As the weeks turned into months, in the background the paperwork to become Bryden’s legal guardian began. I have to share how that started, though, because it was nothing short of a divine appointment. It happened because of a deposition I reported.
My office had sent me to this particular job because it was a new client – I think they think I have PR skills, but actually, I just like to talk with them and ensure great service. Anyway, there we were, in the midst of the deposition and our new client was firing away with his questions. His client was sitting beside him and on the other side was this young woman who with every answer was sounding more and more like Bryden’s biological mother. It wasn’t of course, but her issues were like those of his mom. It was through the course of the questioning that a light went on in my head and then my heart. I wasn’t there just to report this deposition; I was there to retain this attorney for he specialized in guardianship matters, and he was a fellow believer!
I got back to my car and I knew what I needed to do. I needed to find someone who could complete this paperwork. It was going to be vital to my sanity. I’d rather work an extra deposition or two and keep my sanity, and not put the sanity of everyone else who is in my world at risk, rather than have to plow through the inch-thick stack of questions and take the risk of missing something or answering something incorrectly because of a lack of understanding.
So I did some checking on my smart phone (definitely smarter than me in some things!) What an amazing thing, this technology stuff where you can receive answers at the snap of a finger just about! Anyway, I had actually found a paralegal that was close by and made an appointment to meet with him in just two days.
But God had another plan and intervened the very next day! I just love it when He shows up like that!
Join me tomorrow – oops, Wednesday for more of Nana holds. Tomorrow I have a special invitation for you!
P.S. Please join me and Steve today at 1:00 Pacific time for our Blog Talk Radio show. We are talking about breaking free from the most silent yet loud disease of co-dependency. Even if you think it doesn’t concern you, tune in with us. You’d be surprised!
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