Thanks so much for joining me today for a little break. I enjoy
having Coffee Hour with you and sharing this powerful series, Nana
Holds. Grab your coffee and come on in.
So as we pull into our garage, his sad little voice pulls me out of
my emotional tug-of-war: “We’re home.” Those were the sweetest words I’d
heard all day, and they went a long way in soothing my troubled soul
and pulling me out of and away from these unfamiliar emotions that were
bringing a lot of questions to the surface of my mind. At least he still
considered this home, I thought.
Sparky was pretty excited to see little Bryden; but the little
princess Baraka, now called Baraka-Evinda, was standing back, still not
adjusted to having to share our affections, and therefore, not really a
fan of little Bryden , yet. We began to make our way into the laundry
room, me behind him, but he didn’t want me to hold him; rather, he
wanted to walk in all by himself.

I brought in all of his stuff while he sat on the floor with his
blanket and his new book, turning the page once in a while, captivated
by the voice of the one he just left, the one he had bonded with as
though she were mommy.
I busied myself with putting all his stuff away, the stuff he left
with and now more new stuff from his Grandma, Papa, and Tauntie Bre!
This child wants for nothing; trust me, at least materially speaking! As
I put his clothes away and his new toys, and a new hat, and slippers,
too, the emotional wrestling match continued on in my mind and traveled
into my heart. On one hand I was so grateful that God had surrounded
this little guy with many people who love him so much and I was and
continue to be amazed at how resilient he is, though I question how long
that will last. And that’s not being pessimistic; just realistic.

I was also grateful that just when we needed it most, there was
someone to take him for a couple days, or a week, and extend to us a bit
of a break. As I write this, the emotional tug-of-war reveals one rope,
the rope of guilt for needing a break. His other grandma always says
she would take him to live with her; in fact, she wants that very much
and cries every time she leaves him, but she knows that his daddy needs
to be able to see him and be daddy to him as much as is possible for his
recovery and restoration.
Another huge rope in this emotional tug-of-war is coming to the
surface, though I can’t quite make out its purpose, its definition and
why it keeps wrapping around my heart and mind causing me anguish,
bringing questions to the surface more and more consistently so much so
that I know I will one day have to answer them after going deeper with
Join me next week for more of this revealing season of Nana Holds!
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