Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wednesday's Word

Don’t Let Go!
Hebrews 10: 23: Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for He who promised is faithful!
Thank you so much for joining me today for our Wednesday’s Word. I’m delighted to share my heart with you! Grab your favorite beverage and of course don’t forget your Strand of Faith and let’s go tie some knots together in our faith journey.
Today’s blog actually is a spinoff of Monday’s Mantra, and as usual, the words come from my recent experiences…which of course include mistakes! And it usually takes two to three knock-knocks before the light turns on and my mind and heart connect the dots! Oh, and I must be still, too, something that happens only in the morning for me…until right before bed and then I’m so exhausted, I can’t hear anything.
See, a few weeks ago, a realization hit me like a ton of bricks and sunk to the bottom of my soul, weighing me down and throwing me off balance. It was kind of sneaky the way the enemy did it because this realization has actually been a reality for months now, and I’ve not felt the heaviness of it until just recently. Unfortunately, it caused me to take my focus off of Him who has been sustaining me all this time and put it on myself, as if I am the one to save the day! 
It wasn’t until Sunday, during the message, that I realized God had been trying to whisper a message to me over the last couple of weeks, though in the form of a question: What are you pursuing? Because it is revealing who you are pursuing!”
And this whispered message was sort of gently pounded into my heart with a few of the pastor’s statements, for example: behaviors are a direct result of our focus!
Ouch…so the fact that I’ve been short-tempered lately, tired, and carrying around a divided heart is as a result of my focus focusing on my troubles instead of He who triumphs over my troubles!
The fact that I’ve been focused on earning enough money to make this gargantious house payment tells me I’m pursuing a house payment instead of my Provider, the One who pays all my debts!
And the more I work, the harder I work. It becomes like this crazy cycle where you get pulled in a little bit at a time and before you know it…you’re spinning faster and faster and it’s hard to stop and be still. Here’s another profound truth:  We can’t outrun God! He pursues us relentlessly, and He will use all things, including our mistakes, for our good and His glory in this classroom of life…as long as we show up, and hold on.
Father, thank you for redirecting my focus; please help me to fix my eyes on you once again, focused on your purpose for my life instead of the cares of this life.


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