Thanks so much for joining me for a little break today at Chicklit
Power! It’s so good to be sharing coffee and memories with you! Grab
your coffee and come on in. We left off about our discussion of a
backpack and matching lunch pail for big boy school!
So that’s how we’d start the day, discussing which backpack and
matching lunc pail he was going to get when he was all potty trained and
ready for big boy school. Then I’d put a pull-up on him, get him
dressed and give him kisses with a reminder to tell Nana when he had to
go potty so we could begin to prepare for big boy school.

And we were also using one other bribery tool: coins! He loves coins.
Every time he made bubbles, he would get to take two coins out of the
little glass jar that I set on the tank of the toilet. Then he would run
into his room to add his two coins to his piggy bank. But the real
bribe was for him to go number 2 in the potty! We told him he could have
a whole handful of coins out of Papa’s bank when he pooped in the
It’s funny how that started, too, now that I think about it. He used
to see Papa’s change in his bank and he’d just stick his hand in it and
take some change without asking. Well, rather than scold him, we told
him every time he went poo-poo in the potty, we’d let him come into
Papa’s closet and take a big handful of coin out of his bank. (That way
he earned the money and wasn’t just taking it!)

It took what felt like a long time – a few weeks but I’ll never
forget the first time he did it. He was acting like he had the urge so I
set him on the potty and told him I’d be right back. I ran upstairs for
something – I don’t even remember now – and I had just made it into my
bathroom and I heard: NAAAAAAAAANA! I did it. I went poo-poo in the
potty! I ran downstairs so fast I just know I missed every second step
and flew into the bathroom to verify his announcement!
Sure enough, there it was! Holy cow! It really worked and it
continued to work. I love rewinding the memories of when he would get to
go into papa’s closet and reach for his bank and take a handful of
We’d pick up Papa’s bank together, put it on the floor, and Bryden
would kneel down on his knees and get as comfortable as he could stand
it. Then he would stick his whole hand in there, and dig ever so deeply
into at least eight inches of coins – I’ve had to fill it three times –
and he’d bring his hand up ever so slowly so as not to lose any of his
hard-earned coins.
Before they began to spill, I’d say, “Use both hands so you don’t lose any.”
He’d put his other hand right next to the coin-packed one and let a
few spill into his empty hand and they we would scurry into his room to
transfer the coins into his very own piggy bank!
Oh, I treasure those moments of turning potty-training into praise! I
marvel at the gift of second chances, of unexpected opportunities for
do-overs! We serve a loving and creative God!
Join me tomorrow for our Power Friday!
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