Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday's Word

Swept off my Feet!
John 10:10: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” 
Welcome to Wednesday’s Word and thanks so very much for making the time to take the time to join us today. Grab your summer beverage, your strand of faith and join me.
Last week, I was reminded of a phrase that always makes my heart smile as it is loaded with joyful memories: “Sweep the floor” is what our six-year-old grandson says as he tries to slide his foot under papa’s and knock him down, or at least off balance in the midst of a wrestling match, aka as “Hut, Hut, 24, a fun tackling game we all made up. Papa taught those same words to our other grandkids and just last week our little seven-year-old granddaughter, in the midst of a pillow fight -- the girls against the guys—says, “Sweep the floor” as she aimed low for papa’s feet. I laughed so hard my abs hurt! And incidentally, they did sweep the floor as I got knocked down right on my butt, and I sat there utterly stunned! 
That stunned feeling is the only verbal picture I can think of to describe what happens, at least to me, when the enemy uses someone we love to knock us down. Like, “what just happened?” “Where did this come from?” “What do I do now?”
I had one of those sweep-the-floor moments just last week, shortly after experiencing a major victory in my life, and honestly, I sat in all of my emotions for days, experiencing sleepless nights, heart pain, all the while stuck on disbelief, disillusionment and discouragement. I truly had no idea how to proceed and the realization that I’m not as far along as I thought I was in this area sunk me to lower depths. I always say I have skin tough as leather but my heart remains squishy, thanks be to God as you can’t do ministry with a hard heart! 
Jesus’ words in John 10:10 became like a rap song in the deepest nooks of my heart, drumming life in me, helping me to stand when all I really wanted to do was run, stay down, alone,  quit the fight…and not because I am a victim, either….but I no longer deny my emotions. Most of the time I am able to not get caught up in the sea of them, allowing them to toss me to and fro, but the enemy found a weak spot and took full advantage of it. 
As the truth made its home in my heart, that “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy,” I began to pray for wisdom and knowledge on how to proceed that I might take hold of that abundant life in this area with this person that He paid the price for us all to have, even when we’ve been swept off our feet and have lost our balance. I moved off my butt onto my knees and searched His Love Letters, Principles and Promises…this is what He gave me: 2nd Timothy 2:23: But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition…” 
Humble pie rarely tastes good, but when it’s digested, the peace comes and all is well with my soul. Isn’t that all I have control over?
Have an awesome rest of the week….and be on the lookout for the enemy to sweep you off your feet


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