Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday's Mantra

For Him or With Him?
Philippians 4:13: I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!
Welcome to Monday’s Mantra @ Coffeehour with Chicklit Power & Trench Classes United! So glad you could join me today! Grab your favorite beverage and your Strand of Faith and let’s go tie some knots in our faith while maintaining some sort of balance.
Have you ever had one of those weeks where you felt as though you were juggling so many things that your brain would burst and surely something important would fall through the cracks?  And when everything was all said and done, your body collapses but your mind keeps running around like mouse in training for a triathlon? It’s not a good feeling and the older I get, the more I dislike that craziness. 
There is nothing like scripture to rein it all in, mind, body and emotions! And yet, scripture needs to be our first go-to daily in order to accomplish any and all things that we do throughout the day, whether you’re a mom of little ones, teenagers, or someone who has the freedom to enjoy volunteer work for a cause or causes, and then of course, if you’re married, maintaining that marriage in a way that we are called to. 
The truth is, we can get so busy being busy that we lose focus and when that happens, it’s time for a three-point balance check:
  1. Why am I doing what I’m doing? 
  2. Do I need to be doing as much as I am doing? 
  3. What are my motives for doing what I’m doing? 
Here’s what we discover when we answer these questions:
What we are doing reveals who/what we are pursuing!
More than six years ago when God called me into ministry, I learned a very powerful lesson of working for Him versus working with Him. See, when we are relying on His Spirit within us to guide us, His Word to refresh and remind us, we will be working with Him and not grow weary to the point of chaos and confusion. This past week has reminded me of that; I have taken back a burden and placed it on my shoulders, and thus found myself spinning out of balance! I’m so thankful that it doesn’t take me as long to recognize this craziness.
When we are doing things for Him, we will head toward exhaustion, an out-of-balanced life and burnout. And the crazy thing is we hide behind that motive of working/doing for Him. 
Father, before I say yes again, or add another item on my to-do list, help me discern the why of it all that I may maintain a balance of You in me working thru me, not me working for you and burning out!


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