Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

What/Whom we put our hope in determines our stability! Have you ever been let down by someone you love before? How do you get back up? Join us for our next trench class to learn how to live Fueled by Hope, Free from Anger https://www.trenchclassesunited.com/transformtrenchclasses.html

Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday’s Mantra

“Likes” & “Loves”
Welcome to Monday’s Mantra & Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. I’m so glad there is you to share this journey with. Grab your favorite break-time drink and come in as I continue the saga of being without a publisher!
One of my closest friends called me the other day to tell me she sent me an email containing a blog post that she thought would speak to me. She’s really sweet like that…and yet, there are times that I wish she wouldn’t be so sweet! You know what I mean? She speaks truth into my life, and there are times when that truth just hurts! Are you catching what I’m throwing at you? Well, those types of friends are the best for us, truly, especially if our heart is after God’s heart, and hers is and so is mine, so it’s a good thing. Anyway, let me share my experience of reading this blog post by Rebeka Lyons. It was called audience of one, I believe.
It started with her experiences as a speaker/author, and her striving to get where she thought she should be and how one night in her hotel room after a speaking engagement, that ultimately led her to her knees, a most painfully beautiful place to land. As I read of her experience, I could feel every feeling she was writing, as if I was right there with her, down on my knees! Because when it’s all said and done, I know that that truly is where it all begins: on my knees and often on my face! There are just those times when we have to bow down in order to get up! Some of my biggest breakthroughs have come from humbling me in this way.
Anyway, as I read her blog, I nearly stopped breathing as the truth of her words hit a bulls-eye, right smack in the middle of my heart, and conviction began to ooze out and a holy presence filled my space. My eyes filled up, blurring my vision but still I could see: “I don’t live as if you are enough.” Ouch!
I so related to her confession of counting the “likes” or “hearts” on her stuff she puts out there, her heart soaring when there were many, and plummeting when there were few.  Why is it we base our self-worth on how many “likes” or “loves” we get on something we post on social media? Where does our confidence truly come from? It’s a frustrating conundrum truly, because my editor from New York actually told me last week, “Your platform’s too small. You need to get your numbers up because your social media platform has become just as important as what you write”!
So how does one get away from the necessity of social media? Well, maybe we ought to consider why we’re posting what we’re posting. Is it for attention, popularity, to fulfill a need, such as being liked, loved and accepted? Or is it simply to encourage, lift up, inspire and motivate?
We have got to remember who we’re really posting with! See, we can’t do it for Him because if we do anything “for” Him, it’s in our own strength and often for own need or purpose; but to partner “with” Him before we hit that “post” button, well then we’ll never run out of strength…or words and the “likes” and “loves” won’t matter because our Audience of One loves it and isn’t that all that really counts?
As I finished reading Rebeka’s blog, she cited something that she heard Ann Voskamp speak, and the echo of it is still speaking to me as I write this for you:
“Those who keep score in life just want to know that they count. When you work for an audience of One, you always know that you count.
My Coffee Hour friend, maybe it’s time to stop counting the “likes” and “loves” and trust that if we’re trying to send a message of encouragement to anyone, He will carry it right to the hearts that need it, and in the process, as it picks up speed in cyber space, the seed will scatter and reach many unseen “likes” and “loves.”


Friday, February 24, 2017

Faith-filled Friday

Name Calling!
Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United and our Faith-Filled Friday. John’s had computer issues – please pray for him as I can feel his pain – so I decided to have a little fun with you today and give you an exercise that’s sure to change your perspective. Come on in.

It was a Thursday morning, trench class day, and as I, not so springy, sprung out of bed, my mind began racing with the ‘to-dos’ for the day, so much so that by the time I made it to the coffee pot, my adrenalin was already running as if I’d had my morning dose of caffeine!  I made my two cups anyway, grabbed my rice cake with almond butter and raspberry jam, and off to my writing room I went.

I sat down, grabbed my little I-Pod, scrolled through the list of music, chose an album and as the music filtered out into my soul I realized I needed my quiet time more than anything. So I just sat, allowing the words to penetrate and thereafter flood my soul, inviting the presence of the very One I was there to worship. As I called out for Him, I began to call Him names…names that had significant meaning to me! Surely you didn’t think I meant naughty names? J Speaking these names of adoration out loud is a form of a powerful creation within us, just like when God spoke creation into existence (Genesis 1:1-5)

This name-calling type of worship not only ushered in His presence, it reassured my soul while reminding me of all that He has become to me, through it all, every single circumstance, life change, trauma, illness, birth, death, and despite having my almost two cups of coffee, my soul began to quiet down and my mind’s focus redirected to the moments with Him. The funny thing about this exercise is if you’re really in it, you don’t want it to end!

So can I encourage you to try and sit through one song, write down the names you have for Him, names that have significance to you, names to describe His love for you, or even names that express your need in certain areas, names that describe how He’s provided for you what He has provided for you. My name calling session went something like this: Abba, because He is my ultimate Daddy! Lover of my soul, because I truly love Him above everything, my Mountain Mover, because He has and will continue to move mountains that rise to block me in any area of my life, Provider, because He does provide for all my needs, Dependable because I can always count on Him to be there, even if I’m not always there.

I could literally go on for hours, but it’s your turn. Spend some time calling Him names, and feel your soul fill with quiet strength and confidence and your spirit lift!


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Thursday’s Trench Truth

Sometimes we need a break away to get a breakthrough…

A step back in order to move forward

A different view to understand a point of view

A change of scene to come clean…

Join us for our very first Trench Classes United Retreat! Save the dates: August 


Coming soon!!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

                                        Clinging to His Promises

Isaiah 66:9: Shall I bring to the point of birth and not cause to bring forth?” says the Lord; “shall I, who cause to bring forth, shut the womb?” says your God. (ESV)

Thanks so much for joining me for Wednesday’s Word & Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. Grab your strand of faith because wow, do we have a knot to tie today!
Last week I transparently shared my heart about the publisher of three of my four books going out of business. As I begin this blog, I am a bit convicted about my selfishness. I mean, geez, I’m not the only one affected, right? I don’t know how many employees they have, but I know it’s many, and the number of authors is even more than that. So as I imagine the Domino effect, my heart is sad for all of us.

But it still doesn’t change my predicament, and the feeling of having the rug ripped right out from underneath me. So what do I do with that? Oh, but His Word comes through again to splash perspective and beauty on something that’s hard to understand and definitely not pretty.
You might look at this verse that I’ve chosen and think, what in the world does this have to do with anything she’s talking about, or anything that I’m going through? Ha, I’m glad you asked! See, the Word is alive, and speaks to us differently, but perfectly for our individuality. Let me explain.

I was having coffee with a girlfriend, something we try to do at least once a month, and we were getting caught up the details of each other’s life, each of us concerned about the other. When I explained to her what had been a bit of a focus while knocking me off balance, she pulled out her phone and within seconds says: “Then this is perfect for you”!

My mouth dropped as I read this particular translation of Isaiah 66:9:

My heart almost immediately changed directions, and now waits to see what will be born from something that is dying! What is the new that He will bring forth from the old?  Perhaps this is where we get the phrase, when one door closes, another opens.  What about you, Coffee Hour Friend, what needs to die so that something new is born? Is there a door closing in on you? Can you take His promises to the bank and trust He’s got a better plan?

There’s one thing we can always count on to never let us down and always lift us up: HIS PROMISES!
Looking for new birth,


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

Welcome to Tuesday’s Trench Truth @ Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. Grab your drink and join me for just a moment of truth.

Do you feel let down by others? Have you ever been hurt by love?  Oh, unrealistic relational expectations can get the best of us in any relationship!

Join us May 4th-June 22nd to learn how to have realistic relational expectations that fuel us with hope and free us from anger!  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/living-fueled-by-hope-free-from-anger-tickets-32076892850

Hopeful and free from anger,


Monday, February 20, 2017

Monday’s Mantra

Are you a Boundary Maker or Boundary Breaker?

Welcome to Monday’s Mantra @ Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United.

Last week in the trenches (trench classes), we were working on a symptom that more of us have than we realize; it’s this sense of worrying about how others perceive us, what they would think of us if… You can fill in the “if” blank with so many different things. As a matter of fact, I was talking with one of my leaders as she was preparing to share in this particular symptom and she had just had a huge victory in setting a material boundary, “but it wasn’t easy,” she kept reminding me.

I assured her that it rarely is when first setting a boundary, but the more we set them…without an attitude, the easier it is. See the hard part is watching the one who is trying to cross the line struggle when you reinforce the line. We wonder if we should erase it, or move it for fear of them not liking us, which equates to worrying about how they perceive us. We can’t handle rejection, so we erase our line…over and over again and pretty soon, we disappear. Not like Houdini but emotionally, we become incapable of expressing our needs and/or wants so what’s left is really a shell.

I experienced a big a-ha when talking with my husband about this symptom. He really doesn’t worry about how others perceive him and often says if someone doesn’t want to be around me, I could care less; I won’t be around them. At first glance, that seems emotionally healthy, but – yup there’s a but in there – when we pull that back and explore it a bit by reminding ourselves of the relationship that seems to be a thorn in our side, the unlovable person in our life, the one we wish would call and make an effort, can we honestly say we don’t worry or even care for that matter about that person and what they think of us, or is that simply the wall we hide behind so we don’t have to deal with it?

As he and I dug into that a little bit, we discovered that perhaps there are those that we really do care about, wonder why they perceive what they seem to be perceiving, and as long as we have done all we can to encourage acceptance, then we are free to be free from worrying about what they perceive or how they perceive us. This is the journey to self-acceptance.


Friday, February 17, 2017

Faith filled Friday

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. Grab your favorite break-time drink and your Strand of Faith for what I’ll call a Power Friday…it will just take a couple of minutes.

Did you know there are 59 references to “one-another” in the Love Letters from God (Bible)? In other words, they are instructions for us to participate in, practice and perfect with one another.  Now if the Bible is not something you are familiar with, or you’re not sure what you believe, reading these particular references just may melt your heart!

Most of the “one another” instructions involve encouraging, supporting, living in peace with one another, comforting one another, in other words and what do all those require? You guessed it, LOVE, loving one another. (See Mark 9:50, John 13-34-35 for starters!)

Could it be that there is such an emphasis on relationships and getting along while in this temporary journey because we will be living with “one another” in eternity?

I’m thinking we need to learn to go along and get along with one another as relationships are the greatest teacher in the classroom of life which is preparing us for eternal life!


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday’s Trench Truth

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. It’s Trench Truth day! Grab whatever you’re having and come in for a quick moment of truth and encouragement for your soul.
I am thoroughly enjoying our current trench class as we delve into finding our identity without chaos and confusion. The information we are learning is so transforming…shocking in a gentle sort of way, and incredibly freeing.

I shared on Tuesday about buying into the lie that “sameness” means closeness, and trying to be like the one you’re with is like becoming a human pretzel! And yet, there is to be an intertwining, if you will, of ourselves with the ones we love – not just romantically, either! J

What does that look like? I’m so glad you asked! Here are some characteristics of healthy intertwining:

·         When each person in the relationship – any relationship takes two people – ideally stands alone with the privilege of the giving and taking to and from the other.

·         Each person wanting, not demanding the other to care for them while realizing they don’t have to; they get to!

·         Each person choosing to care for the other and choosing to let them care for you…
This is healthy interdependence! Oh, to be healthily entwined, perfectly interdependent!



Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

Romans 8:28: And we know (experience) that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Thanks so much for stopping by for Wednesday’s Word @ Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. Grab your coffee, or favorite break-time drink, your Strand of Faith, and join me for my latest plight, aka, another opportunity for God to be God.

Before Christmas, a local author sent me an email letting me know my publisher was going out of business, saying he thought I’d like to know. I replied back with a quick thank you, and did NOT click on the link for a few days. Finally curiosity ruled over all my other to-do’s and I clicked on the article.

As I read the article, I was puzzled about how my author friend heard about this before me, how this information leaked out before the publisher contacted all of its authors, but there it was, in black and white: they were struggling and not staying afloat, but it also hinted that they were still in the struggle.

And then a few weeks ago it came via email, an offer to extricate from the publisher by signing a piece of paper stating so, and also stating my books were going out of print. I IGNORED it because I didn’t know what to do and also because it said they were trying to find publishers for authors who didn’t want to sign the release form.

Yesterday, I dared to open the file again and read the fine print…the offer has expired! I can’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling inside as I write this. The only thing I am confident about at this very moment is this didn’t knock Him off His throne, and somehow, some way, He’s going to weave this ugliness into the tapestry of my life and it will add color, beauty, and bring Him glory. I have no idea how; I just have to trust Him, which isn’t hard for me to do. He’s proven His promises to me over and over again. It’s the waiting and the wondering, which way do I go; do I sign this paper, get my files back – and then what? How do I move forward in this? Where do I go?

I realize that my blog is supposed to encourage you…today, I am afraid it’s the opposite: I need a bit of encouragement from you! Would you agree to pray for me, that He would either send me an agent or publisher or lead me in the way I should go as I wait for Him to work all of this out for my good and His glory because He knows I do love him and I am called to carry out His purpose…I just need a confirmation of the purpose and the calling!

From my heart to yours,

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

Thanks so much for joining me for Tuesday’s Trench Truth, and Happy Valentine’s Day to you! This blog is for all, but dedicated to those who think they don’t have a Valentine. Grab whatever you’re having for our break and come on in for just a minute or two.

Have you ever watched a friend “fall” in love? It’s like this morphing that takes place before your very eyes: their countenance changes; their attitude changes; their somewhat happy face now has a lopsided grin more often than not. They are giddy, upbeat and there’s a sort of dance in their step.
Why do you think that happens?

In my opinion and experience, it’s because we feel accepted, approved and valued, all of which are GOD-given needs to each one of us!

But what happens when we begin to discover differences…things change! We make it a negative when really it could be a positive.

See, most of us have bought into several relational lies as it relates to sameness in relationships, believing that if we are the same in lots of areas, and we don’t argue that we have a great relationship…FALSE! If you are really honest and think about it, to want to be the same as the one you’re with like saying we have a good relationship…as long as we don’t talk about anything serious!

The desire for “perceived sameness” often leads to becoming a human pretzel!
Are you bending over backwards, inwards, sideways, this way, that way to be like the one you’re with, or are you confident to be who you really are?

Let’s remember that “love” is a verb, not a feeling, an action that should be put in action to all who come our way…not just our Valentine!


Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday’s Mantra

Welcome to Monday’s Mantra & Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. Grab your favorite break-time drink and your Strand of Faith and let’s go talk about a different kind of love not always found in a “Valentine.”

I remember when Valentine’s Day used to be my least favorite day – and that’s putting it mildly. Watching friends get flowers, teddy-bears, Valentines of varying degrees was like a finger pointing at me, mocking me for my lack of a Valentine. I was in my SOS (season of singleness) and as I look back on it now, I’m so, so grateful for that season! Of course, in the beginning of it, I wasn’t so comfortable because I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin, let alone the mere thought of living alone for always. Through a number of years, counseling, education, and even through writing, God has spoken this very truth to me to free me from the wrong placement of my need of others:

You can’t connect with others healthily when you are disconnected from yourself!
Could it be that we need to really believe that in order to be someone, we don’t have to have someone, because we have The One…whose love never fails. For many of us, that truth hasn’t quite made the 12-inch leap from head to heart, but can I encourage you to begin, if you haven’t already, to fall in love with the One who will never leave you or forsake you? You can’t experience true love until God becomes your first love…then you won’t fall out of love!
1st John, 4:16 tells us that in order to experience true love, we must know (by experience) and believe the love that God has for us. Whose love do you abide in?


Friday, February 10, 2017

Faith Filled Friday

Welcome back to Faith Filled Friday's everyone.

One day after work last week, I went to get gas and I guess my credit card fell out of my pocket. About 20 minutes after I got home, I noticed a tag on Facebook. It was someone on another group that had found my credit card at the gas station. So when the girl who found it (Molly Hassler) said she could meet me that same evening and give it back, I thought I would get her some flowers, a small piece of chocolate and a $20 reward.

After meeting this nice girl and getting my credit card back, I was on my way home and saw an elderly homeless man walking down the street very slow. He stood out to me and so I thought I would grab a burger, some fries and a drink and give them to him. After giving him the food, I talked to him for a while and talked to him about his situation. I found out his name was Sam and that he was also a fellow Veteran.

I asked him if he was cold and he stated that he didn't have a blanket. I asked him if he would like me to go get one. His evident happiness was all I needed to go get one for him. I ran home and started going through the blankets I had. None of them seemed right…till I came across one that was quite special to me. 

This blanket was so important to me for it had once kept me through such cold nights. You see it had seen me through my own season of homelessness. It would be so hard to give away because I had a lot of sentimental value tied up in it. I just can't tell you how valuable a blanket is when you have nothing, not even warmth. A blanket is not only a refuge but a promise. But even more importantly, a glimpse of this blanket was a constant reminder to keep me humble and to remind me where I come from, the things I have been to and through.

I know that the purpose of a blanket is to keep a person warm and I needed to let it go, to let this blanket fulfill its purpose. I took the blanket and also filled a couple of bags with some baby wipes, bottled water and some canned goods.

I made my way back to Sam and placed the two bags in his old shopping cart that he had been pushing around. I didn't go into too much detail but I did share with him that despite the blanket being worn that it had a history and that I wanted him to not only feel warmer in it but safe and that while wrapped in it, he will find himself covered in prayer.

He was so very grateful for it. I truly hope it does for him what it did for me. I have not seen him since we parted ways but I still pray for him. In this experience I must say that I think Sam and I both received something in that moment. I have struggled with the ability in life to let go of things. There comes a time when letting go is not merely crucial, but a blessing. Our souls can endure so much but these things grow heavy to endure. So the soul’s empathy has an innate ability to let our hands release what we hold onto. Why? Could it be because it was a blessing from God above to begin with?

Letting go is often just what we need to do, not just for our own peace, but also for love for our neighbor. I have also learned through the course of life that there are many stages, many chapters to letting go. Living with PTSD is surely about letting go, many times over, but I believe God will use me... much like the blanket and just like the blanket has a purpose, so does God have one for you and most definitely for me. 

Much love everyone. Your friend & brother in the journey...


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thursday’s Trench Truth

Thanks for joining us for a quick moment of truth at Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. Grab your coffee, or your favorite break-time beverage, a journal and a pen as you will definitely want to take some notes, and don’t forget your strand of faith as faith is a necessity in any relationship. Let’s go determine if you have lost your voice in any of your relationships.

This information was taken from a life-changing book called How We Love by Milan & Kay Yerkovitch. This book really rocked my marriage in such a positive way and helped me to stay in my own car and work on me instead of pointing the finger at everyone else in my world.
Look these over and answer these yes/no honestly…it’s just you and Him looking!

1I am usually the giver in relationships; 2I am good at keeping the peace; 3I avoid conflicts at all costs fear making others angry or upset;  4I don’t like to be alone;  I am very uncomfortable when I know someone is upset with me; 5I had either a critical/angry parent or an overprotective parent; 6I grew up in either an abusive, violent or addictive environment; 8I’ve been in destructive/abusive relationship(s) 9I suffer with depression/anxiety;  10I have felt unworthy for most of my life…
Now if you answered yes to any of those, can I just encourage you that life was not meant to be lived without a voice…in any relationship!
The inability to express needs and/or wants is the same as a lack of integrity!
The challenge comes in finding your voice! Join us in the trenches to learn how to find your identity without chaos and confusion!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r57y5GI16LQ&feature=youtu.be


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

Are You an Infant, Adolescent or Adult?
Welcome to Wednesday’s Word @ Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. Grab your coffee and your Strand of Faith, and let’s go tie some knots in our faith by overcoming the complexity and focusing on the simplicity of His Word.

Have you ever looked at the Bible and been overwhelmed by wondering where to start, how to start? It’s a big, big book, and usually when we grab a book, we want to read from beginning to end, but we also want to understand, enjoy and hopefully be challenged by what we read. What if I were to tell you that the Bible is the greatest love story ever written, and lived out? Or that it is full of mystery, drama, oh, does it have a lot of drama. Our connection group has been studying in the book of 1st Samuel, and we have been nearly bowled over with shock by the drama, mystery, and twisted love stories all woven in this historical time.

I remember a long time ago, when I used to just dream about writing, I wanted to start with 101 ways to read the Bible…maybe someday I’ll get back to that, but for now, I’d like to share another simple thing I learned in our Discover class, a class designed to help us discover how to have a closer relationship with our Living God through the Bible. Of course, I’ll put my spin on it, just like I did the Five-Finger Prayer, with the hope that it will stir something down in your soul and cause you to open up the greatest book ever written, the one book that has been on the New York Best Seller’s list since it’s been published!

What is the difference between an infant, an adolescent and an adult? Give up? Okay. Well, an infant has to be fed, an adolescent can feed themselves, and an adult can feed themselves and others. Do you see the difference? When you have a baby, don’t you measure their growth by how much they eat?

So now let’s put a spiritual twist on this: as spiritual infants, we need to be fed by others whether that be through church, connection groups, study groups, worship services, to name a few types of feeding. As we grow spiritually, we should be setting aside time to feed ourselves with the goal of becoming a spiritual adult, able to feed self and others.

The truth is many of us don’t make it past the adolescent stage, and are still figuring out how to feed ourselves. We can’t feed others and fulfill His great commission if we are not feeding ourselves. Why? Because we can’t give what we don’t have or haven’t received! We have become such a smart-phone society that we are losing sight of true spiritual food; not only do we not take the time to sit down and eat, but often when we do, we then forget to digest it!

In Matthew 28: 19-20 Jesus gives specific marching orders for each of us:  19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

So may I encourage you with a starting point: If you want to learn about Jesus, study the books of Matthew, Luke and John; history, study the book of Acts. If you want some life application principles from Jesus Himself, start with Ephesians, Galatians and then Colossians. If you want to read about how to pray, read Psalms. If you need comfort, read Psalms (a Psalm a day keeps the blues away!) If you want to know God’s story, read Genesis through Deuteronomy, and if you want some wisdom, read Proverbs.

We are not alone; He waits for you in that comfy chair, or that secluded place, or that special corner to share His promises and principles with you, to help you understand what you are reading that you may be able to digest it for digestion leads planting and planting to blooming and what we plant in our hearts and minds blooms in our life, one sentence at a time!
Longing to hang out in His Word…


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

Thanks so much for joining us for #Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. It’s time for Tuesday’s Trench truth, and now that we are in the trenches, it brings me such joy to share a powerful truth we are learning about. Grab your coffee and your strand of faith and let’s go tie some knots in our faith that it won’t come unraveled as more truths are revealed!

Do you have a hard time asking for what you want or need? This is one of the most common symptoms of identity problems, and it could be for whatever reason. I can say most emphatically that there’s a history behind this inability, and history needs to be studied so as not to be repeated!
Many of us have heard someone say, or have even said ourselves, that we are with the wrong person, or “I made a mistake,” or even more common is the mistake of blaming others for the lack of a voice in our significant relationships.

Let me let you in on a little secret: These inabilities didn’t just show up in your/their adult life! They have a genesis, a starting point if you will.  But the longer we go unaware of the root of the problem, the bigger the root. What happens with roots? Unattended roots encroach into the lives of others! This is what I deem relational insanity, but you can’t know what you don’t know!
Taking the time to figure out you so you can do you in any “us” that is significant to you is a big part of the equation of a healthy relationship!

Join me Thursday for a little assessment to determine if you have lost your voice in any of your relationships!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday’s Mantra

Five-Finger Prayer
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Mantra & Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United! Grab your favorite break-time beverage and let’s go ties some knots in our faith through a five-finger prayer!

I have had the privilege of being a table leader for our Discover class at our church and I have to say, I think what I’m enjoying the most is the nuggets I am getting in the classrooms of life and in this classroom! I love learning new things, especially when it comes to growing my spiritual self.  And then, of course, I love to share what I’ve learned with a heart that hopes to encourage you in your journey in the classrooms of life. Psalm 138:8 tells us that he will perfect that which concerns you and me, and that He will not forsake the work of His hands, meaning us! What a comfort.

So, first, to make this even more real for you, get a piece of paper and a pen and then trace your hand…go ahead, do it! It will be fun.

Okay. Now, looking at your hand-traced hand, whether it be your right or left, let’s start with your thumb. Thumbs up, those we pray first are usually the ones closes to us, so inside the thumb, put “those closes to me.” Then the next finger is your pointer finger, which is analogous to those people in your life who point you in the right direction, so write in “Leaders in my life” in that finger. Now that third finger…uh-huh, that’s the middle finger, also known as the middle finger and that finger is to remind you to pray for your…enemies! So write “enemies, or even personalize it and put a few unlovable people’s names in that finger. And then the ring finger, did you know it’s considered the weakest finger? Oh, my goodness, what beautiful symbolism, especially if there’s a wedding ring on it! Anyway, that finger is to remind you to pray for the weak, those less fortunate than you and I so in that finger, write “Weak, those in need.”

And then finally we have the pinky, which is to remind you to pray for yourself, so write “self” in that finger.  Do you pray for yourself, friend? Many of us are so concerned about others that we may forget to pray for ourselves, but just like the fingers on a hand, every one of them has a purpose…and so do you! So next time you get ready to pray, remember all of your fingers to accomplish a five-finger prayer!


Friday, February 3, 2017

Faith Filled Friday

Guess what day it is? Faith Filled Friday; it certainly is.
Ok. I really have to be honest here. I have become growingly weary of hearing the political bantering and hate being spewed. The level it has reached has really been affecting me. So much so, that I had put FB in the backseat for a while. Then I realized I really do love social media. So I came back and just started un-following people. I don't want to discount people or their opinions but I started noticing that it was causing me a lot of anxiety. It was disrupting my own journey toward happiness and peace which I already struggle with. I don't have to absorb it, at least not if I have the choice.

So as hard as it was, one, by one, I began clicking the button to un-follow friends. I love everyone, but it's like people have become un-hinged and can't help but project hate and hostility towards one another. 

I have to admit making this decision has made me feel better. It is nice to enjoy some peace. Funny that although social media is a lot of typed words, when you shut off that hateful energy how much more quiet things seem to evolve around us. Peace is surely becoming more and more valuable the older I become. I want to not only see the beauty out there, but ultimately feel it. Take the time to touch it, smell it, fall asleep appreciating that it was part of my day and just one piece to the puzzle of the day behind me.

It just crossed my mind..."Back to Breathing," which, for me, means to stay the course toward happiness. Let's dare to step back and let go of the pride-motivated hate and take every chance we get to steady our compasses toward what we really want internally from this life. 

Much love


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thursday’s Trench Truth

How can we find balance in chaos? We need to incorporate all three God-given components: Mind, body and soul!
Balance means “a righteous evaluation of motives and actions,” and/or “to examine, to make level,” and/or “harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole;” Why is it we leave home without our spiritual selves?
What are you feeding your soul today? Join us to learn how to find your balance without chaos and confusion because when we are in balance, confusion can’t tip us over!