Friday, May 31, 2013

Faith-Filled Fridays-from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power
Thanks for joining me today for our Faith-Filled Friday series. I bet you wondered if I was going to ever return to it, huh? It’s been just a bit over a month since we last talked about this subject of faith. Grab your coffee and let’s get back to the Hall of Faith.
We left off at verse 3 in Hebrews 11, which tells us that faith is the key that unlocks understanding and without it, we can’t begin to comprehend these things in the spiritual realm. We also talked about the creativity of our Creator, and about the fact that He spoke things into existence. Incidentally, and that’s probably the wrong word to use because this is huge, but if you were to do a study about the Garden, the Garden of Eden, I dare say that you would be blown away by more than His creativity. See, in His creation one can find creativity, for sure, grace, compassion, love, all of which bring healing and healing is a part of our faith.
Okay. So finishing up with verse 3, “By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that
Do u c a glimpse of the Cross?
Do u c a glimpse of the Cross?
what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.
Hmm, do you “see” what I mean, that is with the eyes of your heart? Remember in the beginning of this series we talked about faith is not usually something we grasp with our physical eyes, but through the eyes of our heart? Well, so it is with creation and all He incorporated into it.
Join me next Friday for more of The Hall of Faith and the introduction of the first one placed therein!
Faith-ing through the journey,
IMG_8444-2 blog

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Nana Holds-From Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power
Thanks for joining me for Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and for more of Nana Holds. Grab your coffee and come on in.
I’m so thankful that I invited Him into this first three-day home visit because things really could have been ugly! See, unfortunately, the visit didn’t go as smooth as I had hoped, but because of the invitation I had extended to Him, He caused all things to work for our good. What I mean is Bryce and I did have a little blowup, but it was actually a launching pad to jump on the defensive wall and begin tearing it down with explanations and apologies. Usually, we both kept our feelings locked up inside and I am usually the one to explode first – and trust me, it never took too long. This time, however, I did take a little longer! Now I can see that this was necessary to happen to prepare us for things to come.
All weekend long, I had been biting my tongue, wrestling with my needs, and when one more thing happened to sort of step on my emotional foot, I screamed ouch! After screaming that ouch, I was able to recognize almost instantaneously that Bryce had shut down. While I was cooling down, God gave me a visual of a balloon deflating ever so slowly, confirming that Bryce had indeed shut down!
Well that revelation beckoned an apology, so I did the only thing I could do and apologized. Then with the grace of God, I took the opportunity that rode in on the wings of the apology to very calmly explain how he had stepped on my IMG_5223emotional feet, aka, the problem(s).
What started out as a big box of frustration for both of us became an opportunity to learn how to express ourselves and our needs without stuffing them in and letting them explode when one more just wouldn’t fit. I was and still am determined to allow God to change me and not focus on what and how others need to change in them.
When it came time for Bryce to leave, it went smoother than I could ever imagine. While holding his little boy, he stayed strong and reminded him, “Daddy’s got to go back to work again. I’ll see you soon.” And with a daddy-sized hug he whispered his love to him and Bryden’s little “O-tay” told us it really was going to be okay.
Join me Monday for more of this life-changing story.
Nana Holds!
Nana Holds!

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday’s Word-From Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power
Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and thanks for stopping your day to come hang out for a little bit! Grab your coffee and come on in for Wednesday’s Word, quotes that He gives me in the midst of a learning curve! Wow, what a journey.
Lately it seems I’ve been hearing a lot about, reading a lot about and learning a lot about pruning. Is it any wonder! A year ago, and even two years ago, I had no idea that there was still so much pruning in me to accomplish, but there was, and there still is so let the pruning continue. I can say that with all sincerity because I am in the midst of experiencing some beautiful emotional and spiritual and even physical rewards that come after the pruning which brings a change in direction physically, emotionally and spiritually! :) :)
Change is process, one that I’ve come to recognize as a sort of pruning process. Pruning is a cutting away. Think of it in terms of a garden and a gardener. The two most important duties of a gardener are to weed and prune. These processes bring changes, good changes. See, He prunes what must go so the good can burst forth and lead the way.
I feel another series brewing in the depths of my heart, but I’ll just give you Wednesday’s Word but keep coming back for Coffee Hour with me because this is sure to come up again!
If correction brings a change in direction, then that is/was Divine intervention!
Oh, that we would embrace His correction which brings Divine intervention!
kim L

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Nana Holds from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power
Welcome to Coffee Hour at Chicklit Power and thanks for taking the time out to join me for more of this series, one that combines the past with the present.
As I write this for you today, I am bursting with joy, literally, at the turn of events that have continued to take place, transforming me from the inside out; however, I can’t share those just yet. I will share this one thing, though that I shared with my husband just a couple nights ago. We were at dinner and I was kind of there and kind of marveling over this whole season with Bryden and apparently, I must have been shaking my head because he says, “What?” His voice gently pulled me back to dinner with him and with tears threatening to spill out of my eyes I told him that despite how painful it all was I wouldn’t trade this season with Bryden for anything!
He looked at me with love spilling out of his eyes and said, “I can’t believe how much you’ve changed over these months. It’s amazing and it’s why I want to do all I can so you don’t have to work anymore and you can just do ministry.”
Whew, I’m crying and caught up in my weepy moment as I write this. It feels so good to feel all that I do, to be able to experience the joy after the pruning. I felt like I could fly as with wings of an eagle after he spoke those words to me, which I must add are the most powerfully kind and encouraging words he has ever spoken to me! Oh, how I can’t wait to bring you to and through what we are experiencing right now, but we still have some months to catch up on.
Papa & Nana Holds!
Papa & Nana Holds!
Two days after Christmas, George and Jene took Bryce back to T.C., but before we get there, let me emphasize that before and during his three-day pass, each of us, ever so tenderly, would mention a little something about daddy returning to his job, and then affirm that someday soon, he’d be home again and never have to work far from home again.
I remember bathing the whole visit and his departure in prayer, asking God to protect Bryden’s little heart from breaking and from any kind of anger forming against his dad. I asked God to use us to love this little boy through yet another transition for his good and for ours as well.
Don’t get me wrong; I didn’t confine all my praying to Bryden; I prayed for myself as well, that I would be a kind and gentle voice and a light of love despite all the mixed emotions I was still swimming in regarding our relationship solely and the role our relationship had/has on my marriage to his dad.
Well, I have to tell you, and I’m not being superficial, that things just go better with prayer; they really do!
Join me tomorrow for Wednesday’s Word and Thursday for more life lessons that I am learning in this season of Nana Holds.
Nana Holds!
Nana Holds!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Nana Holds from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerThanks for taking time out of your day to have coffee with me and for returning for more of Nana Holds, the longest blog series ever written! Grab your coffee and come on in. It’s Christmas morning and Bryden’s joy is splashing on each of us.
His childlike enthusiasm lit up the room with love each time we handed him a package. And the excitement with which he opened each of them held us captive as we waited for the moment when it was unwrapped and he was actually experiencing what was inside. It didn’t matter whether it was a pair of pajamas, a new sticker book or a little toy; his appreciation never wavered as he exclaimed what each gift was while holding it up. That awakened something in me, a realization that it didn’t necessarily matter what the gift was as much as the giving of the gift. Bryden was feeling loved and the way he received it actually filled my love tank while taking me back to my one of my childhood Christmases.
what is it?
what is it?
I say “one of my childhood Christmases,” because sadly enough, there’s only one that I do remember. I can almost feel the anticipation of that Christmas morning and the presents under the tree, and how difficult it was to drift off to sleep because excitement kept tugging on my mind. There had been several hints about Christmas that year from my mom. She had actually been at the same job for a while now and the man she had been married to was finally working as well.
Looking back, I now understand how fulfilled she felt by the ability to give all five of us something that we had put on our wish list, and then some. What I can’t imagine is how difficult it must have been to provide for five children and how frightened she must have been with all the times of uncertainty. But for this day, Christmas morning, It was complete joyous chaos as all five of us ripped into our packages, exclaiming appreciation with childlike enthusiasm. I don’t even remember what was in the packages; but I’ll never forget the unwrapping party and the feeling of happiness that comes when surrounded by those who love you and whom you love.
Christmas with Daddy!
Christmas with Daddy!
Toy Story back pack
Toy Story back pack
Maybe that one Christmas is what drove me to go above and beyond for my own son each year so he could experience every year what I had experienced that one year. Little did I know that my extreme gift-giving fed his sense of entitlement which drove him to do some of the things he did. Oh, how I thank God for His sovereignty that has the power to take our mistakes and turn them into beautiful lessons to positively affect our present and secure our future.
The reality of second chances fills my heart to overflowing as I watch Bryden unwrap his long-awaited backpack and lunch pail, which actually took some serious shopping to find. To say he was excited really isn’t the right word, maybe a bit of an understatement, especially considering actions speak louder than words. Yes, the look on his face was priceless, captured in my heart forever. But what he did next affirmed me emotionally in a way that I’ve experienced only a few times in my life: He put the backpack on and exclaimed “this is my favorite ‘pwesent’. I ‘wuv’ it!”
Join me Monday for more priceless moments and life-changing revelations.
Nana Holds!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Nana Holds from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Powe

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerThanks so much for joining me for a little coffee break today and more of Nana Holds. Grab your coffee and come on in. It’s Christmas time at the Lepins’!
Ah, Christmastime, so different this year with a little one in the house. I am giggling inside as I remember me being the early one up instead of Bryden. I couldn’t wait to see his little face when he saw the presents under the Christmas tree. George and I waited, and waited, and waited. But we made good use of the waiting time, sharing gifts we had for each other, until finally, he was awake.
His daddy brought him downstairs and his big brown eyes got bigger. Oh, the excitement of a child that causes him or her to do things without any sort of inhibition. So refreshing and one of the most precious gifts for me to just watch, observe, from the outside in. If I could describe it in words, I guess I’d have to say it’s like watching a beautiful picture come to life, a whole new perspective on being a child, getting to be a child.
What a gift and as long as I am one of his guardians, I will guard that privilege with all my might, to allow him to be that child as long as he possibly can without the world and all its harshness crushing his little spirit. Oops, I’m jumping ahead to where I am now in my heart but back then, I was simply in a state of marveling his childlike spirit, almost as if in awe but not really able to comprehend all that I am able to now that more of the pieces of the puzzle have been added to this true story.
Christmas joy
Christmas joy
As we watched his enthusiasm spark over the smallest of gifts, like a pair of Angry Bird pajamas, a beautiful truth came to light: it wasn’t so much the gift itself as it was the gifting. He was so excited to be receiving the gift, and all the
oh, the joy of a child!
oh, the joy of a child!
unconditional attention. I remember thinking before Christmas how much my whole perception about Christmas and gifts had changed over the years. I used to think that I had to get my son something really big, super special, and I each year I would try to outdo myself. That gets so stinking exhausting. When George and I shopped for Bryden, we didn’t agonize over the fact that we didn’t buy him some special gift from “Santa,” some toy that he didn’t need. We kept it simple and we couldn’t wait to see his reaction to the gifts we had chosen.
There is such beauty in simplicity and Bryden reiterated that truth for me then and continues to do so now.
Join me tomorrow for more of Nana Holds.
Nana Holds!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday’s Word from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerWelcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and to our Wednesday’s Word. Grab your coffee and come on in.
Humility longs to be my companion, showing up in all that I am learning on the road to recovery from co-dependency. I realize that the more I learn, the less I know. This realization is what works humility into the canvass of my life, into my DNA.
I am experiencing this truth: He uses marriage as one of His biggest tools to take out what needs to go; and He uses it as one of the primary effervescent colors to add in what it takes to paint me more Christ-like. Sometimes the cutting and painting process has been so excruciating and overwhelming, wrought with emotional pain too difficult to describe with words. But then, oh, what a feeling: Indescribably freeing!
One of the most deceptive and quiet ways of co-dependency is focusing on others faults and shortcomings, especially our spouse’s. What I am learning through Steve and our time on Blog Talk Radio is priceless. Both are working like a small but powerful flashlight, exposing the deepest of my co-dependent tendencies, and now that this truth has become unveiled to me, exposed to my mind and illuminated in my heart, it must change; I must change. What a process!
That is where this power thought comes from and if it does for you even a fraction of what it’s done for me, you will experience the joy that comes after the change.
Respect Jesus style is letting someone be who they are!
Oh, to let others be who they are and love them right where they are!
IMG_8444-2 blog

Monday, May 20, 2013

Nana Holds from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerWelcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and welcome back to more of Nana Holds, a series started almost a year ago now. It’s been almost a month since the last entry for this series and we left off during the beginning of the 2012 Christmas season! Wow, where has all the time gone? I can’t wait to catch us up to the present in this series and share with you all that God is continuing to work through it as He continues to transform me in these Nana Holds moments. Grab your coffee and come on in.
We found out about three weeks before Christmas that Bryce was going to get a three-day pass for Christmas, so George and I began preparing Bryden for his Daddy’s visit home. “Bryden, Daddy gets a little vacation from his big job so he’s going to be coming home for a few days and we’re going to get to spend Christmas with him.” He understood “daddy’s coming home,” and we began to count down the days.
As the weeks turned into just days before the anticipated homecoming, we made plans for Bryce’s three-day home pass which began at 12:00 noon the Saturday before Christmas. Since this was to be a happy and joyous time for everyone, we thought we’d treat us all to “The happiest place on earth, Disneyland,” which is exactly where we headed the day we
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012
picked him up.
What an experience, to see the happiest place through the eyes of a child like I had never done before. Oh, sure, I’ve taken my son when he was little but that was years ago when I was a control freak and much to worried about all the what-ifs instead of learning to be in the moments and soak up the happiness, even if just for the day.
Well, Disneyland was another do-over for me. When we finally made it into the park – OMG, was it ever crowded – we moved ever so slowly among the crowd and I tried not to feel so suffocated. We hadn’t even been inside twenty minutes, and hadn’t made it very far, when all of a sudden, Disneyland personnel began to rope off Main Street. It was time for the Christmas parade and we were just in time.
We weaved in and out of the clumps of people to a place that had a porch with enough room for all of us to stand, that is, Bryce, Bryden, Papa, Nana and Jene. That’s where we stopped to watch the complete parade, another experience I have never experienced! As many of the famous childhood characters came by on their various floats made up of their favorite things and places, Bryce put Bryden up on his shoulders. From my perspective, he had the best seat in the whole parade, and from the look on Bryden’s face, he was right where he wanted to be with who he wanted to be with.
When Mickey and Minnie Mouse came dressed in their Christmas clothes, their whimsical joy pulled a smile from Bryden and his eyes began to twinkle like only a child’s can. I watched as he stared somewhat captivated by Goofey and Pluto, and in awe at Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, childhood characters he hasn’t met yet. Cinderella’s ethereal beauty rendered him still as he waved back at her, returning her parade-like wave that he just knew was for him. He waved at the little toy soldiers, the chipmunks and many other characters that had slipped my mind in my adult life.
Each time I saw a new character, I’d point: Bryden, there’s so and so and then I’d hurry and get my camera ready, turning my glance first to the character and then to him, hoping to capture all of what he was experiencing. There was so much to take in that he was actually speechless as each of them danced their way down Main Street, but his awe-inspired silence ceased as soon as he saw someone very familiar to him. I’ll give you a hint: it wasn’t Santa!
Join me tomorrow for more Nana Holds moments
Nana Holds!
Nana Holds!
P.S. Join Steve and me for another talk radio segment on breaking free from co-dependency. We are currently talking about empowerment, which is vital to the breaking-free process. If you can’t join us at 1:00 Pacific time, just click on this link when you can and you will land in our show where you can download to listen at your

Friday, May 17, 2013

Coffee in Cabo from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerThanks so much for joining me for Coffee Hour and Cabo memories. I think this is every bit as fun as scrapbooking, actually a bit easier because I can definitely write/type faster than I can scrapbook! Grab your coffee and come on in.
On Thursday evening, we went to the Beach Party put on by the resort. I was anticipating another fun time, hoping to laugh like no one was listening and dance like no one was watching, just like we had unexpectedly at the Fiesta. Right after dinner, the Emcee got us up and out of our chair into a conga line. The party was definitely starting, but this time, George and Rodney stayed back and Cheryl and I joined the line.
The song hadn’t even finished and Roberto stopped everyone and began explaining the Limbo. The more he explained, the more people left the line. I was up for the challenge, and so was Cheryl, though she was a bit hesitant. When it came my turn, I confidently walked forward, practicing the positioning that Roberto had explained to us: bend down, thrust hips out, shoulders back and walk!
I got closer to the bar and bent down, thrust my hips back and began to walk forward, that is until a pop that I swore everyone heard stopped me. For a brief second, my body broke out in a sweat and instantaneous paralysis, but pride pushed me forward. The crowd cheered their approval for me to continue on in the contest, but I went straight to our table not stopping to collect $200. I was in excruciating pain. I don’t know if I pulled my groin or thrust my hip out of its socket, or what. All I knew in that instant was pain. I literally had to take both my arms and lift up my right leg to get it stretched up and out on the chair in front of me, which was empty, thank God!
beach party fun...b4 injury!
beach party fun…b4 injury!
The rest of the night passed in a blur. I did manage to get up and dance a bit, but it certainly wasn’t as if no one was watching. In fact, as I tried to move in the sand, I probably looked as though there were invisible restraints attached to each of my legs while the rest of me sort of swayed to the beat!
We managed to stay through the end and my pain lessened a little bit but if I moved a certain way, it would begin to rear its head and cut at me like a razor-sharp knife. I think this was the night we went up to their room at The Ridge – no, that was the night before. Oh, that was another hysterical memory. Have you ever tried to walk through a screen door in the dark? OMG, we all laughed so hard over that one that I nearly had an accident.
Rodney & Cheryl dancing like no one's watching
Rodney & Cheryl dancing like no one’s watching
Anyway, the night after my injury, we went into town so George and I could get a massage. We knew right where to go: to the place we had been last year where for only $25, you got a one-hour massage! And it was really good. Or at least it used to be.
When we walked in and saw completely different people, that should have been our first red light, but we proceeded anyway. The language barrier should have been another flashing red light. Last year, we were able to hold a conversation with almost everyone in the place. They motioned for us to follow them and they put George in the room next to mine. Let me tell you, when you don’t speak the same language, or any part thereof, there’s a problem, a cultural problem.
To make this long story short, here I was supposed to be relaxing through a one-hour massage
Looking 4 hats!
Looking 4 hats!
but instead of laying down in an attitude and atmosphere of relaxation, I spent the next 60 minutes grimacing, clenching my fists and even at times grinding my teeth. And just when I think this had to be the worst massage I’ve had, and I’m fighting the urge to just get up and say I’m good, you will never believe what happened: She began pounding on my face! I thought she was going to break my face bones. If I wasn’t so shocked, I might have broke out laughing at how ludicrous it was. Now I know there was minimal lighting and it’s hard to really see, but you would think that she would have noticed the terrified look on my face, the gritting and grimacing and grinding would have caused her to stop, but no, she kept on pounding. And when her sweat dripped on my face, I nearly jumped off the bed, but sat there frozen in disbelief and pain. I couldn’t move because my hip or groin or something was killing me!
enjoying the pool at The Ridge
enjoying the pool at The Ridge
I have never been so relieved in all my life to know one hour of massage was finished and I have had more than my share! Before she left out of the room, she thanked me. All I could do was shake my head.I was so tempted to ask her where in the heck did she learn to do what she had just done, but I bit my tongue, reminding myself it is better to speak into someone’s life than out of it!
In a couple minutes, George came in to get me. “Get me out of here,” I gritted through my teeth fighting back the bipolar urge to scream and laugh at the same time. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough, and oh, the look on Cheryl’s face as I told her about my massage experience was priceless, almost worth the facial beating.
We laughed all the way down the boardwalk. That’s the beauty of traveling with friends like
Rodney never met a stranger
Rodney never met a stranger
them; laughter can come when you least expect it but it always comes!
There are many more Cabo memories that I’ll always treasure, but pictures speak a thousand words. Thanks for allowing me to recapture the moments that made this trip so special.
Join me Monday for the return of Nana Holds. Wow, are things ever changing in that series!
Bryden 141

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Coffee in Cabo from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee in CaboThanks for joining me for Coffee Hour and the final blog of Cabo memories. I have just a couple more book signing moments to share and then I’ll conclude with some other things that made my heart smile, and still do as I relive the moments. Grab your coffee and come on in.
I walked toward her, excitement and heartfelt appreciation compelling me forward. I couldn’t believe that I was experiencing what I’ve only read about: friendships that form on vacation and continue to grow. It was Carol and her daughter and Carol is the sweet lady I met last year with her friend Pat, who couldn’t make it this year because of health reasons. Incidentally, I’ve since heard from Pat via email and I’m touched with humility as she shares Coffee Hour with us! A big hug to you Pat, and you too Carol, oh, and Laura too! What a valuable tool social networking can be if we utilize it correctly!
Anyway, Carol and Laura walked with me over to the table – let me clear something up so I don’t sound presumptuous by assuming they wanted to come to my book signing! :) First, Pat had told Carol about the book signing at the resort because she had read it in the blog, and then I had seen her and Laura at the Festival on Monday evening and Cheryl gave her a flier.
It was super sweet to hear Carol explain a bit about my books. She had bought Back to Single last year and she was one ofIMG_5291 the first emails I had received telling me how much she enjoyed it. We had learned from Laura at the Festival that she had just gone through a huge loss: her husband passed just a few months prior so it had been a rough road lately. While “Back to Single” suited her situation on the outside, A Cup of Encouragement and A Cup of Hope is what she needed on the inside.
As I sit here and share this with you, I can’t remember if she bought both of the “Cups,” or just one, but she did wind up getting “Back to Single,” too. As I signed her books, I prayed for her, that the words within each of them would offer encouragement, light on a dark day, healing for her hurting heart, wisdom and understanding, and most of all, a knowledge that would inspire the necessity of the reality of our loving God in her life.
I signed A Cup of Hope for Carol and we talked a few more minutes before I saw Serena and Lowry walk up. I got a picture with Carol and Laura and squeezed them both before turning my complete attention to Serena and Lowry.
I was so happy to see them and a bit surprised as well. I know they had said they would come up, but when people are on vacation, they’re on vacation! Anyway, I had the blessing of a few minutes with Serena while George brought Rodney over to meet Lowry. Serena looked at each of the books and said, “I’ll take one of each,” so I began to sign while Cheryl prepared the receipt.
Have you ever had one of those embarrassing moments that turned the heat up on your intimidation temperature? Well, I had one of those just then as Lowry handed me a card to run through Square, and because of the poor connection, it wouldn’t work. Now, he’s a real sharp businessman. Remember, he used to be one of President Reagan’s legislative advisors. As I’m blabbering about the connection, a flash of water is dripping down my back which I just know ignited by my intimidation turned embarrassment.
Anyway, after trying another card, he said, “Let me just give you cash,” to which I responded with gushing appreciation. I seriously felt about an inch tall, but as I’m learning, that’s my insecurity, not his debt!
As I watched them go, I even remember thinking, I wonder if they will even read the books! Oh, ye of little faith . . .Remember, I got the email from him shortly after arriving home telling me he was thrilled to read them?
Before we wrapped it up, I did sign a couple more books, but something else happened to end the book signing on a very happy note: Do you remember Danielle, the first one waiting in the afternoon who bought all three books? Well she came running down about a half hour before the end exclaiming she was on chapter 3 and couldn’t stop! She said “I’m absolutely loving the book and I wanted to make sure I came down and told you before you left! I’ll definitely write a review,” she added. Talk about a cup of encouragement and hope all in one!
So I have one more very funny story to share, so join me tomorrow for the final, final Coffee in Cabo moments!
Love and laughter,
Bryden 141

Other memories that made my heart smile . . .
Beach party
Beach party