Sunday: I came downstairs with my last bag and there in the entryway were our four-legged children Sparky and Baraka, wagging their tails as soon as they saw me, but little Baraka had that look and she didn’t hesitate to direct it right at me. She looked up at me ever so adorably and wagged her tail with obvious anxiety that reached all the way into her eyes. It reminded me of the night before when she had hopped into George’s packed suitcase on the closet floor. She was on to us and pleading with us not to go. Sparky, named this because he’s such a happy dog, also had that look, only his wasn’t a ticked-off look but more of a sad one.
These dogs definitely don’t make it easy to leave. As George called them both into the hallway, I reminded myself of how attached they have become to Jene’ and the relief of knowing they’d be okay helped me out the front door and into Rodney and Cheryl’s car that was now packed and ready to go.
We arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare. I so appreciate that about Rodney; he’s always plenty early whereas I can cut it too close at times! My first heart-squeeze happened right at the curb with Omar, the guy who checked us in. He was so full of joy and peace and he had such an infectious smile, I just had to ask him if He was a child of the King! His smile got bigger. “Yes, I most certainly am,” he exclaimed.
While we talked, he began to print our boarding passes and the luggage tags and I reached for the one packed with books and started to put it within his reach but he just continued putting the luggage tags on everything. I asked him, “Aren’t you going to weigh them?” His grin went wider. “Oh, no; I done took care of everything. We’re not doin’ none of that!”
I breathed a sigh of relief. Had God given him a video of my fretting over the possibility of having to pay $50 for any and each over-packed suitcase?
I heard “A Cup of Encouragement,” and I reached down into my carry-on and pulled a copy of my first book out, asked for his wife’s name, signed it and handed it to him. “Thanks for blessing us with such happy service.”
We were on our way with a reminder that He was going ahead of us!
The flight was quick and easy, which was another blessing for me as I am still not a fan of flying. After going through customs we headed for the luggage terminal. I was prepared to wait, thinking our luggage was at the bottom of the pile since we were one of the first to check in. Well, we waited about five minutes or so and then I saw the pretty mulit-colored pieces of yarn and there were Rodney’s and Cheryl’s suitcases, too.
George walked over and pulled the first one off the turntable and set it down in a way that made me yelp at him! I was immediately sorry for my sharp tone and apologized. He turned the luggage to steer it toward me and I gasped. There on the side was a huge white mark and then three jinormous cracks. It was obvious that someone either ran it over or dropped it a long way down! Talk about a joy stealer! My brand-new Samsonite large suitcase, destroyed.
I saw an attendant and waved him over and showed him my problem. He took pictures with his cell phones – don’t you just love technology! – and then he asked us to follow him to their office, so we did. While he was getting some info for us, George decided to open it and see whose it was, mine or his.
“It’s yours,” he said. Right after that, a memory collided with an understanding that sent chills running up and down my spine. See, just the day before I actually prayed about whether I should carry my laptop with me and go through all the hassle of taking it out of my carry-on, out of its sleeve, into a plastic tub, through the scanner, back out of the tub, into the sleeve, back into the carry-on . . . blah, blah, blah, blah – just talking about it makes me cranky — or should I just put it in its sleeve and check it in my suitcase as I have done many, many times. I heard “Take it with you,” so I did.
I know that I know that I know that had my laptop had been in that suitcase, it most likely would have been destroyed! Talk about another hear-squeeze from God! I just love when He shows up like that to let us know He is watching us, and watching out for us!
Join me tomorrow for more Cabo highlights!