Friday, February 15, 2013

Power Friday @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerThanks for joining me for Power Friday @ Chicklit Power. Grab your coffee and come on in.

This week’s power thought came in the midst of a conversation with my son who is struggling with unemployment. Unemployment wreaks havoc because that one issue creates so many other issues, as you can imagine.

As I listened to their situation growing worse with each day that passed with no prospect of employment, I felt helpless for them and yet I knew I wasn’t supposed to jump to their rescue! Yay, I am breaking free! Anyway, I was actually speechless listening to their situation and can admit that it looked so bleak, almost dark, and then out of my mouth came this:
We shine our brightest when we are plugged into Him!

Oh to stop wiggling and risking coming unplugged!

Have a great weekend!


kim L

Love Thoughts to Ponder-From Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerHappy Valentine’s Day to you! I hope you know you don’t have to have a Valentine to be a Valentine! This blog is especially dedicated to those who are single but hopefully it will resonate with any who read it. Grab your coffee and come on in. I want to give you the love test!

You know, a long time ago, before He took me out of my season of singleness, He spoke something to me and through me that I’d like to share with you now: There is no such thing as a perfect person but there is a person perfect for you! That rings so true when we let Him do the picking!

1st Corinthians Chapter 13 tells us that love is the greatest gift and the passage compares true love to many things that we may deem important and valuable in our world. Then it goes on to describe what true love really is. There’s something I learned from a mentor of mine a long time ago, and that is to put your name in place of the word “Love” and you will see just how true your love is. I like to call this the “Love Test.” So here we go:

____________ is patient, __________ is kind; _________ does not envy; _______ does not parade itself, is not puffed up. _________ does not behave rudely, does not seek its own. ______ is not provoked, thinks no evil. ________ does not rejoice in iniquity/sin but rejoices in the truth; _______ bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. ________ never fails.

Now, let me clear a couple of things up about this test, beginning with that last fill-in-the-blank: The only way we don’t fail is if we are allowing His love to abide in us. In other words, as long as we are staying plugged into the “Love” source, we can’t fail because love/GOD doesn’t fail! He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it at the time of Christ… In the meantime, keep loving toward a better score on your test!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Remember you don’t have to have or be a valentine to be loved!


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Love Thoughts to Ponder-From Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerThanks for joining me today for some thoughts to ponder about love. Grab your coffee and come on in!

So I left off with a tough question and I’d like to transparently answer it: It takes a giant leap and a tiny seed of faith. See, 1st John 4:12 reminds us that no one has seen God at any time, but if we love one another, God abides in us. I’ll be the first to admit that we can’t love one another without that true love!

The first step to receiving that “true” love is by confessing Christ as our Savior. His Word tells us that when we do that, He comes into our heart, “He,” meaning His Spirit abides in us. But what if it’s stuck somewhere between your head and your heart? I have felt like that so much of my life and that feeling multiplies a hundred times when I’m feeling as though I’m in a rut.

What to do? One of the things I enjoy doing is journaling the journey, which I do every morning. What I journal is the events of the day before. I sort of rewind the film, reflecting on it, which means I have to be still. It is then that I am able to pull out some nuggets of recognition that sparkle with truth that He hovered over my day, protecting me, providing for me. As I reflect, I realize that many times I’ve missed His whispers of love and fingerprints of provision and protection because I’m not staying in the moments! It is then that faith sparks the embers of love, moving them from that in-between place and directly into my heart.

Reading His love letters is another way to keep His love moving from your head to your heart but always, before you do, invite him into the reading! Ask Him for understanding, and when you ask, be prepared to receive as the Scriptures come alive for you. Put your name in what you read and it has to come to life for you!

Let me give you an example found in 1st John 4, beginning with verse 7: Beloved (your name), let us love one another, for love  is of God and _________ who loves is born of God and knows God. He/she who does not love does not know GodSTOP! That word “know” translates to “experience with your inner being,” which means in your heart! – for God is love. In this the love of God was manifested (poured out) toward ________, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world that ________ might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God (first) but that He loved _________ and sent His Son to be the propitiation (payment) for our sins. ____________ if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

There are sooooo many diamonds in that passage that I could pull out that would have your heart sparkling crystal clean and ready to receive the “True” love, but I’ve kept you long enough and hopefully, His Spirit has assured you of His love for you!

In love with Him and His ways,


kim L

Invitation Tuesdays From Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerThanks for joining me for a little break and a special invitation! Grab your coffee and come on in.
I’d like to take just a minute and tell you about some extraordinary people, people that meet at least three times before each event to pray, participate and plan these events for you and I am humbled by their selflessness, their hearts to participate in whatever way God wants them to as we as a team encourage others toward their Destination? Joyful! ™ I am both honored and humbled by all they give, and all they do!

I wish you could have been at our last meeting, especially when we discussed everything that we needed to purchase for a great and nutritious break time. I can’t help but smile as I remember the hands going up all over the room and shouts of: “I’ll donate that”; “Here’s $20 to get those.” “I’ll take care of that.” “I’ll give $20 for that. I mean it lasted for about ten minutes, ten minutes of absolutely joyful and selfless giving. Before I knew it the CPM team had come together and donated every item on the menu as well as the paper goods to put it all on! It still makes my heart giggle with joy when I think about it. This is why we can keep the cost of the ticket down for you and your guest!
Team, you know who you are; your selflessness moves me beyond myself and your crowns that await you are getting bejeweled more and more! Talk about bling, bling! I think they have caught the vision and are as excited as I am for this event! Mark your calendars and pray about who you should ask to join you!

I want to encourage you with this invitation, email us with any relationship struggle, challenge and/or hurt you may have! or

You're invited!
 You’re invited!


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Monday, February 11, 2013

Love Thoughts to Ponder-From Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerThank you for joining me for a little coffee break today. I don’t know about you, but little breaks throughout the day go a long way in keeping me going. Since it’s the week of Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d bring some thoughts of love to ponder, thoughts that I have as a result of a passage of scripture I was reading just last week. Grab your coffee and come on in.

So what is “true” love, anyway? I remember when I was younger, when there was many more pieces of junk in my trunk than there are now, chasing it as if it were a butterfly never to be captured…. That is until I ran smack into Jesus by coming to the end of myself. What I mean is He met me where I collapsed and as a matter of fact, it was in my season of singleness! Since then, we’ve unpacked an awful lot of junk, junk that interfered with me truly receiving, let alone honestly giving, that thing called love.

Ever so patiently, He began to show me love in ways that I would understand it and as I become less ensnared by the effects of my past, His love no longer feels elusive, un-imaginable or too hard to comprehend. That’s not to say I’ve arrived when it comes to this powerful force of love, but I feel as though I am getting closer to discovering its depth, purity and honesty that I may bask in it instead of continue to run from it.

See, love is not a feeling, but a choice. True love is not something that gives you butterflies in your stomach, and it is not something that we can actually chase, possess and hold captive. Love is also something we can’t give or even receive on our own.

Now I don’t mean to confuse you, so let me try to clear it up for you with a couple of passages I was reading as I was working in my Becoming a Woman of Freedom Book. This first passage is actually the World’s best kept secret about love:

Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him/her, and he/she in God. And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him/her.

But what if you don’t believe or you just can’t grasp this concept?

Join me Wednesday and I’ll try and answer that transparently!

In His Love,


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P.S. Join us today at 1:00 PST for our Blog Talk Radio Breaking Free from Co-dependency!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Power Friday @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerWelcome to our Power Friday at Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power. Grab your coffee and come on in.

When I think about my own recovery from co-dependency, more times than I care to admit, I groan within, wondering if I will ever get it right, ever be free from it. But then He does something in His own sovereign way: splashes me with perspective as I read His Word, or maybe He will use another one of His own to send me a message of encouragement or sometimes, He just gives me a one-liner that catches my attention. That one-liner will run around in my head for a few, travel down to my mouth where I will chew on it a bit, and by the time it reaches my heart to go on down to be digested, I am encouraged and reminded that He who began a new work will be faithful to complete it until the time of Christ Jesus.

See even when I am filled with doubt, He’s still got the brush in His hand, painting on the canvass of my life but I get this picture that He has to splash a different color on what He’s painting to represent that present doubt, but then suddenly mid-stroke, He swooshes and revives my faith and the color changes. It has to because just as the light sends the dark scurrying off, active faith chases doubt away.

Yes, as long as I am showing up, He will continue the painting of my life, one brushstroke at a time, adding more of the color of faith than doubt because as long as I am alive, I will continue to seek Him for true recovery to break free from the chains of do-dependency until I am co-dependent no more – except on Him.

Breaking free,


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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Even When I Fail, He is Faithful-February’s WOW-Part 3

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerThanks so much for taking a little coffee break with me today. Grab your coffee and let’s get back to this dilemma of an apparent angry agency owner, two attorneys, and me, the baffled court reporter on the phone with Christie, the office manager for the firm we were working for!

Christie remembered me right away, but we both knew we needed to get right to the problem. She repeated what my office manager had said; that Counsel had set it up. It was obvious she was frustrated as well, and within a few seconds, I could tell this was becoming a blame game but all I wanted to do was solve the problem, find a place for the deposition to take place and take names later. I mean as the minutes are ticking, so is the doctor’s fee, who had just walked in, right smack in the middle of all this.

Suddenly, I had Christie in one ear telling me to talk to Mr. W about getting another conference room and then here comes the agency owner walking like a bull in a china cabinet. In a gruff and demanding tone she says: “I have another business right there. You need to come down here,” and as the reality of her harshness hit me, I was grappling with my other ear, trying to listen to Christie. Apparently, I wasn’t moving  fast enough because she repeated herself! Are you kidding me?

A hot flash threatened to break out and I mentally counted to three as I walked forward. “Christie, I’m so sorry, could you say that again, please? I couldn’t hear you because I’m being scolded and told to move from where I was standing.” What I was really thinking was: you just want to hear my conversation!

About that time here comes the doctor we are supposed to depose. As he walks toward me he hears the angry agency owner who apparently didn’t like the word “scolded” so she proceeded to turn her back on me and announce to all of us that she wasn’t scolding me; she has another business she’s trying to run.

Well, I could go all day about suppositions and accusations, but I won’t because two wrongs don’t make a right. I got off the phone with Christie, shook the doctor’s hand. He smiled at me and lifted his eyebrows as if to say, “What in the world …” He did say, “I’ll be right back,” and he walked into her office.

In the meantime, I told both attorneys I’d see about using a conference room from my friend’s agency if they wanted to. My client voiced his appreciation and said let’s see what the doctor says.
A few minutes later the doctor came out and announced we were driving to downtown Claremont to his friends’ office who was also an attorney. And then here she came to make her final announcement, not an apology, an announcement. She began to reiterate her policies but what she said next really pushed a button. With me standing directly across from her, she said, as if I wasn’t there: “Your court reporter said I was scolding her and I wasn’t scolding her. I was merely asking her to move so my other business wasn’t bothered.

I interrupted her and in a calm but firm voice I said: “Excuse me. You don’t have to talk about me as if I’m not here. I am standing right in front of you.”
“Well, I wasn’t scolding you,” she retorted.

My voice suddenly raised about a half octave from before: “Yes, you did. Listen to your tone right now. Why do you have to be so mean?” I turned my back, caught my client’s eyes, and the doctor’s and began to walk down the hall. I was so overwhelmed with what had just happened. Never in 22 years of reporting had I come across any agency owner like that. The most important thing was to get the deposition taken, for the sake of the doctor and the two attorneys, not just our client.
I was shaken up to say the least, and as the picture comes to life once again and I look at it from the outside in, I can learn from it and recognize these things:

1. When dealing with an unreasonable person, do not expect anything but unreasonableness.
2. When I engage with an unreasonable person, I only add a huge log to the fire which will now threaten to burn out of control.
3. My opinions, my expectations born out of my flesh cannot change that unreasonable person.
4. And lastly, I do not need to use my opinions and expectations to defend myself for though my flesh and my heart fail, God will continue to be the strength of my heart and my portion forever!

Incidentally, we did get the deposition completed and the doctor admitted that he had never seen her behave like that before. He even apologized for her, calling her behavior uncalled for, and then he added: Maybe she was just having a bad day! Ugh, more salt to flavor this lesson! The next morning in my quiet time, as I was working in my “Becoming a Woman of Freedom” study, I came upon this verse! God is so faithful, even when my flesh and heart fail!

Make it a great day!


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February 6th, 2013 Even When I Fail, He is Faithful-February’s Wow Part 2

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerThanks so much for taking the time to join me for a little break at Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power. Grab your coffee and come on in. I have a bit of real-life drama to share with you that He is using to refine me. I pray that as I share, the sparks from the refining process will ignite something spiritually significant for you!

I had received my job assignment the night before – I am a freelance court reporter — and as soon as I heard the location, there was a little nudge of uneasiness in my spirit. See, the job was at another court reporting agency, and in court reporting etiquette, a court reporter from one agency does not show up to report a deposition at another court reporting agency, unless it’s a network job. I squashed the uneasiness down, telling myself to chillax. At least I was working.

The other disconcerting thing is it was in a bad part of town, downtown Pomona off of Garey Avenue. As I pulled up, I was a bit shocked at how rundown the building looked and how hard I had to look for their sign to make sure I was at the right place. If I had to compare it to something, I’d say it looked more like a bar instead of a professional building. That’s what I love about my job; all the culture I experience!

Anyway, I walked in, and the inside looked about as bad as the outside, dark, dungy and a bit oppressive now that I think about it. The lady at the front was in what looked like a cage, or a barricade, probably for safety reasons! She must have seen me pulling my court reporting case because she didn’t even greet me; she just directed me down the hall, “straight ahead, then turn right.”

As I turned right, I saw one attorney sitting down and a lady standing at the door of her office and I could tell immediately by her body language and her tone of voice she was using with this attorney that something was wrong. I sat like a fly on the wall for a moment to listen to the obvious problem and then I heard: “I never heard anything about this. The only time we allow another court reporter that isn’t from our agency to report in our conference room is if it’s a network job.”
I mentally flew off the wall and joined the conversation: “Actually, I think this may be a network job.”

Like a snake that suddenly came upon some unsuspecting prey, she turned her head toward me and spat: “No, it isn’t a network job. All network jobs go through me.”

As I wiped her venom off  of me, I looked at the other attorney and calmly said: Let me call my office. I stepped down the hall a few steps and called my office manager and after putting me on hold for a few seconds, she came back on and explained that our client had arranged it. Then she informed me that she had Christie, the office manager for our client’s firm on the line.

When I heard her say “Christie,” I got excited because I didn’t know she was still with this firm and we go a long way back to when we used to sell Creative Memories together and do scrap-booking. In fact, she’s the one who got me started in that fun hobby. I knew we couldn’t get in a “remember when” conversation; no, that would have to be for another day . . .

Join me tomorrow for more of this real life blooper that led me to these words of wisdom!


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Invitation Tuesdays!

Thanks for joining me for our little Coffee Hour break and our invitation Tuesdays. When you’re done reading this, feel free to share this invitation. We want to pack The River Church out! Grab your coffee and come on in.

So as I mentioned, the second half will be like a T.V. talk show – we’re even going to have commercials honoring all our raffle vendors/donators and we are going to address real life issues. What I didn’t mention is this is going to be the most interactive event we’ve held but we need your help. We have heard from several people about their relationship struggles, challenges and questions, but we’d like to hear from more of you. What is your most important relationship? What is a consistent struggle you have in that relationship?

And please know, we are not limiting “relationship” to husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend. What about the relationship with our kids, or our BFF, or an unlovable/difficult friend? Maybe you struggle with your mom, or your dad. Whatever the relationship is and whatever the relationship struggle/challenge is, we’d like to hear about it so we can perhaps offer a different perspective, a little diamond that shines brilliantly on a solution! So far we have a couple of issues as they relate to the mother/son relationship; we have several husband/wife issues, mother/daughter issue but we all know the types of issues are endless so we’d like yours! We will, of course, do this anonymously, so please, email me at or Steve Atkinson, M.F., at .

In the meantime, mark your calendars:




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Even when I Fail, He is Faithful-February’s Wow-Part 1

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerThanks so much for joining me for Coffee Hour and our monthly WOW (words of wisdom; weapons of warfare). I can’t believe January is already gone and something tells me February is going to fly by faster, and not just because it’s a shorter month! Grab your coffee and come on in.

Do you ever experience times when you wish you hadn’t said something, acted in a certain way with a wrong attitude, or done something you knew that you knew you shouldn’t do? Oh, sister, I have, and way too many times to count!

website mission statement cloud 200xHe just brought to mind a poignant memory that helps soothe that uncomfortable frustration. It was a Tuesday evening and our church service had just ended. I was standing in the back musing on this exact frustration while all the guys were putting away all the chairs and cleaning up everything, leaving not a trace of a church service for the elementary students the next day. (We were meeting in an elementary school at the time.) I must have really been deep in thought because when I heard my pastor say my name, I remember being startled but pleasantly surprised.

His mercies r new every morning!We began to walk toward each other. I don’t’ remember how we started the conversation but I do remember that we wound up talking about this very subject and I shared the frustration I was feeling with him about myself!

This pastor is a gentle soul and his words of encouragement will resonate in my heart forever. He said: “You are a leader with a gift of words, which can be like a double-edged sword and the key is learning the how to use them to edify and not tear down, and that includes not tearing yourself down! He recognized that while I was frustrated with the situation, I was more frustrated with myself! I felt validated in my frustration and encouraged to just keep trying to get it right and be more accepting of the gift of words God had given me. Maybe if I relaxed a bit, I might not offend so often?

I still make mistakes in the area of saying too much, being too transparent, but I’m so thankful for His Word that splashes perspective and reminds me that the work He began in me will continue until I am face to face with Him!

This month’s WOW is from the book of Psalms, 73:26: My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever!

Honestly, I had no intention of sharing that first part and I didn’t mean to get off on that little detour, but that’s where He led, so we’ll pick up with our WOW on Wednesday, and I’ll share the incident that led me to these words of wisdom and how they came to life within me and I pray they will do the same for you!

Have an awesome Monday, and if you can, tune in with us at 1:00 Pacific time at Blog Talk Radio for our show on breaking free from co-dependency!
Don’t forget to join me tomorrow for Invitation Tuesday because I’ll be giving a little heads-up about our next event!



kim L

Friday, February 1, 2013

Power Friday!

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit PowerThanks for joining me for a little coffee break and another Power Friday at Chicklit Power! Grab your coffee and come on in.

Incidentally we will have our monthly WOW for February on Monday! Where in the heck did January go?

I am still overwhelmed, and sometimes discouraged, at how much of this viral infection of codependency still resides in me! It’s His love and grace that keeps me going, and then knowing there is you to share the lessons with also acts like a heart on your foot at my behind to keep me walking towards freedom from this disease!

Last week, my infection spread on Facebook. Talk about viral! Ugh! So a friend of mine posted a comment about a reminder that very few people are trustworthy, and as soon as I saw that, a few faces came to mind and without thinking, pausing, praying, I put “Can I get an AMEN!” The next morning, I received a few notifications regarding this post and apparently, there was a little Facebook bonfire happening around that post! I had no idea that it had turned into a bit of a combative commentary. There staring me bold in the face was a comment that I KNEW was directed to me from someone who obviously not only took issue with what I said but has issues with me as well.

Conviction began to dance in my mind and did the two-step down to my heart! That’s where this power thought comes from:

You’ve got to own it before you disown it.

I knew that the attitude that I posted that comment “Can I get an Amen?” was not Christ-like so I owned it, asked for forgiveness from Abba and then did a private message to the person I had offended. I didn’t make excuses for my behavior; I just owned it so I could disown it! I think this power thought could actually be a series! :)

See before we can change our behavior, we have to own it, come to recognize it so the next time we have a better chance to change it.

Make it a great weekend


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