Friday, November 29, 2013

EL pen Logo with heart
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Thanks for joining me for our Power Friday coffee break.
So I am finishing up A Cup of Grace, finally, and I was working on the second to the last series, struggling with its original title, and with the whole series, period. It had everything to do with things that stop one from extending the gift of grace and after bowing my head and asking which direction He wanted to take it, He showed me with this one phrase and I hope it speaks to your heart like it did mine:
Grace is to the Christian what Google is to the computer!

We can’t function in this world as Christ-like without extending this gift of grace that’s been given to each of us. Could you imagine the computer without Google?
Have a grace-filled weekend!
kim L

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thoughtful Thankfulness . . . Happy Thanksgiving from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Thoughtful Thankfulness from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Thoughtful Thankfulness
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power…
EL pen Logo with heart
Thanks for stopping by today! I know you are busy with the Thanksgiving festivities so I won’t keep you long. I just had some thoughts that I want to run by you, maybe get your feedback! Grab your coffee and come on in.
I love this time of year, when the weather begins to cool down, the colors are changing and bright oranges, reds and yellows burst forth upon the leaves of the trees. There’s a sort of fall scent that comes with it all, too. This harvest season is the beginning of the holiday season and while I’d rather stay in this particular season, I’ve come to realize that we don’t have to have Thanksgiving to be thankful.
Every morning, I begin my quiet time by being still and inviting Him into my previous day’s movie rewind. Together we go through the things that happened and the moments where He was blessing me, trying to get my attention, moments that make me super thankful I am His and He is mine. As I am still, I am able to recognize all kinds of things to be thankful for, and I do acknowledge them through journaling and prayer.
For twenty-seven days now, I’ve seen posts on Facebook talking about the things they are thankful for because this is the “month of thankfulness.” Every day, there is a new thing to be thankful for and I absolutely love the simplicity of many of the things that others are thankful for and post. The unfortunate truth is when the month started, there were a lot of people participating. After every few posts was one corresponding with the day of the month and then explaining what they were thankful for and why they were thankful for it. That has diminished, little by little and now I see one from the same person every day and others are posted intermittently.
Could it be to practice thankfulness is a challenge? I think that it can be and that being thankful requires more than written or spoken works. It requires action. Do my actions line up with my words of thankfulness? Am I living like I’m thankful? What does it take for an attitude of gratitude to be my constant companion? How do I carry that thankfulness out? For example, almost every morning — :) — I thank Him for my husband and his love for me but how do I show my husband that I am thankful for him, his love?
While those questions I just ask you elude me at this moment, and something tells me I’ll be walking through the answers so I can share, here are some truths that I’ve learned and lived about thankfulness:
Learning how to be thankful for the little things gets us through the big things that would otherwise overwhelm us.
Thankfulness is a choice!
Thankfulness can pull us out of the pit of depression and lessen any crisis.
Thankfulness is an act of worship and blesses God!
Thankfulness is an anti-inflammatory that decreases pride.
Thankfulness is an antibiotic for negativity.
Thankfulness opens the door to more blessings.
Thankfulness can turn a frown upside down!
Thankfulness helps us stay in the moments instead of living for the next.
A little thankfulness goes a long way!
Thankfulness sends  complaining and worrying scurrying away.
Now it’s your turn; what does an attitude of thankfulness do for you? Remember, we don’t need to wait for Thanksgiving to be thankful!
kim L

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Nana Holds- a life-changing true story

Nana Holds-from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power…
EL pen Logo with heart
So glad you could make it today for our Coffee Hour and more of Nana Holds. We are right smack in the middle of this 30-day trial with Bryce home, and in some respects, I’m doing all right on the stand, and in others, well, let’s just say my seat got a little too hot a few times! Grab your coffee and let’s go chat about how to struggle through when someone is projecting their struggle on to you.
Let me start with a God-wink, a gift that He gave to Bryce within a week of being home on his 30-day vacation from his new “job.” George had told the owner of the company that they both worked for that Bryce was home on a vacation – no need to tell them why – and would be willing to work while he was here so as to begin chipping away at the huge amount of money that Bryce owed them. The owner thought about it and albeit hesitantly at first, agreed to put him on a couple of jobs while he was home.
One evening we were all hanging out in the living room and something came up that steered the conversation towards Bryce’s restitution and George and he began to pick up with a conversation that they had obviously started earlier in the day. They had decided that when Bryce had to return to court, which was about thirty after re-entering T.C., if the court asked if restitution was satisfied, that George would take care of it – just FYI, we’re talking over $5,000! Not that the amount should matter!
Suddenly, right on cue with my emotions, anger being the dominant one, a hot flash came bursting through and began to spill down my back nonstop, almost as if someone had attached the hose to a faucet and turned it on ever so slightly and stuck it down the back of my shirt. Well, water don’t travel upward, so I’m sure you can guess where it traveled and I couldn’t just sit there, still! I was livid but holding my tongue and Bryce was beginning to pick up on that and acknowledged me: “It’s not in stone; it’s just something that we’ve been talking about.”
I looked at him, pushing my anger down to a level less seen, my emotions still somewhat turned up to intense level – which I’ve since learned he
Precious moments with his cousins!
Precious moments with his cousins!
hates and I’ve toned it down – “I don’t have a problem helping you, Bryce. The problem comes in when you two are having this conversation before your father and I have this conversation.”
I let my words linger and prayed he would understand because it was obvious that my husband didn’t.
Let’s stop right there so I can explain a couple of things I’ve learned since this situation which actually held so many diamond-like lessons. Again, though, let me reiterate, I am in no way trying to point fingers to either my husband or my stepson, rather share with you transparently what God is teaching me through each of them because it’s not what they did or how they behaved that has eternal value accounted to me, but how I behave, respond or react will all be talked about when I get there.
Right about now in this hot-flash moment, I’m feeling very left out, disrespected and financially walked on. I’m also feeling completely exasperated with my husband who for reasons unknown to me up to this moment continues to choose not to communicate with me. Now, just because I “feel” those things doesn’t make them right; but these are the emotions that were playing tug-of-war with Christ in me!
Let’s finish our time today talking about these emotions. Have you ever felt what I’ve just described feeling? If so, how did you handle it? Please, feel free to email me and we can have coffee over your comments.
Filled with hope,
Nana Holds!
Nana Holds!
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

EL pen Logo with heart
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Oh, it’s great to be with you for another Coffee Hour and share these vivid moments that have changed me from the inside out. I am a needle in a haystack of bloggers and writers, and only He can pluck me out of that haystack and use these words to pierce the heart of others, but if one heart has been changed, encouraged, and/or inspired in their circumstance, then this transparent unpacking production is not in vain. Grab your coffee and let’s get back to the lessons learned while on the stand in this 30-day trial.
In the days that followed, God honored my efforts of trying desperately to learn how to have a relationship with Bryce independent of George --that was made easier by a sad truth; I didn’t want to talk with George. I was resentful of his resentments that had been spilling out in days past. Again, I won’t stay stuck on the things that caused me pain because that’s not who and what I wish to glorify. I will however focus on what I learned through the pain and how I allowed Him to work it for my good and His glory.
One of the ways that God smiled into my soul was through moments that brought a sense of peace, a reprieve, if you will from the open heart surgery that I was undergoing at the hands of My Surgeon, Jesus. Those moments were spent watching Bryce and Jene’ be with Bryden, learning how to work as a parenting team, and Bryden literally flourishing under that teamwork. It was like they were wrapped in their blanket of new love. Ironically, Jene' has never been a mommy and even she marveled at the force and strength of her love for this little guy and had enough of a strong foundation to help Bryce in the area of parenting.

This truth helped so much during trial!                                                                                                                              This truth helped so
                                                                                                                             much during this trial!

Yes, that was a dose of happy to my sad soul. It was easy to back up and let them come up front to parent Bryden and now I realize it was easier because I knew it was temporary, for in just a couple more weeks, Bryce would return to T.C. and we would get back to what had become our normal.
Join me tomorrow for more . . .
Nana Holds!
Nana Holds!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Nana Holds

Nana Holds from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power…
EL pen Logo with heart
Thank you for joining me for what has turned out to be the longest blog ever! I hope you are enjoying this true story and that some part of my transparency is encouraging you in whatever you may be walking through. Grab your coffee and let’s get back to our house with Bryden, his daddy, George and me.
In the days that followed, I was learning to go to Bryce with things that I wanted addressed instead of asking George to do it. Oh, how I wish I would have known then what I know now. Like father, like son. Neither one of them likes to be questioned, or asked to do something they don’t want to do, but there’s an explanation for it now. Unfortunately, I didn’t know it then so I spent many mornings anguishing over my relationships with each of them. How can you be a peace maker, let alone a happy camper, in your own home when you feel so disliked, alienated?
You work through it; that’s how.
I sought out counsel from Steve nearly every Monday in that 30-day trial, owning what was rightfully mine so I could let go of it and be free from behavior that appeared in the slightest as controlling or manipulative. I had to learn to struggle as Bryce voiced his opinions about feeling like he was back at Teen Challenge just because I laid down some boundaries in the form of requests, simple requests that involved communication, especially as it related to Bryden – which is not his strength – picking up after himself and participation/courtesy for his roommates, us! What I did realize at this moment of this painful trial is my husband was unable to do this for us so I had to do it for me. The trick: to do it without attitude and as I look back through my journal of those first days in this trial, I did have victory! I shared what I needed to be comfortable with him back at home.
The flesh in us would say, too darned bad; those are the rules of the house and if you don’t like it . . . But let me give you a huge piece of this puzzle that adds so much clarity now, a piece that God handed me through George and a relationship class our ministry started several months after this 30-day trial. Actually, it’s a piece clumped together with a couple of others, so let’s see if I can describe it in words.
Bryden, he was/is a reason to smile
Bryden, he was/is a reason to smile
George was one of eight children. He describes his childhood as happy. He came and went as he pleased. He never had a curfew, never had to sneak out because he “was one of eight” and his dad worked 12-16 hour days and his mom worked two jobs. “My parents loved us,” he shared with me. And I agree; they definitely did all they could to provide for each of their children and that is a way to show love.
Do you see what was missing from his childhood? And he also has loved his son Bryce with an incredible love that only a father can express. Is it any wonder that neither one of them like to be questioned, requested nor have anything insisted upon them? Knowing what has been missing has actually brought me freedom to bring that very piece to the table in a loving and gentle way.
Oh, the transformation process . . . not without a cost, but absolutely indescribable. Join me tomorrow for more of Nana Holds.
Nana Holds!
Nana Holds!

P.S. Join us for Blog Talk Radio and our new segment on relationships entitled: Why We Love How We Love! Are you doing the crazy dance with your significant other, or are you in sync? We will give some scenarios of some crazy dances caused from imprints that keep you dancing apart instead of together. This 30 minute segment is equivalent to a free relationship dance instruction!

Friday, November 22, 2013

EL pen Logo with heart
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...

Thanks for joining me for another Power Friday @ Chicklit Power. Grab your coffee and come with me to some Holy Spirit inspired words that have proven true for me over and over again.
So this past week, I’ve shared with you the painful thirty-day trial I experienced. Part of me wishes it didn’t happen, and yet as I look back on it, I know that I know that I know that what kept me on the stand, refusing to get off and/or down was the knowledge that He would use it for His glory and my good. And He has, friend; He truly has. That’s why I can say these words with certainty.

Joy is not a denial of painful circumstances but a certainty while in them of what He will work from them!

Are you in the midst of painful circumstances? I’d love to sit down with you over coffee, but at the very least, maybe you could email me and we could chat in cyber space. I’d love to be an instrument in convincing you of this powerful truth!
Certain of His love in our life,
kim L

Thursday, November 21, 2013

EL pen Logo with heart
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Oh, it’s so good to have you to share coffee with and to share, from my heart to yours, this amazing transformation series. Grab your coffee and come join me for a break.
So why did I talk so much about taking tests, and how hard test-taking is for me? The answer is simple: To reveal the grace of His sovereign hand in my life that continues to compel me forward in marriage, in my own car and lane, while others around me are driving recklessly! I can do nothing about their driving, even if they come over into mine. Now, don’t get me wrong, even Jesus bent down and “gently” drew a line in the sand saying no more, but He did it gently and matter-of-factly, not emotionally, screaming and crying. But I believe He may have been crying inside, but He wasn’t driven by His emotions, either.
See, I long to share, from my heart to yours, all that He is doing in me in spite of the behavior of others, not to glorify the pain or others missing my mark, but to inspire you to come closer to the God of grace, the divine healer, the miracle maker, the healer, provider. Oops, I could have kept that paragraph going for a long time.
While I had learned that I couldn’t keep things, or persons, under control, I was tugging on George to do just that with many things that were going on in our home. But he wasn’t there yet. I was letting go of the rope of control, but I was still struggling with the temptation to throw it at him and MAKE him grab it!
I was, however, determined to have my own relationship with Bryce and forego the prior efforts of going through George to communicate my needs to him. It wasn’t easy, by any means, but I found the more I went to him, the less difficult it was. I wanted him to like me but I didn’t “need” for him to like me!
Join me Monday for more of this 30-day trial,
Nana Holds!
Nana Holds!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

EL pen Logo with heart
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Thank you so much for coming to join me for a coffee break and more of Nana Holds. Grab your coffee and let’s get back to where we were, not back at Chef Ramsay’s but back to the 30-day trial.
Have you ever studied for a test that was beyond important because passing would mean greater things? Now, I don’t know about you, but when it comes to taking tests, I inhale vigorously, and I mean vigorously. I’ll never forget taking my CSR exam, not once, but twice. The written part was nowhere near as nerve-racking as the machine part was, but nonetheless, I was a wreck as I sat for an hour and a half, skipping the questions that didn’t come right to mind, answering the ones that did, and then going back to see if the section of my brain where those answers were stored had turned on yet.
I think it would have been devastating to have had a movie of my machine portion of the test. Seriously! I remember it as if it were yesterday. I was like a horse with the reigns pulled tight and waiting for the whistle to blow, or the dictation to start. And then, once it did, instead of coming right out of the gate with my hands on the keyboard, calm and responding to the words that echoed from the platform, into my brain, out through my arms and then through my fingers, causing just the right keys to press down and make their imprint, I looked like a girl with Cerebral Palsy. My hands began to shake fast and furious and I bet they hit every key at once every time they finally made it to the keyboard while the words went flying by me! Is it any wonder I didn’t pass the first time?
The second time wasn’t near as bad, but it could have been. I remember the shattering shaking beginning and I looked up and literally whispered “You promised.” Is this what Peter felt like when he was on the boat while the sea raged all around them, threatening to capsize the boat and swallow each of them alive? I experienced a sort of shocked confusion, just like Peter must have, not understanding why Jesus could sleep through his storm, and me not understanding why I was shaking so badly when I had prayed so much. And then, just like Jesus calmed the sea back then, He calmed my hands and the shakes were gone. I finished the test, and I passed.
Lighter momentsBut this test that I was currently undergoing in my marriage was never-ending, like the longest exam I’ve ever had to take and it wasn’t letting up. It was grueling in a groaning sort of way, but I was determined to put into practice all He had been showing me, while do all I could to not take back some of the bad habits of co-dependent behavior that He had taken from me.       

                                                                                                                                   Lighter moments
I mean, the results of this test would show exactly where the rubber was meeting the road, would reveal where my patience was being stretched and my heart purified. This test was so different from the test I finally feel I'm    doing well in, with parenting Bryden; this was involving a different part of my heart, one that had failed before and more than once. During this test, I became a major stockholder in Spandex to increase my endurance within the matrimony of covenant. This was like training for a marathon, which I had never done. I’ve only done a 10k!
That may sound like an incredible exaggeration to you, but coming from what I’ve come from, overcoming all that He’s helped me overcome, this is no exaggeration, trust me. How do I know? Because the old Evinda would have left the first day of this 30-day trial with no desire to finish the marathon of marriage!
Join me tomorrow for more victories in this life-changing series,
Running the race while clutching the memories in my heart,
Nana Holds!
Nana Holds!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

EL pen Logo with heart
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Oh, how to put the next thirty days into words? I’ve actually dreaded writing this part of the season of Nana Holds, though I have learned so much from it so I will try and write about it in a way that glorifies Him and all He’s taught me and brought me through more than glorifying the pain it took to get me there.
I think to shed some meaningful light on just how dark things had gotten, I need to share something I forgot to mention that happened back on our little getaway. It was Friday evening and we were having dinner, finally. I say that because we had waited about an hour to get into this restaurant, which was no big deal. There is plenty to do
while waiting. After all, it’s Vegas! All around us was gambling fever, people everywhere. It’s one of the more interesting places to people watch. Anyway, when we finally were paged and taken to our seats, for some reason, it took another fifteen minutes for them to even acknowledge us, and then finally, our waitress took our drink order, promising to be “right back” to get our food order.
Well, I don’t know about you or your man, but when mine gets hungry, he gets a bit cranky. I remember trying to find things to talk about to distract him, such as the ambiance of the restaurant. Mistake! Ugh, talk about anything but the restaurant. Get his mind off of waiting, away from food and on to something that makes him smile.
In the midst of the frustrated tension, our drink orders arrived and as the waiter left, I picked mine up and did what Bryden likes to do. “Cheers.”
At the thought of Bryden, he smiled! It worked . . . for a minute. I wanted desperately to know what in the world was going on in that head of his. It was obvious he was uncomfortable and . . . I can’t even put words to it but I can see him, his eyes devoid of joy, his face tired and his shoulders positioned in such a way that they looked burdened in a heavy sort of way. And his frustration was increasing as the minutes ticked by with no appearance from our waitress for our food order.
When the waitress finally returned to take our order, twenty minutes later, George simmered down to calm but he let her know in a sarcastic way that only he specializes in
after dinner view
that he thought she disappeared and went home. Then like the flip of a switch, he asked her about the steak he wanted to order. After listening to her explanation of how it was cooked, he ordered his dinner, and I ordered mine. “I’ll get that right in,” and she walked away.
I still had over half of my drink. I began to sip on it and then proceeded to ask him about work and his job that morning. Mistake! Big mistake! Out
of nowhere, he exploded emotionally like a helium balloon that had popped. What came out of his mouth didn't surprise me and yet it did. To finally have this confession that I had suspected months ago exposed for                                                                                                                                            after dinner view

both of us to look at was painful in a raw way, especially considering the expletives that came with it, which I will not repeat.
But there in the captivating and exciting ambiance of Gordon Ramsay’s Pub & Grill, my husband blurted his disdain for his job, confessing he was in a rut and hated his life.
I, for one of the few times in my life, was rendered speechless!
Join me tomorrow for more, and rejoice in trials for they are temporary but how we endure through them will go with us into eternity!
Nana Holds!
Nana Holds!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Nana Holds . . .

Nana Holds from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power…
EL pen Logo with heart
Thank you for joining me for a coffee break and more of Nana Holds. Before I invite you in, it’s so important for me to share that as I’m writing this and re-living it, I don’t ever mean to glorify the pain of it all; rather to write truthfully that you may rejoice in the victories in a way that wouldn’t be the same without the lessons learned along the way. Let’s get back to where we left off, a 30-day vacation for Bryce . . . but not so much for me!
By the time I dropped Bryden off for school, he was definitely in a better place emotionally. Things definitely go better with prayer and I knew that God had a huge part in this little guy’s resilience which to this day astounds me!
I got the call at 11:15; God had gone before him and fought for him. He would not have to return to any type of prison, and though he had lost his spot at Teen Challenge, the court ordered him back in thirty days! Yes, the Lord our God, the mighty one to save, had shown up for Bryce that day in court and I pray it’s a miracle that he never, ever forgets.
With court behind us, and now a direction more clear, we all agreed that we would tell Bryden that his daddy was on a vacation from his job and would have to go back to work in thirty days. The goal we had in mind was to keep Bryden from feeling another huge transitional loss when his dad returned to his “new job.” I didn’t want this little boy to suffer any more good-byes; he has already had more than his fair share at such a young age.
Where's my sungwasses, Nana?
Where’s my sungwasses, Nana?
My passion in this area is definitely fueled by my childhood losses and it was about this time that I realized that I could relate to and with little Bryden in ways no one else could. So it was with his well-being in mind that we encouraged Bryce to spend as much time with him, which meant he would be home more. As I write that last part, the feelings of fear assault me once again but now, I can acknowledge them and the reason for them whereas at the time I could barely face them. See, my fears had nothing to do with Bryce, really, but they were my fears. I was scared that he wasn’t taking his sobriety serious enough. I thought he should be more sorrowful for his choices. I had a whole host of fears during this thirty-day trial, and the only one on the stand was me!
Join me tomorrow for more.
Relieved to have this behind me but grateful for how it has shaped me . . .
Nana Holds!
Nana Holds!
P.S. We won’t be live today for Blog Talk Radio and our new segment on relationships entitled: Why We Love How We Love! But feel free to download the first two shows in this new segment and plan on joining us next week!

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