Friday, May 30, 2014

Power Friday from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

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Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Welcome to Power Friday at Chicklit Power! Thanks so very much for stopping by for what I hope and pray will be an encouraging thought to help you in your day and remind you of the One who goes before you and also has your back! Grab your coffee and come on in for a mini download, from Him to me to you!

Relationships are so multifaceted, accomplishing so many things behind the scenes that often times we aren’t even aware of . . . unless our first, most important relationship is with Christ.

Coming to terms with the truth that no one person can fulfill all that we require, meet all our expectations and needs is incredibly freeing. See, there is only One who will not leave us, forsake us, lie to us, cheat on us, use drugs, steal from us… you get the picture – and I’ve experienced the reality of this truth after trying it my way for years and years, trying to be the very best I could be, obey all the rules, behave the way I thought I was supposed to in order to receive the love and acceptance I so yearned for… from others and then God!

And now, He is getting to the core of my being using an incredibly innocent little guy to teach me to teach this value to him, to connect with him in a way that requires my heart, not just my mind!
It is in this current circumstance of life that I received this mini download and am learning to apply it with all my might because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!

Religion is an investment of the mind; relationship is an investment of the heart!

From my heart to yours!
kim LEvinda

Thursday, May 29, 2014

How 2 Mend a Broken Heart-From Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

EL pen Logo with heart
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power... 

It’s great to be with you for Coffee Hour, friend. I just love sharing and digging for the diamonds of wisdom and understanding as we use our Weapon of Warfare when someone hurts our heart. Grab whatever you’re having and come on in. I want to get to our next word-dig!

I remember when I finally finished my first fiction novel and a marketing company began to promote it after reading it – ye, gads, that was before the conceptual editing, too – and they actually sub-titled it “Shattered Heart.” When I read that title, it did something, or I should say I felt something, like a tug on my heart that pulled on a couple of different emotions that I wasn’t so sure I liked. I mean who wants to read a book with such a depressing title?

Anyway, we often use the word broken when referring to a wounded heart so I thought it would be fun to dig and look for diamonds in this painfully common word, so grab your shovels and let’s begin.

The word translates in Hebrew to “shabar” and is defined as: “to burst (literally or figuratively) break, destroy, to break in pieces” – there’s that shattered heart! – “torn, to crush.” And then the concordance explains that “figuratively it describes a shattered heart or emotion.”

This digging reveals -- in my opinion -- that God desires to heal us physically, emotionally and spiritually and is concerned about all that hurts us. Let’s go on to the word that actually caught my attention first while in the midst of my shattered, broken heart: binds. Grab your shovels again and follow me.

Okay, so “binds” is not in here so we’ll have to settle for bind – it’s got to mean the same thing, right?
Hmm, there are a few meanings here! There’s “bind the breastplate,” “bind his soul,” “bind herself by a bond,” “bind them for a sign”… I don’t know about you, but this is getting interesting. I can’t believe there’s so much to dig through, so many discoveries to make in such a little verse among hundreds of thousands in the Big Book! "Bind" was used a lot in the Old Testament so bear with me because something tells me this dig will pay off with an incredible find. Nothing like the blind leading the blind here, but bind your faith and keep your shovel in hand, too!

Oh, my, there’s “bind him to afflict him”; I don’t think that’s the one we want! We’re looking for healing, right? :) “Bind me with seven new ropes,” nope! Ooh, here’s a little diamond: “bind it as a crown to me.” (Job 31:36) Let’s check that one out! Hmm, “to lace fast,” do you remember one of the first definitions of “heal”? It said figuratively, to stitch.

Okay, hang in there with me while we look through a couple more and I’m certain a connection will be made and another knot can be tied in our strand of faith.

“Bind the sweet influences:” (Job 38:31) Okay, this dig is getting pretty deep! We must remember this, though as we go off on these detours: The deeper the dig, the bigger the diamond, and the bigger the diamond, the brighter the illumination on/in our journey.

So physically, bind means “to tie, (gird, confine) in love”!

Oh, friend, did you see it? We still have a few places to look for more clarity on this word, but think about it: Who else can bind up our wounds with love but our Heavenly Physician? No matter what the wound, healing love awaits!

We will finish this one next week – we better because it will be time for our June WOW! – but join me tomorrow for our Power Friday!

With a mending heart,
2014 HeadshotEvinda

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How to Mend a Broken Heart-From Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

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Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power... 

Welcome to our May WOW with Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power. I guess we better wrap this up pretty soon considering June is just a few days away!!! Whew, grab your coffee and come on in before June gets here. :)

So we left off with my tears turning to tears of relief and joy as I surrendered my broken heart to Him, and then the afterglow of that, which was feeling peace transcending all understanding, and comfort, comfort that the world cannot give, or anyone in it. It’s so incredibly freeing to actually love those who hurt us. It’s sort of indescribable but also impossible to do without allowing Him to mend the broken heart and bind up our emotional wounds!

Let’s do a bit of digging to really get the most out of this powerful Weapon of Warfare and these few Words of Wisdom. There are two words that really get my attention – oops, three, but let’s see where this dig takes us: heals, binds, and wounds so let’s go to our first dig: heals. Grab your shovels and let’s go check this out in the Hebrew Concordance.

As we make our way over to this particular reference, I am blessed with this revelation: heal, healed and healing are incredibly present in the Old Testament . . . and many say there is no grace in the Old Testament. Okay, let’s keep going.

Oh, em, gee, there’s a lot here! The word “heals” in Hebrew means: to mend (by stitching) figuratively, to cure and out of the 70-something times this word is in the Old Testament, the healing is by a physician or The Physician!

Oh, I love this next one: Thoroughly make whole! It also means “a restoring to normal – whatever normal is :) -- and “an act that God typically performs"!

So this is not just a healing that our earthly physicians do, but this is also referring to the type of healing that only God can do!

The Hebrew concordance goes on to explain the types of healing(s) that He performs: “Not only are human diseases healed but bad water is restored to normal, or healed (2nd Kings 2:22) Salt water is healed or made fresh (Ezekial 47:8) even pottery is healed or restored – STOP – how many scriptures are there that refer to us as the clay? Hmm, that’s just a thought.

Nations are healed – oh, are we in dire need of that one! Only trouble is that this type of healing involves His grace and forgiveness, but also the nation’s repentance! (See Hosea 6:1 and Jeremiah 30:17) “Divine discipline leads to repentance and healing”!

Ooh, there’s another explanation that will surely raise the hair on your arms: “False prophets are condemned because they deal only with the symptoms and not with the deep spiritual hurts of the people”!

Keep in mind that “prophets” are not just Old Testament people. A prophet in our world today simply means a person regarded as an inspired teacher or one who proclaims the will of God. That just tickles me with validation and excitement all the way down to my toes. God desires to heal our physical, emotional and spiritual wounds!

Oh, Coffee Hour friend, what wound do you need to lift up to Him today and allow Him to heal? Think about that and join me tomorrow for some more digging!

With a mending heart,
kim LEvinda

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Are you thriving... or just surviving... in life & love from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

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Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...

Happy Tuesday to you and thank you so much for coming by for our Coffee Hour! It’s that time again where we are preparing for another Destination? Joyful! ™ event, so grab your coffee and come on inf for some more info about this special invitation.

Did you know that life was meant to be lived abundantly? So often we lose sight of that truth, especially when we are in the midst of hard times, chronic illnesses, painful circumstances and troubled relationships. I mean, life is happening… for all of us, and sometimes joy is nowhere to be seen… but it can be found.

I have so many fun and exciting things to share with you about this event as it gets closer, so be sure to join me every Tuesday for Invitation Tuesdays for the scoop!

I hope you will mark your calendar for this special day as we discover ten tools to thrive, not just survive, in life and love!
You're invited...

Learning to thrive,
kim LEvinda

Friday, May 23, 2014

Power Friday-from Coffee Hour @ ChicklitPower

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Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Happy Friday to you and thanks so much for stopping by for our power thought/coffee hour! Grab your coffee and come on in. Incidentally, can you make that iced coffee? It’s already heating up for the summer!

So life is happening on life’s terms, all around you, and all around me and we don’t even get to have a say in much of what happens! The more He shows me, the better I see, but I’m learning that just because I’ve come to where I am in my journey, emotionally, physically and spiritually, does not mean that I should forget where I started!

What I mean is remembering where I started prevents me from picking up that gavel and slamming it down upon someone else’s emotions declaring them guilty and screwed up! But oh, how I’d like to sometimes. I am constantly fighting that urge to not help God in rubbing their noses in their stuff, just so they can experience how bad it smells! But instead, I’ll hop up on my broom, or off and down to my knees asking Him to help me, one day at a time deal with what life is handing me.

So this week’s mini download has everything to do with what I am currently going through and I pray that you would be encouraged by it as He encourages me to press on, let go and let Him:

It’s down on my knees that I gain a higher ground!

With sore knees . . .

2014 HeadshotEvinda

Thursday, May 22, 2014

How to Mend a Broken Heart!

EL pen Logo with heart
Psalm 147:3
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds!

Welcome back to our monthly WOW, How to Mend a Broken Heart! I’m so delighted you took time out of your day to join me for our Coffee Hour! Grab your coffee, iced or hot, and join me for the continuation of this sweet, sweet healing He gave for my broken heart.
So I don’t need to say who did it or what they did because that doesn’t edify anyone or anything but the devil himself. But I can say that had this happened even a couple of years ago – I tremble to think of what I would have done! So let’s move past it for this powerful weapon of warfare filled with words of wisdom.
So the day after, I was crying out to Him, “How do I pray, Father? I don’t even know how to pray about this, how to pray for her, for him. What am I supposed to do with this?”
I sat still, and this is what I heard: “Pray for your broken heart”!
It gives me goose bumps just thinking about it, bringing it back to the hallway of my heart to gaze upon the beauty of the truth; that He will never leave me or forsake me and He weeps over what I weep over; He is concerned about all that concerns me.
After hearing those words, I did pray for my broken heart and then I was in the Psalms, and just so happened to stumble upon this verse – if you believe that, then you must believe that elephants fly! J Anyway, as I read it, I wept tears of pain, asking Him to heal my broken heart and to help me forgive the ones who hurt me.
My tears literally turned to tears of relief and joy as I lifted up to Him my broken heart. I felt so loved and cared for by Him; it’s so hard to explain because we all know He’s not, like, physically here with us, but He is within us if we’ve invited Him in. There was a peace that transcends all understanding, and I was comforted like I had never been comforted before, knowing that because I was allowing Him to heal my broken heart, chaos did not have to pick up where a shattered heart left off. His love in me helped me to continue loving those who had hurt me and whether it was intentional or unintentional no longer matters!
Join me tomorrow for Power Friday, and next week for the conclusion to this month’s WOW where we will dig for some big diamonds in this little verse that I just know will illuminate His glory in our journey.
With a healed heart,
2014 Headshot


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How to Mend a Broken Heart-from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

EL pen Logo with heart
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...

Oh, it’s so good to be with you and begin a new WOW for May, which is more than halfway gone! (Stay in the moment, Evinda; stay in the moment!) Anyway, if you’re new to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power, WOW stands for weapons of warfare and/or words of wisdom and they are used to encourage us in the journey, and more often than not, they address something within me that He wants to correct in me and thereafter write thru me to share with you. So from my heart to yours, I want to share with you how He mends a broken heart, just as He did for me in the recent past … and will have to do again, and again, until I see Him face to face! Grab your coffee and come on in.

Have you ever been hurt by someone you love? If you say no, I’ll be totally shocked! :) Can I come to your planet? :)

Why do I say that? I say that with confidence because we are people who hurt people, and whether intentional or unintentional, it is inevitable. I think when it “feels” intentional is when the hurt really hurts the most, especially if it’s caused by someone we've come to love and trust, i.e., your spouse, your BFF, a sibling.

What you don’t see can continue to hurt you, and undetected hurts create habits which turn into hang-ups. I love what Rick Warren says in the Celebrate Recovery © book: “Wounds that are left untended fester and spread infection throughout your body.”

Well, I had a profound opportunity to put into practice what He’s been writing/teaching through me in our Transform curriculum. In fact, I think this particular “hurt” happened towards the end of our Relationship trench class and while in the beginning stages of writing the curriculum for the Transform trench class -- I honestly don’t remember, which is a good thing, if you think about it! I’m not hanging on to “it” anymore; just being blessed by the truth of Him using it to refine me and make me more into His image.

See I know in my heart that if I would have buried it, pretended it didn’t happen, and/or not forgiven the one(s) who hurt me, it would have turned into an internal infection and we all know that an infection left untreated threatens physical, emotional and spiritual health.

I just got this analogy because of something that happened recently with my step-son’s new wife: a buried hurt is like a spider bite, but not just any spider bite: a poisonous one, like a black widow. So his wife, unbeknownst to her, was bitten by a black widow on the face, near her eye, and also on the back of her leg. She had no idea, but within days, both bites manifested themselves so big and full of infection that she had to have surgery to have them removed!

The surgeon admitted that when he opened up each of the wounds, they were filled with closed pockets of infection that never would have healed without surgery. Granted, a buried hurt may not move as quickly but can be just as deadly and requires open-heart surgery!

Join me tomorrow for more of this true story that helped to mend my broken heart… again and again and again.

2014 HeadshotEvinda

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Invitation Tuesdays from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

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Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...

Happy Tuesday to you, and thanks for stopping by Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power. It’s a special time at CPM (Chicklit Power Ministries). We are gearing up for our next “Destination? Joyful! ™ event and for the next several Tuesdays, I’ll be sharing some fun facts and things to keep you in the know about the event! Grab your coffee and come on in.

So let me ask you a question: Are you thriving in life and love? Some of you may answer yes, and that’s awesome; maybe you should plan on coming to share your secrets! But let’s look at the definition for “thrive” before I give you this invitation.

According to the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, thrive means: “to grow or develop successfully, to flourish or succeed.”

Now with that definition in mind, are you developing successfully? Are your significant relationships flourishing? There is always room for improvement, so I pray that you will save the date!

Chicklit 4x6-Beach Event_Page_1(1)

Looking forward to seeing you and sharing the truth that He died that you might live, and live abundantly!

2014 Headshot

Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday's Manna from Castro's Corner @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...

Happy Monday Manna,

I hope you all had a great weekend. This week’s writing is based on a sermon from Dr. Rod Collins that really touched my heart and I’m sure that most of you can relate this sermon to past or present events that have taken or are taking place in your life. I encourage you to grab your Bible as we uncover the abundance of God’s blessings.

“No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). This scripture has direct application to each and every one of us who are believers in Christ Jesus. Our obedience and faithfulness to God is rewarded through an abundance of blessings. We’re all extremely blessed and God loves to continue to bless.

As we make our way through the book of 2 Chronicles and Isaiah we will find that King Hezekiah’s life was blessed and the nation of Israel made an epic comeback through sanctification and consecration to the Lord.

King Hezekiah, who began ruling over Israel at the ripe age of 25, made a covenant with the Lord that he would reinstate temple worship throughout the land of Israel. Before this took place he gathered together the Levites and commanded them to sanctify themselves before they could begin reinstating temple worship. King Hezekiah’s reasoning for temple worship reinstatement was simple: the nation of Israel had fallen away from Yahweh through various forms of pagan worship rituals, thus subjecting the nation of Israel to attack. “Therefore the wrath of the Lord fell upon Judah and Jerusalem; He has given them up to trouble, to desolation, to jeering as you see with your eyes. Now it is in my heart to make a covenant with the Lord God of Israel, that his fierce wrath may turn away from us” (2 Chronicles 29: 8, 10).

Soon after the sanctification of the temple was completed, the nation of Israel provided burnt and thanksgiving offerings in such an abundance, that the King summoned more Levites to help with the assistance in preparation. What an amazing sight this would have been; to see the towering heaps of oxen, sheep, honey, grain, wine, and oil that were the first fruits of the children of Israel. The temple doors were open, the worship team had been assembled, and the sweet aroma of animal fat was offered to the Lord! What a comeback! Israel’s consecration to Yahweh would bring them victory against the brutal Assyrian army that would soon threaten the nation.

Soon after (701 BC) the much-feared Assyrian army took siege over the city of Jerusalem. Sennacherib, the Assyrian King, sent a letter to King Hezekiah slandering the name of the Lord and King Hezekiah went to the temple and prayed. The Lord protected Israel through providing an angel to kill 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. One angel! God had delivered his people once again from the hand of their enemy; their faithfulness was rewarded through constant blessings and protection.

Our faithfulness to God will be rewarded, in this life or the next. 1 Corinthians 2:9 should always remind us that the God of angel armies is on our side. God will continue to bless the ones He loves and I pray that God will continue to reveal Himself to each and every one of us on a daily basis. God bless you!

In His Love,
Garrett Castro

Friday, May 16, 2014

Power Friday-From Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

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Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Wow, May’s halfway gone already! Did someone put us in a time capsule and fast-forward this month – or this year? Grab your coffee and come on in for our Power Friday. Hurry, before the day’s gone!

I was in the midst of talking with Abba, praying for someone, someone who at the very mention of their name causes me to shake my head in sadness, frustration and a bit of angst, and this happens even when I’m praying for them! Ugh, heavy sigh!

Anyway, God tells us in His Love Letters that if we don’t know what to pray, that His Spirit will intercede and tell us what to pray, how to pray and whom to pray for. I heard the word integrity, and so I began to pray for integrity for this person then all of a sudden, I heard this quiet-like whisper in the farthest corridors of my heart and I know He was trying to tell me something. . .

You can’t be honest about what you don’t know!

Ah, so some necessary truths have not been unveiled to her… yet! “So, Lord, will you help her to see, hear, to know (experience) truth as it relates to her and her interaction with others?” I will continue to pray . . .

When someone has you feeling a sense of angry/sad exasperation, remember this truth which will enable you to continue to pray for them!

Grabbing on to His truths,
2014 Headshot

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Come Laugh with Me from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

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Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Thank you for joining me this Thursday for some more insight into Jesus’ sense of humor, and His desire to instill it into each of us, allowing it to chisel away at the hard parts of our hearts that His love letters and lessons would plant on good and healthy soil and root, producing fruit that is evidenced by others in joy and laughter! Grab your coffee and let’s go to our conclusion of Laugh with Me!

In the prior blogs, I’ve tried to show that Jesus embraced humor just as much as he embodied forgiveness, compassion and hope.  Almost every parable was a call ringing with humor for accountability, while informing with a pure heart His intention for change and conversion. Never, ever did Jesus expose immorality of any kind in all the sins He confronted with an intent to embarrass or condemn but to illuminate and transform. He always did it in gentleness, and more often than not, He did soften the lesson with laughter. See, He knew their/our sin was covered by the sacrifice He was sent to be for all sin. I can’t help but wonder if sometimes He didn’t laugh not necessarily at them/us, but with a sort of “When will they get it” attitude.

When we take ourselves too seriously, and/or all that happens in our life, or about our life, we commit perhaps one of the saddest but most common sins: self-reliance rather than God-reliance. When we take the time to sit with Him and read about His ministry recorded in the Gospels, and soak up those lessons laced with humor and laughter, perhaps we will be more likely to let go of the grip of seriousness which breeds independence! When I think of myself without God, doing anything without Him, I can now laugh because it’s ludicrous to think about!

So why is it that the humor of Jesus is so pervasively ignored? Are you afraid to laugh in the presence of your/our Creator? Do you think He only smiles when you are behaving your best or giving your all? Oh, to not shy away from visions of our Lord smiling and joking and engaging us in laughter.
Laughter is so good for the soul. It allows us to confront the hard things of life with grace and composure. Without humor, life would be unbearable. God Himself allows humor as a means to deal with the burdens of life so as to not stay stuck! Laughter really can move us forward!

Please don’t think I am trying to make Jesus out to be a comedian and compare Him to other comedians. My heart’s desire is to encourage us to see and hear the humor found in the spiritual truths and messages of our Savior with some new eyes and ears, to discover a new aspect of His divine brilliance and to meet Him with renewed joy and laughter in our hearts. May we continue to take our purpose in this life seriously while embracing the gift of laughter!

Smiling from the inside out . . .
2014 Headshot

P.S. Next week we will have our May WOW! Join me tomorrow for Power Friday!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power - Laugh With Me

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Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...

Thanks so much for joining me for Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power! It’s great to be with you and sharing some humor with you while sipping from our coffee. Go ahead and grab yours and come on in for what I hope will produce a softened heart and another facet of our amazing Heavenly Father’s Son’s sense of humor, one of His most powerful tools used to soften the heart so He’s able to mold it!

Let’s do a little theological hopscotch on over to Luke, and as you’re making your way over to Chapter 6, let me just give you this little insight: The Gospels are loaded with personality and various interpretations. That one fact alone indicates a sense of humor by our Heavenly Father for He foreknew each of us, what type of learners we would be and how to best approach us with the opportunity to accept or reject the teachings of His Son! They each have something different to add to the events and teachings involving Christ, and this makes these lessons all the more valuable and alive! So as we leave Mark, whose writings are action-packed and highly evangelically motivated, and move on to Luke’s writings, let’s take with us this understanding: I saw something I wrote in my Bible that I want to share with you about the Gospels. The Gospels were written proclamations of redemptive history from theological perspectives!

Now let’s hop back on over to Luke, aka, Dr. Luke, who focuses on the birth of the Christ Child. Before we jump in, though, let’s talk a minute about Luke, because understanding who he was, what he did for a living adds a facet of humor to the reality of the Gospel message. He was a doctor, a scientist, and as a Greek, he was known as a man of detail – thank God, considering he was a doctor, and if he were my doctor, I’d want him to be all about the details, every last one of ‘em!
By the way, did you get that part about being a Greek? He was/is the only Gentile of all the Gospels! The other three were Jews!

What is truly affirming is the way he begins his writings: With the facts, just the facts. In other words, he’s not all warm and fuzzy! He traveled with Paul quite a bit and did a lot of what the news would deem interviewing. He had access to other historical accounts and he was an eyewitness to the birth and growth of the early church. His Gospel, as well as the Book of Acts, is considered reliable, historical documents – huge, huge in the “case for Christ!”

See, Luke picked up on what may seem like a small detail but is actually quite important in the journey with Jesus: laughter! In the midst of the Beatitudes, Jesus Himself promised that those who weep shall laugh. (Luke 6:21) How comforting is that?

But you have to ask yourself, how can Jesus give something He’s never experienced? I am convinced that Jesus laughed, a lot, and He recognized the need for humor and the truth that it is every bit as necessary for us as the suffering and joy. Laughter, therefore, is truly a heavenly gift!

We’ve only skimmed the surface of His humorous teachings, His hilarious one-liners woven into subtle but serious lessons of life. Join me tomorrow for the conclusion of Laugh with Me!

2014 Headshot

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Coffee Hour @ Chilklit Power - What kind of soil are you?

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Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Happy Tuesday to you and thanks for stopping by for our Coffee Hour and hopefully a giggle or two! I think we only have a couple of coffee hours left in this series and then we’ll be going to our WOW for May, which I can’t believe is almost half over! Whew, stay in the moment, Evinda. Grab your coffee and come with me to another funny analogy given in the Book of Mark.

Jesus is talking with His disciples, teaching them through the Parable of the Four Soils. Parables were His favorite way to teach for they were like short stories that included familiar scenes but had significant spiritual truths planted deep within the heart of the story. First He talks about a sower who went out to sow. He is referring here to anyone who goes about His Father’s work, so this speaks to us today who proclaim the Gospel of Christ, in action, not just words! So what will you sow today? Joy, encouragement and/or truth, or . . . ?

Then He speaks about the seed, analogous to the Gospel of the Kingdom, the theme of all His teachings. You know, you never know when/if you are going to be the only Jesus that people see and when we are focused on Him and about His work, He’s got our backs and our future so we don’t always get to choose who we share the “seed” with!

Then He goes on to describe the first soil, the wayside! “Wayside” is symbolic to one who hears but does not receive, with seed that falls on deaf ears and/or ricochets off a a hardened heart preventing understand, and before the seed can really penetrate to do its heart-softening job, those darned birds, Satan’s minions, pounce down and snatch it away. They are left blinded to His word! How tragic. Think about it: Everyone will be given at least one chance to hear and/or receive – just as His word says and not to take it will result in separation, forever, from their/our Creator! That is a thought I cannot and will not dwell on for myself, but for others as well.

Then there’s the stony soil, the second soil which is basically a heart that receives the Gospel with joy, but doesn’t let it root. It just stays at the surface of the heart, not going down deep into all the secret places to do all the heart cleaning and rooting. So when the heat of struggle rises, and it becomes painful and unbearable, the message of the Good News withers up and dries out, and the commitment with it!

The third soil is the thorns and this soil represents those hearts who hear the word, receive the word but whose fruit is choked off by the cares of the world, by a hunger for money, pleasures that feed the flesh that are put before their relationship with God and the things of God.

And then there’s the fourth soil, the “good” soil. This represents the
person who hears the Good News, receives it into their heart and
He fills my heart with laughter! allows He who began a good work to continue the work until the time of Christ, and this is evidenced by their fruit – their life!
So Jesus has just explained all of this to His disciples, and it’s like He’s telling them a secret but asking them to not keep it when He says: “To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God, but to those who are outside, all things come in parables.” (Mark 4:11) But what He’s saying is He’s giving them the heads-up first and they are to pass it on so He’s really let us in on the secret as well! This is revealed in how He
wraps up this parable. With laughter and a heart for them, and us, to  
 truly understand what He has just explained He says:                          He fills my heart with laughter!
“Is a lamp brought to be put under a basket or under a bed?”
(Mark 4:21) I can just hear Him chuckle as He gave them and us this funny word picture. Go ahead, allow yourself to imagine a lamp, turned on, under the bed! Actually, if you leave it on too long, you may have a fire! :)

2014 Headshot

Monday, May 12, 2014

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Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
After Mother's Day Thoughts . . .

Thanks for stopping by for Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power! Monday’s Mana from Castro’s corner of Chicklit Power will resume next Monday, with Garret, but grab your coffee and come join me for some afterthoughts about Mother’s day!

As we made our way home yesterday, a day that is probably the most celebrated days alongside Christmas and Easter, I couldn’t help but experience some bittersweet moments, especially as I responded to the many “Happy Mother’s Day” wishes via text and Facebook for which I was extremely grateful; otherwise, it really would have felt like an ordinary day in the life of Evinda Lepins . . . always something worthwhile to share!  But really, what a positive way to use social media! There are so many mammas out there and I just love how we love and support each other!

There was one post that my niece had posted on Facebook, and of course its background was beautiful flowers, lots of squiggly decorative lines, and color, lots and lots of beautiful, heavenly colors. But the words sort of rang the doorbell of my heart and truth opened the door and its message sang the most incredibly peaceful and beautiful harmonies of this truth: Man works from the rising sun ‘til the setting sun; a mother’s work, however, is never done!

I used to think that by this point in my life, my “job” would be done! Now I can laugh at my silly thinking. I’ve realized our children get older, as we do, but life continues to happen and they continue to need us in certain ways. As our kids get bigger, so do their problems! Just years ago, I used to say this very same thing; that a mom’s work is never done, and there was always an undercurrent of resentment there . . . until recently!

See, yesterday, as we were making our way home with a very special four-year-old for a season of resuming motherly responsibilities, I had a lot of time to reflect on that one post and my reality. I can honestly say that God says a mother’s work is never done. I may not be enjoying some sort of Mother’s Day celebration with my own adopted mom, or with my son and his family, or opening presents from my husband from our dogs, aka, our four-legged kids, but something I can say with vehement certainty: I am embracing this truth with a quiet peace, a special kind of joy knowing that He needs all of us moms to know that a mother’s heart is vital to changing our world, one heart at a time and just as He who began a new work will be faithful to complete it until the time of Christ, so our work must continue until we meet Him face to face!

Thanks for allowing me to share some thoughts about this special day, from my mother’s heart to

2014 HeadshotEvinda

P.S. We are taking a little break from Blog Talk Radio but please go to the show and upload a past segment . . . there's nearly three years of shows and lots of great info!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power - Power Friday

EL pen Logo with heart
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
 Thanks for joining me for a little coffee break and our Power Friday at Chicklit Power! It’s great to share these mini downloads from Him with you! Grab your coffee and come on in.

For those of you new to this blog, I have been writing a curriculum for the past couple of months, a curriculum addressing the eight roots to any hurt, habit and hang-up for our Transform Trench Class and it has been an incredibly eye-opening experience. I can’t believe how much I am learning as He writes through me and guides me in the research of the largest project I have ever undertaken.

Our Transform class is currently working through the Root of Despair, and there were diamonds that He handed me right away for this root that literally lit up and revealed all symptoms leading to this root.

While I understand there are many who read the blogs that don’t attend this class, or have a desire to, I pray that these mini downloads He has given me will shine brilliantly in your own life, granting understanding along the way of your journey. As I looked at the writings from the many people who shared about their own Root of Despair, He illuminated in a sweet and tender way the reason we find ourselves tangled up in this root:

If despair is a loss of hope, then who/what are we putting our hope in?

Ponder that question for a moment and think about your current circumstance. Are you hoping in yourself, in money, or in someone else other than the Author of Hope? Oh the beautiful truth that causes me to soar on wings of an eagle, reminding me that those who put their hope in the Lord shall renew their strength! (Isaiah 40:31a)

Have a hope-filled weekend!
kim L

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power - Laugh With Me!

EL pen Logo with heart
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Thanks for joining me for this lighthearted series, Laugh with Me! Grab your coffee and let’s get back to some humorous one-liners spoken by the Author of Laughter Himself, Jesus.

There are plenty of other moments that can definitely give one the giggles in the Gospels. His analogies were humorous exaggerations and phrases that you could literally feel the smiles turned to all-out laughter from His listeners. Let’s go to Luke 11:11-12 where Jesus is talking to His disciples about prayer and how effective it can be. He says: “If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or he asks for an egg, will he give him a scorpion?”

I don’t know about you, but the stone for bread, a serpent for a fish, a scorpion for an egg are analogies that when you visualize, they are funny. Imagine if you were to pull such a prank on your child in the name of laughter!

Jesus was trying to emphasize that earthly dads, despite their flesh and sin, can give their kids good gifts, but our Heavenly Father gives us the best gift of all, the Holy Spirit, to any who ask!

Let’s look at Mark 10:25 where Jesus is speaking with a rich young man who had come running up to Him, earnestly seeking the answer to inherit eternal life. Jesus begins to go through the commandments with him, and the rich young man confirms that he has kept these commandments since his youth. I love what verse 21 says: “Then Jesus, looking at him, ‘loved’ him and said to him, ‘One thing you lack; go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow me’.”
He fills my heart with laughter! 
The Word tells us the rich young man was sorrowful as he
 left most likely thinking about all his possessions. Then Jesus
 looks around at His disciples and uses this powerfully poignant moment
to teach this valuable moral about being monetarily rich
versus spiritually rich: “It is easier for a camel to go through 
the eye of the needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”

Now try visualizing it! You can’t help but lighten up and laugh!
Oops, I almost forgot a big one in Matthew, the one about                    He fills my heart with laughter!
fault-finding   and having a critical spirit! Let’s go to                           
Matthew 7:3. Jesus explains the risk of judging others because
with the measure we judge others, we shall be judged. Then He goes on to give a comical visual on this very issue: “And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?”

Can you just imagine the scenario? If I were to read that to my nine-year-old grandson, he would burst out laughing at the idea of someone with a big wood beam in their eye trying to find a speck or sliver of wood in someone else's eye. What a great illustration to use to teach our children the value of not judging others, the necessity to stay in our own lane and in our own car!

We’ll wrap up this series next week and then move on to our WOW for May, but in the meantime, look for opportunities to laugh, and splash it on to others!

Love and laughter,

kim L