Monday, August 8, 2016

Jenn's Journey

Good morning and welcome to another week! Grab a cup of your favorite drink and sit with me for a few minutes.
Trials...Had any of those lately? It seems that we simply can't escape those, doesn't it? My recent blogs have been on loving others, watching thoughts and words, and what happens? I get tested. The hard-to-love narcissist in my life rears his ugly head, and I'm challenged. The thoughts from my blogs haunt me, while our daughter watches…so my response matters. 
For years I reacted to the ugliness that a narcissistic personality brings. It brought out my bad side: anger on top of hurt, not a pretty sight. Many counseling sessions, supportive family/ friends, prayers and tears later, I am getting much better at responding instead. I've admitted before that anger was my go-to emotion, until I began understanding that it was really pain  I needed to feel. I used to be afraid of feeling the hurt. Even as I write this, the tears flow. But now, I welcome the pain. I don't feel the rage I once felt, and if I do, I am better at identifying the underlying sadness instead. It's much easier to sit back and plan my response.
I recently watched an excerpt of a sermon where the pastor said that our trials are used by God to show us what needs to change in us. Not that God purposely sends us trials, but rather, He uses them to refine us. 
As much as I wish I'd never experienced abuse in marriage, or an ugly divorce, or the pain of sharing a child with this person, in a weird way, it's made me who I am today. I cannot claim I've made the best choices through all of it. But I can look back and see where God has worked in my heart and my life. I am incredibly humbled by that fact.
I challenge you to stick close to God through whatever trial you may be facing. Surround yourself with friends who can lift you up to Him when you feel weak. He'll bring you through the fire. We might have to wait until He comes to rescue us from this world, but one day the beauty of it all will be revealed.
I leave you with two verses:

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.." James 1:2

"These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world." 1 Peter 1:7.
This is my final blog here with #Coffeehour @ Chicklit Power, but I pray that all of you will continue to be blessed. Thank you for joining me week after week!!


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