friend! Here’s His answer:
We should have as much respect for ourselves as our Maker has for us!
That’s why/how we are fearfully and wonderfully made. And that’s something to praise Him for. Isn’t it crazy to think our Abba Daddy, our Creator, our Maker has respect for us?
May this feed your faith and starve your negative image!


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Thursday’s Trench Truth

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Thursday’s Trench Truth with Trench Classes United. Allow me to introduce myself and invite you into a few of the details of my life!
My name is Kat Lange and I am a freelance graphic designer, a connoisseur of coffee and all things sweet, a full-time mama to my little chicken nuggets (ages 6 & 7), a wife to an awesome Veteran Psychologist, and of course a big time cheerleader for the Lord.  I am super excited to be here with y’all sharing my little piece of know-how.  So put on some comfy clothes (preferably yoga pants, an oversized sweater and some slippers… my personal favs), grab a venti extra hot Pumpkin Spice Latte and stay a while. J

I am learning that learning to be more intentional within our interactions is a key to living a healthy life.  This is something I think many of us struggle with because we have our routines and our busy schedules so who has time to pause and think deeply?  We need to learn to switch off the cruise control of life and be more intentional in our relationships, interactions, with our confidence, goals, and dreams in life.  

If you are lost and broken, take a moment to pause, reflect and realize you might need to change lanes and reset your direction.  Try to stay focused on that direction but know that even if you veer off the path, as long as you have a goal your course can be corrected.  It can be changed to an alternative route to get you back on the right track.  

Always keep moving forward but know it is ok to stop and reset. Here’s a great verse that tells us how: Colossians 3:2: Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.

By being intentional about your life you are prioritizing what you value.  Value the good and ignore the toxicity in your life, for it will only mislead you if you play into it.  So many times in my life I have come to realize that I was feeling so icky and my emotional state was so “junked” up because I have not taken a second to realize where I was on my path.  My car was doing donuts in the dirt and my windshield was dusty with confusion.  

By applying those brakes in life and cleaning my system – aka, my mind, I can inevitably clear my view to redirect myself.  This is a redirection away from toxic thinking and negative ways onto an intentional goal and a more fulfilling life. Here’s another great verse to tell us how: Romans 12:9: Love must be sincere.  Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

These are a couple of valuable trench truths to take with us in the journey of Christianity and I love the fact that I get to share them here.  
Have a blessed and Thankful Thursday


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

Free from guilt…innocent

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United.

Oh, how happy is a heart free from guilt! I shared with you on Tuesday about holding a grudge against someone, how my heart and mind have been busy with resentment and disillusionment, bitterness all because of one person!

Looking back on it now, though it’s still fresh, I am saddened by how much power I have given them, how much space in my head they occupied…and all without paying any rent! J  

Now, I am able to convert all of those negative emotions into a more positive one: righteous anger, which has caused me to be in prayer for this person, to see him as a wounded soul whom our Father still loves. In other words, I am no longer allowing his guilt to make me guilty!

The word guilt, and all its forms, is in the Bible 20 times while the word shame, and all its forms, is mentioned over a hundred times! It stands to reason that the bigger problem is shame, most often a result of unresolved guilt.

Come with me back to the Garden of Eden, where the first act was committed that brought guilt…just for a moment.

In Genesis 2:25, just after God created woman from Adam, and He explains His intent for relationship – a whole other blog, but let’s stay on track – the Word says that they were both “naked.”

Stay with me here!

That word in that context translates to “no shame,” and in this context for this translation, it is further defined as no fear physically, emotionally or spiritually!

Isn’t that beautiful?

Is someone else’s guilt making you guilty…of bitterness, resentment, anguish? Perhaps it is time you become emotionally and/or spiritually fearless, naked with God and allow Him to make you guiltless!



Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Tuesday’s Trench Truth with Trench Classes United. Grab your coffee and come on in for a moment of truth.

Lately I’ve caught myself in someone else’s car…in other words I’ve really struggled with something they’ve done, and I know better than to do that!
It’s like this tug of war in my mind and if I continue to participate, it becomes so much easier to focus on their wrongdoings, and inevitably, I’m the one who loses. Why? Because it prevents me from doing what’s right!
Let me share from first-hand experience these two powerful truths with you today:

Holding on to grudges turns life into a daily grind!

But when I go to the One who forgives ALL, and picture Him right beside that one who has hurt and disillusioned me, my mind and heart are simultaneously and instantaneously moved to a new direction…letting God be God, and allowing Him to take the gavel from my hand!

When correction brings a change in direction, that’s divine intervention!
Coffee Hour friend, do you need a change of direction? Do you need to let go of a grudge and get out of the daily grind?
Please accept this invitation to learn to Living Forgiven and Forgiving, because a life lived forgiven is worth living!


Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday’s Mantra

I am amazed how dependent, as a society, we’ve become on technology. We can hardly drive across town without referencing our Garmin or consulting our Waze App. Just imagine if you jumped in your car and drove to a location, across the country, without a Garmin, Waze, MapQuest, or even an old fashioned map or compass, to direct you…

It’s probable you might not even start in the right direction. Running out of gas is a given, because you wouldn’t know the number of miles between gas stations. A well-meaning person would undoubtedly send you in the wrong direction, and at least once you would find yourself thinking, “Haven’t we passed that Walmart three times before?”

Welcome to Coffee Hour at Chicklit Power and Megan’s Monday Mantra with Trench Classes United.

Even though I accepted Christ as a young child, it was 45 years before I began to study His Word. When I look back over my life, I cringe at some of the senseless hardships I endured because I did not know God’s Word and was therefore unable to follow His direction.

There is an immense difference in knowing about God and personally knowing God. The Bible is the Word of God. It is our spiritual road map. It is the road map that guides and directs our lives according to His will. Without it we are lost and left searching for our final destination.

I know for many, studying the Bible feels like a daunting task. But it doesn’t need to be. Daily devotionals with scripture reference, Bible-teaching churches, and home or group Bible studies are enjoyable and enriching ways to learn the Word of God.

Charles Stanley, of “In Touch Ministries” writes, “Scripture guides our steps. If we read and heed the Lord’s instructions, He will show us where to go, what to say, and how to make decisions. His Word also reveals when we are heading in the wrong direction and warns us of the consequences of continuing down that path.”

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”  (Psalm 119:105)

God’s Word is the light showing us the path to heaven.
Is God’s Word a lamp to your feet and a light to your path?

Your comments are always most welcome.

Lovingly in Christ,

Friday, October 20, 2017

Foster’s Faith-Filled Friday

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and I’m happy to say, back to Foster’s Faith-filled Fridays with Breanna Foster and Trench Classes United as she continues her faith journey sober, allowing herself to feel and deal with all that life is handing her!

When someone gets sober and starts the recovery journey, it’s not uncommon for grief emotions to come bubbling to the surface.  (Bubbling seems a little less dramatic than an erupting volcano so we will stick with bubbling!) J
Whether their loss was five months ago or five years ago, whether they experienced one loss or a number of losses over time, a person in recovery often finds themselves facing the full depth of their painful emotions for the first time.

No surprise, the fierce attack of the emotions can feel so overwhelming that a person’s first instinct is to do what they have been doing for months, years, or even decades: numb with some substance, i.e., alcohol, drugs, or even a behavior that serves as a distraction from the pain, for example, gambling, pornography, shopping. I’m sure you get the gist. 

Being sober is an emotional rollercoaster, a ride you can't control. And I've learned how to allow myself to feel pain but let me tell you something: my dad passed away December 2016 and his birthday is next week and I'm a wreck, like a real-life emotional rollercoaster wreck.

Scary, right!! I've masked my emotions with the façade that I'm great and life is hunky dory, but it's not…and I'm okay with that. I'm not pretending anymore. I've vowed to talk about my feelings, not to distance myself but to face everything head on.

I'll find peace in knowing my God is with me through every emotion and hard time I'm going through in my life! 

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Riding the roller coaster of sobriety,


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Thursday’s Trench Truth

Thanks for joining us for our Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and a trench truth with Trench Classes United. Today also includes a special invitation to our new 4-week class coming up in just a few weeks! Come on in for a moment of truth.
Have you ever known of someone who experienced the loss of a loved one…or even an unlovable in their life?

Too often I’ve watched regret wrap around those left behind; clothe them with all kinds of guilt and shame. And when an unlovable and/or difficult person in our life goes ahead to their eternal destination, it’s as if that blanket of regret gets absorbed into the soul, manifesting itself in all kinds of ways, but predominantly destructively in relationships.

So let me just ask you a question today – well, maybe a couple of questions: What would your life look like if it was lived as if you knew you were forgiven? Would you then find it easier to forgive?

Forgiveness frees YOU, the prisoner, of your own resentments, guilt and shame!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and to Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Today I’d like to share something with you that our Father gave me just hours before my mother-in-law’s celebration of life, words that soothed my sorrow and calmed my soul. I pray that if you are reading this today, especially if anyone you have ever loved has gone on to eternal life, that you will find comfort in the hope of heaven.

1st John5:13: “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.”

I shared it with my husband who cried after reading it, and I told him I didn’t know if the family would allow me to share this message, but I was intent on giving each one of them a copy of what I truly believed He had given me.  He said he would ask.

I stayed in the background as all the siblings gathered around Uncle Bob who was also the minister for the service, and in a matter of minutes I heard my name called: “Kim, how long is what you want to share?”

My heart pounded as if to tell me to wake up. “It’s two minutes, but with crying, probably four.” I tried to smile.

That comment was not met with laughter like I had hoped.
“I’m only kidding,” I quickly responded.

My youngest sister-in-law suggested to Uncle Bob where to allow me to share, and just like that I was part of the service.

When it came my turn to share, I very shakily made my way to the podium, and introduced myself and began to read from my heart, stopping occasionally to catch the tears, or swallow the tears and sometimes both confident in the truth of the words written through me just hours earlier:

Dear Beloved Mother-in-Law…

How do we do this, bury you and say good-bye today

We need to accept you are already gone… absent but present in a new way

You no longer need a walker, for you have new feet that help you run

There’s no more arthritis, or any medication for you are now with God’s Son

We need to focus on you as you are now…somehow

You are now in a place where there is no more pain and no more sorrow

 You are clothed in joy unspeakable forever, for our every tomorrow

You are able to look upon us, and see us all gathered here

Every single one of those who have come from far and near

We need to focus on you as you are now…somehow

I can almost hear you say please don’t cry for me; put a smile on your face

I am with you in a new way because I have gone on ahead to a better place

So as you gather here today, please try, try, try to laugh more than you cry

Think of all the wonderful memories shared between you and I

We need to focus on you as you are now…somehow

She’d want us to remember we don’t need a reason to gather as family

To continue doing it even more for that is her gigantic legacy

She’d want us to grow even closer, set conflicts aside, love unconditionally

That is what she did…often choosing love over grudges for the sake of family

We need to focus on you as you are now…somehow

Yes, it’s true that love and sorrow can co-exist, both so powerful in their own way

The deeper the love, the greater the sorrow; only time will lessen it, each new day

For our loss is heaven’s gain, and oh what a fun angel heaven has received

And when I think of how you are now…my soul is oh, so relieved.

We need to focus on you as you are now…somehow

I love you deeply, beloved mother-in-law…and to have been loved by you is an honor.

I will carry with me until I see you again.

Go ahead and put the name of your loved one in there…doesn’t it add hope to the loss?

All my love


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

Thanks so much for stopping by for Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Tuesday’s Trench Truth @ Trench Classes United. I am excited to share today’s trench truth with you from a friend of our organization. She has her own business now and I am a subscriber to her newsletter/blog. When I read this, I asked if we could share it today with you and she said yes! I love her transparency and my prayer is it will inspire your own!

I am a runner.  6 months ago, I would have laughed if you would have told me I would be a runner.  I started running as an emotional and stress relieving outlet around the time of building my summit. I was in serious need of a breakthrough.
I realized that I run away from situations when I feel afraid and as part of the summit process, I needed to run towards my fears – to work through them.  I did it every day as a stand for where I was headed.  I had no idea what I was doing (summit and running) but I kept moving forward.
What happened was even in running, the same fears I have in my business started cropping up. Am I doing this right?   Am I moving fast enough?  People think I’m moving too slow.  Look at them, they look awesome…I will never look or run like that.
I have spent a LIFETIME comparing myself to others.  People have called me driven as a compliment but at the core, I was running away from who I was to who I thought I should be.  Learning has been my crutch, my catchall, and my escape.  I have a BA in ART, Masters in Business and I am a certified master life coach.  I have studied EVERY organization and time management guru, still…running away.
My two biggest takeaways from the last 6 months are these:
1.    Training and education are good but they DON’T define me or make me a better me. Tools and books are helpful in refining – they do not me forward.  Only doing, trying and facing my fears pushes me forward.  I have also let training and reading, etc. stand in my way and trip me up.
2.    I have made the journey about time. I felt like if I wasn’t achieving something fast enough I wasn’t doing it right.  I was watching time instead of pace.  Sometimes I need to move slowly and sometimes I must sprint.  Each time I get better, each mile makes me stronger.

REALITY is that I AM moving fast enough – it’s my pace I OWN it. (Own yours too!)
REALITY is that SO WHAT if people think I’m moving too slow.  They don’t know the journey.  The judgment is in my MIND, not theirs. (What judgments are you holding on to?)
REALITY is that I WON’T EVER look or be like someone else!  I’m ME!!  That’s something to celebrate! (You are you…so don’t forget it!)
REALITY is we need people in our life to give us a “thumbs up” and say “Great job!”  These are people that know the journey and the sprints you have been running or just think you’re moving forward at all is awesome and amazing.  It is OKAY to need these people in your life (another breakthrough point for me)!!

And now, please accept this invitation to our next transform class which will give you new realities! Which reality do you want to start with today?  Join us to learn transform your life and learn how to live forgiven and forgiving!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday’s Mantra

I prayed all of the way to the Loma Linda VA Hospital. I was so worried my 90 year-old step father might not have a relationship with the Lord. As it turns out, he had a few things to teach me!

Welcome to Coffee Hour at Chicklit Power and Megan’s Monday Mantra with Trench Classes United.

The evening before his out-patient surgery, my step father called to ask me if I would drive him home after his procedure. He was going to the VA Hospital to have a few biopsies taken from his bladder to determine if he had cancer. He was going to be given a general anesthesia, so he would not be permitted to leave without a driver. I told him I would meet him at there at 6:40 am so I could be there for both his pre-op preparation and when he got out of surgery.

In the back of my mind I kept wondering, “Does my step father have a relationship with the Lord, and if not, what would be the best way to introduce him to Him?”  So, as we ended our conversation, I told him I would say a prayer for him. Throughout the next morning, I kept throwing out “feelers,” sharing how Mom and I had done Bible Studies together, the many ways I was blessed by the Lord during my lung cancer experience, and how grateful I am to have a husband who is a man of God. But, I didn’t receive any tangible bites …. Until after surgery in recovery!

Even though I realize the lingering effects of anesthesia, I was amazed by my step-dad’s attitude. He was upbeat and pain free – and the stories started to flow!

This man has faced death more times than a cat with nine lives! When he was three years old, his parents got killed in a car wreck. At twelve years old, he got bone cancer in his jaw. For three years he was given heavy pain medications, including heroin. He told me he had never felt anything more painful in his life than his bone cancer. In WWII, the bomber plane he was flying in crashed. Almost everyone was critically wounded and his buddy next to him was killed instantly, but he walked away unscathed. He made a living owning and running bars in Long Beach, California. Four times, during his career, he was held up, with a gun pointed to his head!

His perspective… “I am not afraid of death. I have faced death’s door many times, and I am still alive. Why? Because the “Man Upstairs” has not said it’s time yet. People die from many different things and at many different ages. No one is exempt. The only consistent contributing factor is God. He is the one who determines when it’s time to go.”

We receive God’s grace and blessings when our attitude towards Him is one of high esteem and reverence. I believe my step-father has a healthy dose of reverence for the Lord.

Your comments are always most welcome.

Lovingly in Christ,


Friday, October 13, 2017

Faith Filled Friday

Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Faith-Filled Fridays with Trench Classes United. I thought it might be fun, and even more personable to actually speak the words He writes through me, to speak from my heart straight to yours. So…grab your coffee and your Strand of Faith and let’s go tie some knots in it, keeping our faith intact while life unravels before us.
Click on this video and let’s talk about making quiet time in the most unsuspecting places and giving our brain a lane change!

VIDEO: To view with no interruptions, please download first 


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Thursday’s Trench Truth

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Thursday’s Trench Truth with Trench Classes United.

While out working the other night, across the radio came the news of the Vegas shooting. This sadness came over me when I realized just how bad the news was and in knowing a thing about firearms from elevated positions I realized that the news would become much worse as the hours went by. A feeling of hopelessness came over me for the people going through this horrible tragedy. Life is funny: one moment we can be enjoying the music and life wholeheartedly and the next moment brings senseless horror.

I not only thought about these innocent people, but of the gunman as well. There is no explanation of what comes into the heart and mind of a man that has no respect for love and life...heartless!  This man had a brother who cared for him deeply. He had two homes. He was successful in his career. Yet it all came down to a state of mental health or some traumatic event that turned him to this side of hatred toward others.

How does life go on after a tragedy like this?

My friend Chris took his daughter to a concert tonight. I wrote him and told him how awesome I think it is that he takes his daughter out amidst this recent tragedy and shows her that life and love must continue going on, to not let people like this take us hostage in the fields of fear. He and his wife are quite the amazing parents. I actually found myself thanking God tonight for them being good parents. I didn't think about it; I just prayed and thanked God for that.

Something in me just can't help but connect this tragedy to wondering if the lack of love as a child plays into this recent tragedy. It makes me sad that so many children out there don't receive the love that they need and deserve. They don't feel safe and secure in their own beds. This world... it needs so many of us to reach out and give more of ourselves and our love. We must take notice to those who are hurting so deeply. It's not that it's our duty; it's that God gave us spiritual wisdom, spiritual love that we are meant to share with others.

I can't help but hurt for those that are now affected by this tragic incident for a lifetime. These things are so traumatic when you feel horror like that and you can't even fight back to defend yourself. I pray and hope that all of them will seek out the help they need not only physically but mentally as well. These things can change a life in the most extreme ways long after the bullets stop flying and ricocheting.
Lord please take them into your arms and give them a sense of security. God surely gave us free will and the ability for us all to make a difference. Please continue to pray for the victims of this tragedy. Please help me pray for the families of those that were lost to this evil. 

Much love and peace to all of you,
