Jesus has a Table Spread
"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
morning… Super glad that today’s Friday, and the weekend will soon be
upon us…. Oh yes, Thanksgiving is right around the corner and for many
they’re virtually into full swing. Like most, we‘ll be busy scurrying
around purchasing all our Thanksgiving dinners and no doubt with
excitement as we’re visualizing the end results of all our preparations
and the satisfying looks on each face when they finally push away from
the table with the guise of gratefulness and full belly’s….whew…. that
was a mouth full!!I had a hard time writing this particular blog. I sat for a few days writing, deleting, writing and praying that the Lord would give me a clear vision of what needed to be written. Oh I had a great depiction of my own family Thanksgiving but I believe the Lord wanted something else from me. I squabbled a bit with Him but as you will soon read, it wasn’t me who won. I pray you read with an open heart and please know it’s not to bring scolding or to make you change your plans as a family; it’s just another perspective on Thanksgiving.
So here goes…..
In my mental thoughts of my preparedness of cooking Thanksgiving dinner, it occurred to me how many dinners I have prepared over the years. And for the most part it’s been 43 years of which I have prepared, not that I’m complaining; I’m thankful that I’ve been able to do so…. Besides, it’s not always about preparing everything myself, even though I am a person of order and…. okay…control…but not in a bad way. I do however have in my mind how it’s supposed to look and the way it should flow. I really don’t want it to be...”I gotta have it my way” kinda feeling....however,
I’m learning in my older years that I really need to release and let go of what I think is important to me and in doing so, it has given freedom for my girls to step into their own potential. And if that means stepping back, then I’m okay with it! It’s called “passing the baton.”
The query is… when we all pitch in doesn’t it always turn out fine anyway?
Talking about pitching in, there have been a few Thanksgivings that we’ve been involved in serving others and what an amazing opportunity to do so. Certainly for the most part my home is busy preparing dads favorite dish and grandma’s favorite recipe, yet on this day our expectations turned from setting a table of splendor to a table of necessity. As we experienced serving others the eager faces that were lined up ready to embrace blankets and food were expressions filled with gratefulness. No there weren’t tables set in splendor, nevertheless there definitely were tables set in love. We talked and listened to many stories yet the one thing you walked away with was they were truly thankful for the genuine love they felt, the unpretentious love that some had never experienced before. It left us with a joy unspeakable and with grateful hearts.
Giving up one day really wasn’t a sacrifice; it was an act of obedience, honor and blessing. We have taught our family, although they are grown now and have their own families, the practice of… “Give unto others.” Yes, we have had many wonderful Thanksgivings together and how sweet it has been. We have prepared delicious dishes and set a beautiful table. Yet the question was, “Are we giving our best to those in need?”
Thanksgiving is only six days away. May our days be marked with humbleness and love. Let us be thankful not only for the things we have but also for the things we no longer have to have. And as each member of your family, whether young or old, gathers together to reflect of your thankfulness this past year, may you be knitted together as you purpose in your hearts…. in thinking of others.
Jesus speaking said in John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”
There’s an old hymn that we used to sing called “Come and Dine’ and I’d like to leave a portion of this song with you today…
“Jesus has a table spread where the saints of God are fed. He invites His chosen people, “Come and dine;” With His manna He doth feed and supplies our every need: ’tis sweet to sup with Jesus all the time! Come and dine,” the Master calleth, “Come and dine. You may feast at Jesus’ table all the time; He Who fed the multitude, turned the water into wine, to the hungry calleth now, ‘Come and dine.
Reservations have been made and the table has been set! Let us invite those who are hungry for His great love. The experience of someone being saved…. well, should make us very Thankful!
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20 NKJV
Make it a glorious weekend and a Happy Thanksgiving, until we meet again.
Being ever so thankful
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