Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Praise from Alex Trevino and Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Thanksgiving Praise-Thinking our Loud with Alex Trevino @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power…

Happy Thanksgiving and thank you so much for stopping by for Coffee Hour, especially on such a special day! This is another “Thinking Out Loud” piece that I found while on my newsfeed from a new friend all the way from Texas, one who has been healed in the fire of cancer and has a heart full of thanksgiving, so grab your coffee and come share this victory with Alex Trevino.

I feel I need to share this with family and friends. Two years ago I started feeling a big change in by body. There was so much hurt and pain and I was worn out with no energy. It’s true what they say; that pain is exhausting. I had no desire of any kind to go on … anywhere for anything.
Finally, and only because I couldn’t take the pain any longer, I went to see the doctor. That first doctor told me I was fine but my body was telling me no, I wasn’t fine. I got a second opinion. I’m so grateful to Dr. Brian Kansas who took his time with me, checked me and quickly found something was not right. He gave his radiologist an order to scan only my pelvis area.

On the day of the scan, the technician said to me, “You know, Mr. Trevino, I’m not sure why I feel this but I feel like I need to scan your whole body, against the doctor’s order. Well, she did just that. I’m ever so thankful that GOD used her as the start of what would be the most devastating news… Cancer! I’ll never forget the words: “You have kidney cancer.”

I can’t begin to tell you how I felt. I walked out to my car and just sat there. It took me an hour before I could even start the car and drive off because of the tears, the shock. I do remember that the first thing I did was ask GOD why? I was so angry, but one day at a time, one foot in front of the other, I began to plan for their course of treatment.

I scheduled my surgery to have part of my left kidney removed. I won’t lie; it was the most scared I’ve ever been. I didn’t know if this was the end, the beginning of the end or a new beginning.
On the day of surgery, while in surgery, they discovered other issues that caused the surgery to go even longer, but they corrected the unexpected. But one thing that they were not prepared for, and that they couldn’t fix when they had me on the table that first surgery was the tumor, and not a tiny tumor; a tumor the size of a grapefruit!

They closed me up and planned for another surgery, giving me some time to recover from all they had just completed. Two days after my first surgery was the worst pain I have ever experienced, next to the death of my father-in-law. It was the second time in my life in which I experienced the darkest place in my life. But God didn’t leave me in that dark and desolate place alone; He had many praying for me, family and friends and I know in my heart if it weren’t for my wife, my kids and seeing my little grand kids, I don’t think I could have survived it all.

The second surgery was scheduled for October 7th. Much to their surprise, the tumor wasn’t a grapefruit; it was a tumor the size of a small watermelon! We were all in shock, and I was in sooooo much pain, so much so that I even called my cousins David C Edwards & Pamela Kay Edwards on the worst night of pain. I asked them for prayer over the phone and I prayed for me, too. I asked the Lord for peace. David and Pam prayed a powerful heartfelt prayer. I remember closing my eyes while they were praying, and I saw a vision of a bearded man holding a lamb. I knew that lamb was me and right after we hung up, I quickly fell fast asleep, something I hadn’t been able to do much of because of the pain.

I know that I know that that was GOD and the power of prayer. My wife never left my side and took care of me so faithfully. I know GOD had my back and took care of me. Yes, cancer, you are not bigger than GOD. The C in CHRIST is so much bigger, more powerful than the c in cancer!
Thank you all so much for the love and care you showed me. I love you all so much. I now pray blessings on your lives. May GOD bless you with good health, and the love of family!
GOD, I don’t think I’ve said this enough but I thank you for your saving grace, your love for me and for carrying me through this as a wounded lamb. I give you all the glory. Through it all, you have increased my territory of friends. I am thankful, so, so thankful.

Alex Trevino

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