Friday, November 14, 2014

Power Friday-@ Croley's Corner of Chicklit Power

Power Friday-from Coffee Hour @ ChicklitPower

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power…

Good Morning Power Friday readers

I am so excited that you have taken the time to join me today. It’s not by circumstance that you just happened to stop by, for today is my “Welcoming Basket Debut” so to speak. Many years ago it used to be when a family moved into a new neighborhood they had an official neighborhood greeter and it was their responsibility to help them feel welcome and create a desirable sense of community. It fosters a feeling of belonging and to help put a face and name to each neighbor. And for the most part the “Welcoming Basket” would sometimes include home baked goods, some kind of house-warming gift and a swarm of hospitable handshakes. As the new neighbors move in, all eyes of anticipation are on them…that’s just the nature of humans. They want “to know” if they have children… how many, how old…..if they have animals and their curiosity in them arises wanting to know what the inside of their home is going to look like… and for the most part, the men would eyeball what kind of car or truck they’re driving and what kind of work they do, if their into sports and the list goes on!

After the settling-in period, the new neighbors usually want to return their warm welcoming. Now with any good hostess that has invited her guest to her home, she always has something wonderful to offer. Many times there are coffee cakes, muffins, granola or maybe some yogurt with a serving of fresh fruit on the side. On the invitation it reads “Please bring your favorite cup or mug” and her preparation has been well calculated to embrace her new welcomed friends. She has eagerly invested her time in preparing her dishes in that they would know the warmth and kindness of her heart; in hopes the sweet aroma will permeate and embrace their senses that it will express the motive of her heart as it engulfs each guest when they enter into her home.

As each neighbor arrives; the whiff is distinctively an aroma of a house filled with love…. Her home has been saturated with this sweet aroma, which identifies her of who she is within her home.
“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Hebrews 13:16 NKJV

I pray that today as you welcome me into your community, you grab your favorite beverage, find a comfortable place to sit and relax as we begin building a relationship together and that your soul will be filled with a sweet savoring aroma; may it be a fragrance that will permeate the very presence of our Heavenly Father…from His heart to yours…to share with others..

As far as God is concerned, there is a sweet, wholesome fragrance in our lives. It is the fragrance of Christ within us, an aroma to both the saved and the unsaved all around us. 2 Corinthians 2:15 TLB
Have an awesome weekend and I’m looking forward to sharing with you next Friday and don’t forget to bring your favorite cup!!
Debbie Croley Pic
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