Once again, welcome Monday! Here we are, at the start of another week
and one that brings us a holiday at that. Thanksgiving is my favorite
holiday, it trumps Christmas for me. Maybe it’s the food, the time off
or maybe it’s the company of family and friends. Whatever it is, I am
most grateful for this time of year. Pour a cup of coffee, or tea, and
join me as I share some of what God put on my heart this week about
The other day I was driving to work after dropping my daughter off at school. I was already running late but had to stop by one office to pick up tools for work at another office. That in itself was causing me anxiety, but at the same time I had a dozen other things flitting through my mind. I had experienced a rather tense time the evening before with one of those ‘difficult’ people in my life. I had let off steam a bit more than I wanted to. I began rehearsing all the little, and big, annoyances in my life. I could feel the tension rise, could feel it even in my breathing. Suddenly, I remembered a song we used to sing at my old church. ‘When praises go up, blessings come down’ is how it begins … so I started singing … loud! I repeated it. You know what? I could feel that ball of anxiety begin to dissolve.
This led me to remember the Bible verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:16: …give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you.” Really, God? I am supposed to thank you in ALL circumstances? I don’t know about you, but I start to think about some of the circumstances where I’d do anything BUT say thank you. How about going through an ugly divorce? Are we supposed to say thanks then? Or what about the difficult relationship with a co-worker? How can we be thankful if our child turns away from all we have taught him or her? How about when there is more month than money; am I really expected to say thank you?
According to what God says, yes. Why? Because this is His will for us.
This same day, I heard a blurb on the radio by a pastor, who said that the trials in our lives are opportunities for us to grow in strength in our relationship with God, and that is something to be thankful for. I had an ‘aha’ moment right then…that perhaps it’s not the trial itself that I am thankful for, but for the chance to run to God in that trying time and in so doing, allow Him to use that situation to grow me into what He has planned for me.
There are all kinds of studies that show a thankful heart is a happier heart. This week is all about Thanksgiving. Dig deep; give thanks for something you are struggling with. It could be the very thing God is using to bring you closer to Him. I give you the same challenge I have given myself…to make thankfulness a year- round habit.
Be blessed. Until next week …

The other day I was driving to work after dropping my daughter off at school. I was already running late but had to stop by one office to pick up tools for work at another office. That in itself was causing me anxiety, but at the same time I had a dozen other things flitting through my mind. I had experienced a rather tense time the evening before with one of those ‘difficult’ people in my life. I had let off steam a bit more than I wanted to. I began rehearsing all the little, and big, annoyances in my life. I could feel the tension rise, could feel it even in my breathing. Suddenly, I remembered a song we used to sing at my old church. ‘When praises go up, blessings come down’ is how it begins … so I started singing … loud! I repeated it. You know what? I could feel that ball of anxiety begin to dissolve.
This led me to remember the Bible verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:16: …give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you.” Really, God? I am supposed to thank you in ALL circumstances? I don’t know about you, but I start to think about some of the circumstances where I’d do anything BUT say thank you. How about going through an ugly divorce? Are we supposed to say thanks then? Or what about the difficult relationship with a co-worker? How can we be thankful if our child turns away from all we have taught him or her? How about when there is more month than money; am I really expected to say thank you?
According to what God says, yes. Why? Because this is His will for us.
This same day, I heard a blurb on the radio by a pastor, who said that the trials in our lives are opportunities for us to grow in strength in our relationship with God, and that is something to be thankful for. I had an ‘aha’ moment right then…that perhaps it’s not the trial itself that I am thankful for, but for the chance to run to God in that trying time and in so doing, allow Him to use that situation to grow me into what He has planned for me.
There are all kinds of studies that show a thankful heart is a happier heart. This week is all about Thanksgiving. Dig deep; give thanks for something you are struggling with. It could be the very thing God is using to bring you closer to Him. I give you the same challenge I have given myself…to make thankfulness a year- round habit.
Be blessed. Until next week …
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