Friday, November 14, 2014

Secret Faults & Presumptuous Sins-from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

EL pen Logo with heart
Psalms 19:12-14
Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. 13 Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless,
and I shall be innocent of great transgression.

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power…

Thanks for joining me for Coffee Hour and more of our November’s WOW! I certainly hope and pray we can chew through the rest of it before the end of November flies right by! Grab your coffee and come on in.

We were almost done with the Webster’s Dictionary definition for presumptuous: “right, or good reason.”
Well, what in the world does that mean? I’m sorry but that kind of muddied the waters! Let’s go explore and see what we find out!

Oh, em, gee! I found some good stuff on this KJV Page of the Web and they are really putting this word “presumptuous” in perspective: “Bold and confident to excess; adventuring without reasonable ground of success; hazarding safety on too slight grounds; rash; applied to persons; as a presumptuous commander.”

Okay, I have to find out something that’s just been whispering, albeit loudly, in the tiny recesses of my brain and that is, did this confession and pleading have anything to do with his adultery committed with Bathsheba, and the sin he committed after that to cover it up, namely the murder of Uriah? Talk about a thick plot! I’ve got to research this.

Wow, I’ve been to all sorts of sites, commentaries and there seems to be a bit of theological tug-of-war on this very subject: on one side they reference error – the good news is the majority of resources contribute “ignorance “to errors – and on the other is the presumptive or presumptuous sins.

Ah-ha, and yes, every resource I looked at mentions David’s affair and the murder he committed to get what he wanted! He committed every one of the oppositions to the 10 Commandments all in one sin that begat another which begat another and the aftermath was horrible. Oops, let’s stay on track. I was just tempted to defend God, as if He needs me to – for those who say, see, He’s an angry, cause-and-effect God! NOT SO!

What happened back in Old Testament days to those who committed presumptuous sins? Well, in Numbers 15:30, they were cut off from the community AND “his guilt would be upon him.” In other words, end of story, to hell with them; no hope of heaven for you! Wow!

So you may be wondering, why in the world are you staying parked in this presumptuous sin reference? I’m glad you asked! See, I don’t think I’m supposed to just sugarcoat this subject by saying “Hey, we’re living in New Testament times now; we don’t need to worry about those presumptuous sins anymore because of the truth of God’s grace. We can’t just say we’re all good; don’t worry about it. See, there is another theological tug-of-war regarding this very issue as well, meaning some are stuck on Old Testament thinking, minimizing the power and reality of the necessity of the grace of God and on the other side is the knowledge that His grace does help us with and free us from those presumptuous sins.

Wow, there’s that reminder again: for years, I was caught up in a web of presumptuous sins due to sin heaped upon me in my childhood. Now, through the love and grace of Christ, He has granted me forgiveness of and freedom from these presumptuous sins and filled my heart with a desire to help others recognize and dig up their presumptuous sins, also deemed a hurt, habit and hang-up!

Oh, Father, I am blown away by the leading of your Spirit that is taking me through the pages of your Word, revealing the mysteries of your ways so that we may be free from our presumptuous sins! May I never, ever sin with the presumption that you’ll cover it!

I promise to wrap this up next week! But join me tomorrow for a very special day with a new friend of CPM, Debbie Croley, an amazing woman of God who has been in ministry for years and has agreed to partner with CPM in using the gift of writing. You’re going to love her, and by all means, scroll down and share our coffee hour with others!
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