Friday, July 31, 2015

Faith Filled Fridays From Croley’s Corner of Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:29
As a child growing up my parents believed in us as children. They have always told us we could achieve anything that life threw at us. They also taught us to trust God and to exercise our faith when we faced with challenges. Now as an adult I believed in their instruction and I have experienced many roads that were prepared for me along the way, roads that have led me to many places; from prisons to other countries, from huge auditoriums to very poverty-stricken places that many would choose not to go. I knew in my heart, back then, I was building an Ark, maybe not quite like Noah but my faith was just as strong to understand I was fulfilling the plans that God had purposed for me, Psalm 33:11. Grab your coffee or favorite beverage and your journal for you never know what nuggets will inspire your heart at a time you may need it the most. So let’s get started!

We read about a faith hero named Noah in Genesis. We find that Noah pleased God in the midst of great corruption and that violence had filled the earth and because of this God told Noah to build an Ark; and, so, Noah did. He instructed Noah how to build the Ark with every conceivable dimension known to man; what a task set before Noah. Wow! One has to know that something BIG was gonna happen! I can also envision the taunting that must have taken place every time Noah came out with a hammer. Yet with all that confronted Noah, he never gave up or gave in. Noah pushed through all the mocking, laughing, and the many sceptics that stood before him.

I wonder if our faith would have survived such a test of time and hardship. I can only imagine being called by God and Him asking me...”Debbie, I have a great assignment for you and it’s going to require some faith and your talent on your part…are you up to it?”  And of which my immediate response would be “Why of course, God, here I am; use me, whatever it is. I’m ready and able.”

Then the plans come. The instructions are loud and clear from God; yet there are those times our minds begin to rationalize the idea or the thought, then our hearts move to analyzing every process that God’s requiring.  Would we have the nerve to tell Him, “Well, God, this is a great idea; however, I may not be the one you’re really looking for, so how about asking someone more qualified than I?” Just like children, we argue, rant and carry on that the task is too hard and impossible. 

God sometimes calls us to assignments that seems impossibleespecially to others. Luke 1:37

My point is we all have been given a measure of faith and the ability to carry out the plans of God. Yet it's easy to fall into our own purposes of what God's will is because it's natural for us to let our will override God's.  Don’t let the voices of many drown out the voice of God just to find out later that you missed the greatest opportunity ever to follow through with His plans.  It takes a strong commitment for God's will to emerge in our lives based upon His plans instead of our own. His purpose will bring us to that finished product He intends for us to become. I call as I see it; you may be a Noah and He may be requiring you to build something that will, indeed, bring others to Christ. You may be called to be a Moses to lead many to Christ in their wilderness, and yes, you may even be an Esther who will bring your family to a life of serving Jesus. Don’t limit your gift and certainly don’t limit God; He believes in you!

 Until next week…and remember to keep Him close to your heart!

Debbie Croley PicLove Debbie

Thursday, July 30, 2015

July’s WOW Worship…or Worry?

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
EL pen Logo with heart“Cast your cares on the Lord; He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.” Psalm 55:22

Happy day to you and thanks for returning for our Coffee Hour and our July’s Weapons of Warfare and Words of Wisdom! Grab your coffee, journal and your Strand of Faith. I’m praying you will tie some major double-knots in that SOF! I left off with hearing the words “worship or worry”!

I shook my head with conviction as I pondered on those words. Immediately I confessed my choosing to worry instead of worshipping. I got the movie and watched it from where/when it had started, ever so slow and sneakily. I should have harnessed it right back on track, but instead I followed the pull and rewinding it and really looking at it, I can see the track it took me to: seeking control! That’s not living up to God’s standard…to trust Him in all things knowing that His plan is to lift us up, not tear us down! Oh, how true it is, another mini download He gave me: the more we seek control, the more we worry.
Oh to be utterly and completely out of control trusting the “One “who has all the control. I guess a good way of saying it is the more I relinquish control the more in control I am.  But there’s more; He wasn’t done with me yet and He added some distance to my intended run! And what I heard next did stop me in my tracks…I nearly tripped over this gentle form of conviction: “Did you know that worry is a form of worship?”

As I stood there for a few minutes, I repeated those words with my own question attached to them: “How and who?”

“Worry is a form of self-worship!”

Ouch… Yes, my Coffee Hour friend to worry and be anxious about anything is missing the mark by not living up to His standard by failing to believe He loves us enough to carry us over and above all that worries us and causes us anxiety. Oh, how I love these promises that come right after the simple directive of casting our burden upon the Lord, our Abba, for He will sustain us and He will never let us fall…so this is as much for me as it is for you, Friend. Are you crumbling under worry and anxiety, or you casting all that concerns you upon the One who loves you and will never leave or forsake you?

Father, forgive me for thinking higher of myself than I ought to by trying to tend to, hold on to every detail physically, emotionally and spiritually. Please help me to worry less and worship you more…knowing YOU got this!

Letting go…hourly…of worry,

IMG_8444-2 blogEvinda

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July's WOW Worship…or Worry?

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
EL pen Logo with heartPsalm 55:22 “Cast your cares on the Lord; He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.”

Thanks for taking time out of your day for our Coffee Hour! I almost forgot about our monthly WOW, Words of Wisdom and/or Weapons of Warfare. Oh, how true it is that the Word is our greatest tool, turned weapon , in times of difficulty, times of reaching out to others, times of joy, sadness…all the time the Word is powerfully refreshing, granting a new perspective, especially if we make a habit to feast upon it! Grab your coffee and your Strand of Faith (SOF) and let’s go and talk about worry!

I am really good at minimizing this word, offering a cliché statement like, “everybody does it,” or “who doesn’t have worry?” Well, over the last several weeks, more than I care to admit, I’ve been in a constant state of worry and anxiety, finding it difficult to take a deep breath, let alone breath normal. Let me tell you, I am learning that neither of those statements actually negates this truth: that while the Bible doesn’t call worry a sin, He does grieve when we worry. Why? Because to have worry and/or anxiety as a constant companion is actually a failure to trust the “One” who loves us so much He sent His Son to die for all that I/we worry about, for every ounce of our worry and anxiety! I so wish I would have had this vision earlier of disappointing Him. I can almost see Him standing there, looking at me run around like a chicken with my head cut off, shaking his head not in frustration or anger, but in sadness, holding His hands out, asking ever so quietly, “Are you going to give me that which worries you, Evinda, that which is causing you so much anxiety?” Oh, what a visual.
I can honestly see how easy it is to get caught in a whirlpool and undercurrent of worry! Why oh why did I minimize the dangers of worry and anxiety? There is absolutely no excuse, especially since many of His promises have come alive in me in my lifetime! Well, I am guilty as charged and now because of what I know, I must choose a different way of stress management.

Let me share how I came upon these truths:

It wasn’t until I was out for my run just the other day that this hit me…nearly stopping me dead in my tracks while allowing a source of lightning of understanding pulse through to my soul. There I was, running…not very fast. As a matter of fact, my thoughts were definitely running faster than I was, felt like at the speed of lighting. Inside my head was what felt like a thousand details to tend to for our Five-year anniversary party which was just a few days away at that time and you would think the faster the thoughts came, the more I picked up speed. Normally that’s what happens…but not this time; I think a turtle would have caught up to me!

As I wrestled with several of the details, I’m sure if someone were to take a picture of the inside of my brain, they would have seen a giant roller-coaster whose track went in every single direction, including dips and climbs, and someone resembling a freaked-out mouse on the track! :-)

I can hear you say, “Why didn’t you delegate?” Oh, I did, trust me…but could have done so even more! Anyway, I’m running along and all of a sudden, in the quietness of my soul two words came up and out and I mean I actually spoke them after I heard them! “Worship or worry”?

I almost stopped but I wanted to hear more…and I did!

Join me tomorrow for the conclusion to our July’s WOW!

Letting go of worry…one minute at a time

IMG_8444-2 blogEvinda

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday’s Trench Lessons 4 Life

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
I hope you are enjoying your Tuesday, my friends! I am so glad that you can join me today as I look at how we can approach our relationships with others. Grab a stick of gum (you will see why in a minute), a bottle of water, and your thinking cap as we tackle this topic!

I recently took a 23-hour drive as the lone driver. I have done this four times now, and find that it does tax me! I drink caffeine, have snacks on hand, roll the windows down, and keep the music loud, all to keep myself awake. This last trip, I also used chewing gum to occupy my time. 23 hours is quite a long time to keep your mind sharp. You can imagine all of those deep, insightful thoughts I had as I drove through the desert with nothing to look at but dirt! I started thinking about how our approach to chewing gum could be compared to how we approach our relationships.

If you look at a wrapped stick of gum, it is usually covered with a shiny, colorful wrapper. Thinking about entering into a relationship with another human being, whether it be a boy/girl friend, husband/wife, son/daughter, or friend, is for the most part, appealing, just like that pretty piece of gum. It holds the promise of minty freshness, or spicy cinnamon flavor. Even thinking about a fresh piece of gum can cause the production of saliva. I call that the anticipation. That is working up the nerve to ask someone on a date, or waiting for 9 months (or years of trying and wanting) for the arrival of a new child. We have hope, love, and kindness in our hearts.

I have chewed my fair share of gum, On more than one occasion, I have had a piece that must not have been properly formed. It turned to mush in my mouth. I correlate that with a relationship that should not be, such as an abusive relationship. In my life personally, that piece of gum would be the miscarriage I had 10 years ago. It was just not meant to be. The Lord had other plans.

For the most part, the relationships we have in our life do not fall into that category. We all usually get a good stick of gum! We unwrap it, and pop it into our mouths. The flavor explodes in our mouths. We have pleasure and joy. When a relationship is new, it is the greatest. Our love seems amplified, and that is what we can “taste.” We continue to chew. Sometimes, when we are excited, stressed, or anxious, we might begin to chew harder and faster. This tends to make the flavor dissipate quickly. The same can be said for our relationship. If we are rough on the other person, or they are rough on us, some of that joy and pleasure may be hard to feel. But if we chew slowly, and savor it, the flavor remains with us longer; just as when we are kind and considerate.

No matter which way we choose to chew, after time, the flavor fades, leaving us with a dull wad of sticky chewy bits in our mouth. We can opt to throw it out and get another. This seems to be a popular route for relationships as well. Once it loses its excitement and shine, we toss it out. After all, there are plenty of fish in the sea. What of those occasions when you become hungry while chewing, and you spit out your gum to go eat? I liken that to those who are driven by lust, and need their appetites satiated. These people can find that their “piece of gum” is no longer available to them once tossed aside.

The world that we live in now seems to be fueled by instant gratification. The mindset of, if I am done with this piece, I can always get another. We can be the difference. We can be the change. We can realize that people are not pieces of gum. We can also realize that WE are not pieces of gum. We deserve love and respect, and we are commanded to give that same love to others. Romans 12:9-10 reads: Let love be sincere. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another.

Let us choose to chew our relationships gently. Let us opt to not throw out our piece, even when we think there is no flavor left. Let us be sincere with our love, kindness, and understanding. Relationships take work, but it is worth the effort! Until next week, choose to taste the flavor.


Monday, July 27, 2015

Jenn’s Journey from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Good morning! I am happy to be here with you today. Grab your coffee and let’s chat a bit about rest for our souls.

We just had a weekend but how many of you are still tired? I don't mean the kind of tired where you didn't get enough sleep, but the tired deep down in your soul, the weariness that never seems to go away…perhaps even a feeling of hopelessness? Let's talk about that for just a few minutes.  "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.” (Matthew 11:29 NASB)
Rest for our souls. Doesn't that sound inviting? It is so easy to become bogged down with all the things we carry in our souls. In fact, Matthew 11:28, says, "Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest." I have often thought this verse was referring to being tired from physical work, but there is more to it and that is what I want to share with you today.

At the time Jesus uttered these words, He was desperately trying to show the people of Israel why He had come. He knew that the people were carrying heavy loads of 'work' oriented religion. The commentary I read said that the “rabbinical requirements were so many that an ordinary lifetime was too short to learn them all." Now how discouraging is that? Sadly, most of the people either gave up or became rigid in trying to follow all the rules that would supposedly bring them salvation. I am sure they, like us, became good at pointing fingers to all who weren't following the rules, and yet deep inside, carried the stress of knowing they couldn't possibly do them either.

Jesus' way is not our way. What does He mean when He says, 'take my yoke upon you'? A yoke, as we know, is what goes around the neck of animals when they are pulling a wagon. At first glance, this imagery can seem negative. It seems something like that would be binding, and if the two animals pulled in different directions, it would make for a difficult situation. Again, we need to look a little deeper.

A yoke is used to ease the load so neither animal bears the weight alone. When we allow His yoke to be on us, we are joined with Him.

There is even more significance to this verse and this is what is exciting to me. The verse says 'learn from Me.' When we have chosen to take the yoke and join in working with Him, we have the opportunity to learn new ways of life.  We may still walk along paths that are difficult; remember Jesus also tells us "In this world you will have trouble" (John 16:33). However, learning His ways gives us the chance to learn better responses to the troubles life throws at us. And that, my friends, is where the rest for our souls lies.

I find this encouraging. I want that rest. I've looked for it all my life. I am great at 'reacting' to the problems life throws at me. That rarely results in peace. Jesus is teaching me how to respond, WITH Him...and I am here to tell you, it is worth it. I still mess up, often. But the beauty is, He's right there, gently pulling me back on the right path!

Until next week, be blessed,

Friday, July 24, 2015

Faith Filled Fridays From Croley’s Corner of Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38
Today I’m on a mini-vacation and I’ve wondered why we came to this particular place, nevertheless I know He has an intentional plan, so I need to be ready for whatever the task is He has set before me. Thanks for taking a few minutes of your time to join me today. Grab your journal and favorite coffee and let’s see where He takes us today!

Have you ever had the “need” to go to a certain place? I have, many times and most of my times have been to the Islands, but I’m not talking about the “need” to go on a vacation or a short excursion! I’m talking about being led to go somewhere, yet not fully understanding the reasoning behind it, at least not at that moment.  I can say I have had a few times, not many, that I was impressed to go to a certain destination only to find that I was needed to go in another direction and found that there WAS a reason behind the need!

We read in Gospels, John the 4th chapter that Jesus left one city, Judea, to head to Galilee but He “needed” to go through Samaria. Jesus’ sense of constraint (“needed”) choice to go through Samaria was not merely a geographical deliberation, but a divine compulsion.
Sometimes life causes us to leave one place with the idea that we were heading to another to find we are “needed” to go through an unfamiliar place of destination to get what our Heavenly Father wants accomplished, by way of us. Many times we struggle with the fact that when change comes, we are head strong not to deviate from our plans, because of fear, our biggest enemy. If fear can conquer us, His need for us to execute His plan can be quenched.

I know my husband is one that has always been head strong when you set a plan in motion then by golly he is going to walk it out till the very end, no deviating; however there has been a time or two or three when interruptions have come and it changes the WHOLE situation...destination and “need”!! You get where I’m going?

When Jesus arrived at Jacob’s well, wearied from traveling, He sat by the well, and a woman came to draw water and Jesus said to her “Give me a drink.”  One would also think because of the distance in traveling He would be hungry, but instead He asked for a drink. We understand the scriptures to say that Jews and Samaritan’s did not interact or share eating or drinking vessels. He knew this and yet He allowed her to question Him, because her “need” of Jesus outweighed the physical “need” of a drink. Not only was she impressed that Jesus knew all about her, but she was also given the opportunity to have her sins forgiven. She believed He was truly the Messiah. She repents of her past wrongs and goes back to tell her family, friends, and neighbors how she met Jesus and how He revealed His knowledge of her sins and His offer of live-giving water. She went on to lead many conversions in this area through her zeal and love for God. John 4:39–42

He reached out with a divine love and a human sensitivity to a woman who was of a different race and whose morals were questionable. Jesus was always reaching. In order for Him to reach others, He has to use you and me. Sometimes we just have to break the mold of traditionally “religious religion”   which is consistent with Jesus’ frequent examples, as we often see Him becoming friends with those of questionable character, those thought to be unworthy of attention.  Luke 5: 27-31

Jesus gave time and energy to relationships which sometimes meant experiencing pain and loss such as Lazarus John 11: 35,38. He provides yet another life quality for us to emulate; He calls you and I to enter intentionally and sensitively into experiences of others and also to other believers in Christ, even if they are different from us ~ culturally, ethnically or denominationally.

In the grand scheme of things He knows the future when we only see the present.
So the next time you’re on your way “somewhere,” He just might take you “elsewhere” to meet the “need” of someone who’s waiting for “A drink of living water!”  John 4: 13, 14. Till next week...and remember keep Him close to your heart! 

Debbie Croley PicDeb

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Embracing the Waves of Change

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
EL pen Logo with heartWow, we are just a couple of days away! Whew, grab your coffee, or whatever you’re having and come on inside. I still have so much to share with you

before our celebration is here…but I won’t keep you long! Grab your SOF too, and let’s tie some knots in our strand of faith about change!
So as we have been planning and working together for this celebration, we have experienced some of the greatest challenges regarding change…unbelievable! God has such a great sense of humor and knows me well. He wants me to continue to talk from my heart to yours, to speak from experience transparently.

As I was researching some of the greatest challenges as it relates to change, I couldn’t believe how many I’d encountered and gone through; some I sailed through and some I crawled through, completely on my knees, with much resistance! :-)  Many researches do these stress scales based on life-changing events and for each change, the assess the amount of points  (I don’t know how they come up with the point system) allotted for that event. On this particular site, this group of psychologist/psychiatrist had approximately 63 life changing events and while I won’t give you all 63 – we’d be here all day! – I thought it would be interesting to list the top ten stressors/life changes and their point value.
  1. Death of a spouse was given the highest point value: 100!
  2. Divorce was next with a point value of 73.
  3. Marital separation was next with a point value of 65
  4. Imprisonment – hmmm, I wonder how many of these were marriage-related – with a point value of 63
  5. Death of a close family member tied with #4
  6. Personal injury or illness scored 53
  7. Marriage itself had a score of 50, confirming marriage is tough…but is also a beautiful teacher in the classroom of life, if we are willing to learn!
  8. Dismissal from work was scored at 47
  9. Marital reconciliation – hmmm, that’s interesting scored at 45. Could insecurity, fear of failure be why that’s even a stressor?
  10. Retirement is the last of the 10…but there are some other good ones, and retirement tied with marital reconciliation at 45.
Now, I don’t wish to leave you with stress…so let me give you a powerful quote about change…and I pray you will join us for this life-changing event on how to embrace change…oh, and don’t forget, there’s a concert featuring Bryan Duncan and brunch too!

Progress is impossible with change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything!
(George Bernard Shaw)

event frt

Get your tickets today…they’re $5 more at the door!  
IMG_8444-2 blogEvinda

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Paws for Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
The expression “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” originated in 1534, in a book John Fitzherbert's The boke of husbandry.  The meaning behind it is that puppies are teachable and trainable while older dogs are unwilling and less apt to be trained.  Many have used this phrase to illustrate how getting people, especially seasoned ones, to change their habits or acquire new skills is impossible.
My four-legged babies have definitely proved this statement to be false, and I challenge you to do the same.  Through them I have discovered that this statement simply isn’t true if your heart is soft and willing to learn.  I have also learned that life is an experiment, to push the limits and test what is possible.

I have seen this first-hand with my 12-year-old Golden Retriever, Corey.  In dog years, 12 is pretty old.  He has cataracts and sometimes walks with a limp; recently he barks randomly like he hears a mailman somewhere.

When Logan (my husky) was smaller I started to train him to sit, stay, and speak.  You may have seen the video of him saying “I Love you” in my first blog.  It took him many tries and lots of treats to say the phrase.  Corey sat through the process but started to notice that Logan got a lot more treats than he did.  Corey wags his tail and sits still, sometimes lays down on command but that was about all he wanted to learn…until he noticed MORE TREATS for the dog who could talk.  Huskies are vocal because they are friendly, pack animals.  Golden’s are friendly too, more loyal and watchdog like. They prefer back-scratches to conversation, until talking = more treats.

Corey interrupted our training by growling, then barked three barks – 1 short, 1 medium and then a longer one for emphasis.  I was shocked; he was proud.  He also got a treat.  Logan has moved on to more tricks and Corey tries to keep up. 

The lesson here is never stop learning and growing. Try something new or refine a skill by:
  • Reading
  • Researching
  • Volunteering
  • Taking a class
  • The list goes on….
A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel (Proverbs 1:5).
Don’t wait to create a bucket list; seize the moment!
Jen, Corey and Logan

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tuesday’s Trench Lessons 4 Life

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Hello again friends! Thanks for returning for this hopefully thought-provoking topic. As I write this, I want to let you know that I am going to be speaking in generalities. It may not apply to you, but I think we can see how this may apply to many in the world we live in. Please grab your shovels and your water bottles as we climb down into the trench today.

There is a term used when a child is undernourished, and does not grow and develop properly: “Failure to Thrive.” In general, babies who fail to thrive don't receive or cannot take in, keep, or use the calories that would help them grow and gain enough weight. One of many causes that doctors have discovered cause this is lack of touch. Babies need touch to survive. It helps them grow, develop, adapt, trust, and feel secure and comforted. It decreases the probability of illnesses and promotes good health emotionally, physically, and psychologically. Touch helps babies bond to Mom, Dad, and other family members. What amazing powers touch has!

As we grow, often times the amount of touch we receive dwindles. We become big kids and think we don't need comforted when we get injured. We don't want our friends to see Mom or Dad giving us a hug either! How embarrassing! Then we hit the teenage years, with our attitudes, and looks to kill. Some days, the only time our parents want to touch us is to wring our brat necks! Many parents still show love, and still give us touch, but compared to our infant days, there is pretty much no comparison. After all, we don't fit comfortably in their laps anymore. :-)

Now we are into our adulthood. We might not see our family too often anymore. Mom might only be able to give us hugs once a year because she lives so far away. We may have had a falling out with our Dad, and no longer receive any type of touch from him at all. As an adult, we may have a significant other that we receive loving touch from. We possibly have good friends that we also receive touch from, the hugs when we greet, or when we are having a bad day, their arms around our shoulders while sitting together watching movies or sharing a laugh.  Then there are times in our lives we may not have a significant other, or might be low in the friend department. What does our physical touch look like then?
There is the handshake when meeting someone new, the occasional brush of hands when paying for something, the accidental bump on a crowded street. In some cases, the touch in our life may have turned from positive to negative, i.e., an abusive relationship or a mate that ignores our needs, sexual harassment at school or in the workplace.  With all the negativity in the world, we have been set on edge. What secret motive does that person have, or what horrible thoughts are going through their mind as they are attempting to touch us?
Think of the last time a stranger touched you. How did you feel? Now think of the last time that you touched a stranger. What caused you to do so? How was it received?  I thought that I mostly enjoyed touch. I like to be hugged. I like to shake hands. Sometimes I like an arm around my shoulder. I have become more aware of myself these past few months, and I realize that I am not as comfortable with touch as I thought. I don't feel comfortable with people walking directly behind me. I dislike when someone has their hand on my shoulder for an extended period of time. I feel unnerved when a hug continues after I have tried to pull away.

For the most part, a stranger’s touch just seems, well, strange! But what would this world be like if the touch of a stranger felt welcomed? Imagine if embraces and gentle slaps to the back or shoulder felt natural. Better yet, what would it be like to not question why someone touched you?  The peace that we would feel from everyone's healing touch would be overwhelming!

Jesus physically touched everyone He came in contact with. He healed with touch. He touched the untouchable and the unlovable. In Mark 8:22-25, we read of the blind man that was healed by Jesus' touch. Touch is so vital in this story. Lack of sight increased the blind man's sense of touch. Jesus lead him out of town with touch, healed him with touch, and comforted him with, you guessed it, touch. So this week, let us strive to be like Christ, and share positive and comforting touch.

Until next week, I love you.


Monday, July 20, 2015

Jenn’s Journey from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Another week has passed.  I spent a few days away, in the mountains. There is something about being in nature's beauty that gives a new perspective. Every now and then, we need that. Thank you for joining me for a few minutes away from it all this morning!

There was once a man who had 100 sheep. His job was to shepherd these animals and watch over them. Each day he led them to pastures plentiful with grass, and to streams of cool water. He kept a watchful eye out for wolves who might hunt them. If a sheep was hurt, he bandaged the wound. Each evening he rounded them up and took them home, to shelter and safety. At the gate, he counted the sheep to make sure each one was back where it belonged. One night his count came up short by one. He counted again. Sure enough, only 99 had come home.

Of course, he was immediately concerned. He hurriedly locked up the 99 and went out, weary though he was, to search for the lost. Frightened cries led the shepherd to a ravine, and a mass of thorny bushes. Finally, the lamb was rescued, comforted, cleaned up and home safe with the other sheep.

As the story goes, the lamb had wandered away from the flock and ended up lost. Has this ever happened to yojesus.lambu? Have you felt separated and lost from what is safe and familiar? Do you ever feel you are down in a ravine, trapped with no way out? I certainly have. Life has a way of doing that to us...sometimes by our own choices, and sometimes by way of others foisting their choices on us. Whatever the situation, it can seem hopeless and as if those thorny bushes are closing in.

I am here to tell you, it is not hopeless! There is Someone who notices that you or I have gone missing. He knows our stories…the good, the bad and the ugly. He is out looking for us and He wants to bring us home. He longs to bandage up our wounds and set us back on the right path. He has done this for me so many times. If you've ever been crying out, and a friend calls at the right time, or a touching song plays on the radio, inspiring words jump out at you from a book you are reading, or you just feel a comforting Presence, you've been found by the Shepherd.  He will treat and heal that which has wounded us. He does not leave us alone, or afraid.

The story above can be found in Luke 15:1-7. It's one of Jesus' parables. It is a beautiful story. Wherever you are today, may you be blessed, knowing He has found you!
Until next week,

Friday, July 17, 2015

Faith Filled Fridays From Croley’s Corner of Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name. Psalm 86:11

Good Morning! So thankful today is Friday and I’m off to a great start; literally while walking, yes another walking blog. Grab your coffee, journal and let’s see what He has for us today!

Just recently my husband and I were on vacation and we still continued to do our daily walks.  I seemed to notice all the cracks in the sidewalk from small ones to large ones that were filled with all kinds of debris. I know it sounds pretty strange, but I seemed to notice them more than usual. I was trying to concentrate on where my feet were landing; however, I was distracted for a few seconds long enough while trying to avoid stumbling or falling and then it happened! I walked right into a divot and down I went. I first looked to see if anyone saw me and then checked to see if I was hurt and thank goodness my husband was there to help pick me up and that’s all it took for me, spiritually!!! 

Have you ever tried walking with someone and your steps were not in sync and you then find yourself out of step you try to skip a step or two just to gain the same walking stride as the person you’re walking with? Although there have been times I’ve found myself lagging behind and I too have had to skip or hop a bit in order to find myself in step with my husband. We chuckle about walking in harmony and swinging our arms in the same motion trying to get back in sync with one another; yes, that’s considered walking in unity!
In the book of Ephesians Paul beseeches us to walk worthy of the calling in which we were called. He’s appealing to every believer to fully understand the process needed to attain unity and spiritual maturity in the Body.  He then goes on to tell us to walk in love, to walk in the Light and finally to prepare ourselves for battle.

You say ”Battle?” Yes, you and I battle the flesh day in and day out, even that can be challenging, but so thankful for God’s word that abides in us. John 15:6-10
Every principle that He has given us to live by is found in His word in order for the cracks in our lives to be filled. Be filled with unity, love, walking in the Light of Christ, walk in wisdom having the bond of peace for there is one body, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all.”

If we are we walking worthy of our calling; “with ALL lowliness and gentleness with long suffering bearing one another in love” then we can honestly say we are truly walking in unity. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1

Till next week …Remember to keep Him close to your heart.
Debbie Croley PicLove Deb

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Embracing the Waves of Change

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
EL pen Logo with heartThanks for stopping by for Coffee Hour and this mini-series, Embracing the Waves of Change with a special invitation to learn how to do so! Grab your coffee, or your favorite beverage, and your Strand of Faith and let’s go learn some more about change!

I had this vision a week ago that has everything to do with change and it helped to confirm the value of change, as well as the necessity for it: picture a body of water…standing water, non-moving water. From a distance, it may look peaceful, and possibly even pretty. But when you get up close and peer down into the water, it is anything but pretty. In fact, it may even repulse you as you even begin to imagine what is beneath the surface of those murky, dirty and often green waters.

Why does standing water look so unkempt, untouched, dirty and grimy? Could it be because there is nothing new being poured into the water to move the water?  It takes change to create change!

What prevents us from allowing change to change us, remove us from a state of staleness, preventing us from hitting a wall of burn-out? Oh, Coffee Hour friend, please prayerfully consider this invitation which will talk about not only the necessity of change, but how to embrace it so to be like new…daily!

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See you there!
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A very special thank you to our sponsors!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Paws for Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
EL pen Logo with heartWelcome back to our Paws for Coffee Hour, a series which will hopefully touch every emotion…with the beauty of love, the kind of love every soul should experience…unconditional love. And there’s laughter, too, such pure, uninhibited laughter that comes from an honest place within each of us. Grab your coffee and your Strand of Faith, and let’s go talk more about the love of our four-legged child(ren).

So it seems that there are a lot of posts on Facebook from people who have lost their family pet, their companion, for some, their best friend. Oh, just thinking about losing mine rocks my heart in a way that is definitely frightening; it’s as if a piece of me will go when either of our four-legged babies finish living out their lives. Could it be that God uses pets to teach us how to love and play nice “’til’ death do us part”?

I’ve had my little Baraka Evinda since she was a baby and God has blessed me with her life in uncountable ways for almost twelve years now. Whenever I even think of losing her, saying good-bye to her, I shudder inwardly, literally shake my head not, and my shuddering moves to the outside…if my thoughts linger there. 

Oh, I can get so frustrated with her at times, and her step-brother who came to us when she was six. As a matter of fact, a month after getting Sparky, we began to worry that little Baraka wouldn’t accept him, love him, let alone play with him, so we prayed for that to change…and we waited two months and then, finally, relentless Sparky began to get a few paws in the face, a couple of chases around the house, and soon the house was filled with playful banter and happy barks. As mean as little Baraka Evinda has been to Sparky, Sparky has been oh so unconditional and has taught her how to play nice. He never, ever gave up on her, but waited for her to return his efforts to communicate love and playful bantering. Talk about two complete opposites!  And little Baraka-Evinda, well, guess she finally learned to apply Romans 12:18: As much as it depends on me/you, live peaceably with others…this goes for dogs, too, you know! :-)

So if you have lost a four-legged companion, a dog who knew and loved you, not matter what, of if you know of a friend who has lost such a love…this poem is for you.

Until Death Do Us Part…

There are two kinds of love – no, there are three
The love of people, pets, and the love of Jesus for you and me
Of course the most dependable is God’s love for it never dies
But second behind His love is the love from a pet that never lies
I think God uses pets to teach us how to feel
To experience the emotions of life, their love is so surreal
In some ways I think pets mirror the love of God and His Son
For the love from a pet is unconditional, no matter what we’ve done
There’s a sort of bond like no other that forms with our four-legged friend
A contentment just being with them that we wish would never end
Loyalty and faithfulness are the trademarks they leave behind
Taking a piece of our heart when they go, lingering forever in our mind
It’s funny how they become a very important part of our family
Drawing laughter from the inside out, enhancing any memory
I am dreading the pain that will come one day when I must say good-bye
To that faithful friend who saw me through so many seasons of my life
I can’t imagine what it will be like to have to live my life without that love
But now I know what it’s like to have experienced this gift from God above
So as the memories linger of saying good-bye to ____________ who loved you so
Cling to all the laughter and love experienced when you are feeling low
Thank God for the memories created, the love from your amazing friend
For you are richer having experienced the kind of love which had no end …
Crying with you and for you …
20150624_083101Evinda, Baraka-Evinda & Sparky