Welcome Monday…and a warm welcome to each of you who have come to read my thoughts on this beautiful day. How many of us have felt a void in our hearts and souls? What have you used to fill that void? People, things, busyness, food, alcohol, outward appearance and sex are a few of the ways us humans try to escape the emptiness we often feel. There’s only one true Way to fill that hole…and that’s what we’re going to discuss today. Pour a cup of coffee, and join me in taking a look at what takes up space in our hearts.
“I’m having a bad hair day” “This outfit just isn’t right” “What was she thinking going out in public like that?” “He’s put on a few pounds; he better start working out” “Why don’t they do something about their yard?”
It’s so easy to judge by appearances isn’t it? Do any of the above phrases sound familiar to you? Do you judge yourself or others by looks? Or perhaps by actions? I know that this is a trap I have fallen into many times…and for most years of my life felt I did not measure up with my looks, clothing choices, and even decisions. The self criticism spilled over into my thoughts and judgments of those around me. It’s a vicious circle, one that can greatly contribute to general dissatisfaction in life.
It doesn’t take long to see how the world around us focuses on looks… all media practically screams that we are not ok unless we sport the newest fashion, the best hairdo for the shape of our face, wear flawless makeup or have the body of a svelte 20 year old. Step into a room of women and listen to what they tell each other…”Wow, you look so good; have you lost weight?” Or “I love that outfit, where do you shop?” How often have you done this or had it happen to you?
Those compliments feel great, of course, but doesn’t that feeling end? Usually it does. And what if, heaven forbid, you don’t get any compliments on that great new haircut? Do you somehow feel deflated? Like something is missing?
Something is indeed missing…but the good news is that there is a remedy for that emptiness. It’s found in knowing who you are in God’s eyes. The One who made you, and me, thinks we are fantastic. He loves us where we are, no matter if we are wearing a shirt from 1995, the most expensive pair of jeans or we’ve just yelled at a loved one. When we fall short, He is right there to pick us up and bring us back into relationship with Him.
1 Samuel 16:7 says “Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart,” my heart. That’s it. All I am responsible for is allowing Him to work in my heart…and when I take my focus off of what I look like, how I or others fall short, He can do His best work. This has been a very freeing concept for me. What if, this week, I try to see me as He sees me? What if you try to see yourself as He sees you?
Be blessed.
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