Thanks for joining me for this search of joy. Oh, how I long to stay
on the destination to joyful! Grab your coffee and let’s go explore more
about this second sacrifice, a sacrifice of righteousness.

So I left off with a baffling and mind-boggling question and/or
concept, one that is too hard to digest without our spiritual selves, so
please remember that component as we dig to understand what in the
world Jesus is telling us in
Matthew 5:38! The question: Is He telling us to stand face to face with the one who slaps us on the cheek and offer the other side?
According to Matthew Henry, that is exactly what He’s saying! He
says: “The plain instruction is ‘Suffer any injury that can be borne,
for the sake of peace, committing your concerns to the Lord’s keeping.
And the sum of all is that Christians must avoid disputing and striving.
If any say, Flesh and blood cannot pass by such an affront, let them
remember, that flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God; and
those who act upon right principles will have most peace and comfort’.”
That may sound incredibly confusing, but oh my goodness; I just got a
word picture! I hope with all my being that I can help you see it too!
I’m going to apply these words to a situation that just happened, in
other words, to my drama!

Oh, before I do, let me tell you about something else I discovered: the
“evil” that Jesus is referring to in this context is not the enemy
himself, rather, the human acting in their flesh!!!!! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I
feel like making the sound that the “angry birds” make on the game when
they get smashed!

Now, I wouldn’t call this person who sent me to blur with one action
and all their mean words evil, although their choice to do what they did
felt evil. But maybe, just maybe there’s something to this verse that
applies to these types of in-the-heat-of-the-moment situations. At least
this verse is speaking to me ever so loudly in a soft kind of way.
Here’s something else to think about: maybe resisting evil isn’t
confined to a person who is not a follower of Christ. Could it also
apply to us as followers of Christ who act out of our flesh? Could
resisting evil mean not reacting to it? Ugh, hindsight is always 20/20,
right? If I had stood firm against what I deemed wrong/evil which was
being demonstrated by someone I love, I wouldn’t have had to endure what
happened next: a complete verbal slapping in front of another someone
whom I love!
Let me tell you, I did not turn the other cheek to receive anymore!
In fact, I spit out a mouthful of nails! You may be saying, “Well, why
would you? That’s not what Jesus is saying in that verse.”
I agree; we are not to be doormats; however there is a fine line
between turning the other cheek and hurling nails out of my mouth to
pierce the heart of the one who hurt me! Have you ever felt like that;
like all you wanted to do was strike back and hurt the one who just hurt
you? The line is the line of pride!
Could it be that we are to emotionally turn away from the evil acts
of those who hurt us, and face them in love, without retaliating? Could
this be a sacrifice of righteousness? Oh, but I can see now how
different it could have turned out, no matter how right I felt about my
position and wrong about theirs because in the long run, when I’m face
to face with Him, He’s not going to ask me about their side; we are
going to only talk about my actions and my failure to offer a sacrifice
of righteousness!
Oh, Abba, I fall short, miss the mark every day, and some days are
worse than others. I thank you for your mercies that are new every
morning, for your Word that works as a double-edged sword, piercing my
heart and trimming away what needs to go. Help me offer up a sacrifice
of righteousness, even when I don’t feel like it! When it all comes down
to it, Father, what matters is my relationship with you and my
relationship with others affects my relationship with you. Help me to be
Christ-like to those who slap me in the face with their evil acts.
Seeking to offer a sacrifice of righteousness,
Thanks for joining me for this search of joy. Oh, how I long to stay
on the destination to joyful! Grab your coffee and let’s go explore more
about this second sacrifice, a sacrifice of righteousness.
So I left off with a baffling and mind-boggling question and/or
concept, one that is too hard to digest without our spiritual selves, so
please remember that component as we dig to understand what in the
world Jesus is telling us in
Matthew 5:38! The question: Is He telling us to stand face to face with the one who slaps us on the cheek and offer the other side?
According to Matthew Henry, that is exactly what He’s saying! He
says: “The plain instruction is ‘Suffer any injury that can be borne,
for the sake of peace, committing your concerns to the Lord’s keeping.
And the sum of all is that Christians must avoid disputing and striving.
If any say, Flesh and blood cannot pass by such an affront, let them
remember, that flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God; and
those who act upon right principles will have most peace and comfort’.”
That may sound incredibly confusing, but oh my goodness; I just got a
word picture! I hope with all my being that I can help you see it too!
I’m going to apply these words to a situation that just happened, in
other words, to my drama!

Oh, before I do, let me tell you about something else I discovered: the
“evil” that Jesus is referring to in this context is not the enemy
himself, rather, the human acting in their flesh!!!!! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I
feel like making the sound that the “angry birds” make on the game when
they get smashed!

Now, I wouldn’t call this person who sent me to blur with one action
and all their mean words evil, although their choice to do what they did
felt evil. But maybe, just maybe there’s something to this verse that
applies to these types of in-the-heat-of-the-moment situations. At least
this verse is speaking to me ever so loudly in a soft kind of way.
Here’s something else to think about: maybe resisting evil isn’t
confined to a person who is not a follower of Christ. Could it also
apply to us as followers of Christ who act out of our flesh? Could
resisting evil mean not reacting to it? Ugh, hindsight is always 20/20,
right? If I had stood firm against what I deemed wrong/evil which was
being demonstrated by someone I love, I wouldn’t have had to endure what
happened next: a complete verbal slapping in front of another someone
whom I love!
Let me tell you, I did not turn the other cheek to receive anymore!
In fact, I spit out a mouthful of nails! You may be saying, “Well, why
would you? That’s not what Jesus is saying in that verse.”
I agree; we are not to be doormats; however there is a fine line
between turning the other cheek and hurling nails out of my mouth to
pierce the heart of the one who hurt me! Have you ever felt like that;
like all you wanted to do was strike back and hurt the one who just hurt
you? The line is the line of pride!
Could it be that we are to emotionally turn away from the evil acts
of those who hurt us, and face them in love, without retaliating? Could
this be a sacrifice of righteousness? Oh, but I can see now how
different it could have turned out, no matter how right I felt about my
position and wrong about theirs because in the long run, when I’m face
to face with Him, He’s not going to ask me about their side; we are
going to only talk about my actions and my failure to offer a sacrifice
of righteousness!
Oh, Abba, I fall short, miss the mark every day, and some days are
worse than others. I thank you for your mercies that are new every
morning, for your Word that works as a double-edged sword, piercing my
heart and trimming away what needs to go. Help me offer up a sacrifice
of righteousness, even when I don’t feel like it! When it all comes down
to it, Father, what matters is my relationship with you and my
relationship with others affects my relationship with you. Help me to be
Christ-like to those who slap me in the face with their evil acts.

ing to offer a sacrifice of righteousness