Friday, December 30, 2016

Faith Filled Friday

Welcome back to another Faith Filled Friday. :)

So I wanted to share what happened a couple mornings ago. It was unexpected, but has affected me since it happened. I had a customer that stopped by completely out of the blue, very random. I first saw him pull up through my security camera but thought he was going to the daycare across the street. Instead, I watched as he walked to my front door and rang the door bell. Since I had just gotten up, I was considering letting him walk away, but something...a driving force told me to throw on my clothes and go out and catch him. This all happened in mere seconds but it seemed much longer.

I opened my door and he was gone. Then I heard the car start so I made my way out as fast I could. He saw me, turned the car off and got back out of his car. At the time I did not know he was a customer. I have been doing my line of work for so many years and never had any one of my customers actually stop by. He told me he had come by for three reasons, the first of which he explained, was him leaving for Oregon to spend Christmas with his children, so he wanted me to stop service to his home for the dates he’d be gone. Well, I had no idea where he lived, so I asked for his address. He gave it to me and also mentioned he left the note in my mail slot.
When I saw his address, I remembered him, but only by way of a few waves of the hand over the years as sometimes his front door was open and he'd be behind his screen door. Because he’s elderly, I always pull into his driveway to ensure the newspaper lands on his front porch. Over the years I had also seen his wife up early and so I asked him how she was and he told me she had passed away. There was a pain in this man's eye's that was so present.

Suddenly I knew that God had a role for me that morning and had led this man to my home. He went on to talk about how much he missed her, the sleepless nights without her, how he could feel an emptiness and void he'd never felt in his life. He explained that they were married for 42 years and lived in the same home for 37. I am not always the most confident person, but for some reason I felt this understanding without him even going into all kinds of detail. At the same time I could feel his pain, I could also feel the energy of happiness in the way he moved his arms, the way he spoke, tone of voice as he talked about the love of his life.
I didn't say much at the moment, just asked a little question here and there when he slowed his talking... as to keep him going. I was desperate to hear him, his story, his pain, his... 

He explained to me that when his wife died, that there were only two things he could depend on; that everything else didn't make any sense, didn't feel like it mattered.  He told me the first thing he counted on at the end of his day was his children. They always called him and his daughter who lived near would always come over and check on him. He told me the second thing he could counted on was me delivering the newspaper and that sound of it hitting his door when I porched it was the noise he waited for. It was like a sign he needed to start his day when he felt nothing for him to rise to, but still he would.
Wow I was beside myself in hearing much so, I almost cried. It touched me in a way I had not felt in years. To know that something I do and work hard at had helped this man survive the abyss of his sadness, it just felt so good to be a part of that; that I was making a difference in someone's life. He told me it wasn’t just a newspaper I delivered; it was the tool to remind him the world keeps spinning without our loved ones and we need to live on, that we need to breathe. 

I have really been trying to connect the dots in my life, always have but even more so in the last year of life. The possibilities of God's love and intervention are absolutely infinite... I can't help but think that some things might not have worked out the way in which I wanted them to because perhaps God needed me to be there for that man all these years later. All the times I thought "It sure would be easier to not pull in and porch his paper" when I was running later due to the stresses of life, But every night I did. I am so glad I did!
It’s true what they say about the small things do matter. Sure, doing them might make things a little challenging, and yet the power of it can be so empowering for another soul. 

Know that what you do does matter even the little things can turn out to be big things for someone else. Join me next Friday for part two of this incredible true story that sparked my soul with life and love

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thursday’s Trench Truth

Are you tired of relationship chaos? Do you wonder if that unlovable person in your life will ever see things from your perspective? Two broken halves do not make a whole! Join us to rise above relational chaos and embrace your God-given identity!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wednesday’s Word

Learning from our Mistakes
Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead

Welcome to Wednesday’s Word @ Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. Have you ever missed what you later figured out to be a divine opportunity and then wanted to kick yourself? Grab your coffee and come in for a true story.
I boarded the train for Los Angeles, got settled in and went right to work on our upcoming class, and then my blogs. I was focused, focused, focused. I had boarded about ten minutes early, so I had a good head start. I was already at it when I couldn’t help but hear this very upbeat chatty lady talking with a guy who was obviously her husband. Half of my mind and one ear was on what I was typing and the other ear, well, let’s just say it was hovering over to her conversation and I didn’t have to go far, because she was talking loud enough for the whole car to hear. It was like she was oblivious to how loud she was.
From her directions to her husband, it was easy to surmise that she was headed into chemo, wherever that was. I assumed it was in L.A. – I later learned I assumed incorrectly. Isn’t that usually the case? But what really struck me as odd is how happy she was. She was very upbeat, joyful, almost.
As the conductor announced last boarding call, her husband got off the train and I returned my focus to what I was doing and got completely immersed within seconds, again laser focused.
“I like your hair” echoed throughout the car, and I wondered: Is she talking to me? I turned and yep, she was looking right at me. She must have thought I didn’t hear her because she repeated herself, adding, “It’s so cute!”
I looked up and over from my laptop, trying desperately to tear myself away from my work and thanked her for her sweet compliment. That was all it took to get her to take off and within five minutes I got the condensed version of the last year of her life focused around her diagnosis of two different types of cancer. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. How can this woman be telling me about all these treatments, and how her husband was handling it, the side effects including how the treatments were giving her neuropathy in her fingers and toes…and be smiling and have such joy? I mean, I had no words except every now and then an “uh-huh,” or a nod of the head to show I was really listening.
At one point I asked her if she had a faith, because I wanted an answer for all that optimism that was oozing out of her. Her response both shocked and saddened me: “It’s not really in something or someone – I mean, I know there has to be something but…”
Wow, how does one get through this kind of thing without knowing what they believe and why they believe it?
She continued to talk, but I have to admit, I was only half-focused on what she was saying and had returned my attention to my laptop…but she kept on talking, and still I didn’t get it, that I should have picked up my stuff and just sat with her and been a shoulder, a listening ear, a captivated audience for her. Yeah, I gave her my card, told her I wanted to bless her with some encouragement and give her one of my books – which started another rabbit trail in the conversation – but I didn’t stay for this divine appointment. I bailed on it and didn’t realize I had until she got up when her stop was announced. I was shocked because I assumed she was going all the way to L.A. for some reason.
What she did next really hit me, like a bullseye, right  in my heart: She came over in front of me and took my hand and thanked me for listening to her, explaining that even though she’s been doing this for a year, she still gets scared and anxious and so it was good to talk and get her mind off of it for a little bit.
Talk about an overwhelming rush of conviction…bittersweet conviction as I watched her walk off the train with all of her stuff to go to her next all-day chemo treatment. That conviction haunted me all day and as I write this I am crying tears of regret…and yet, I’m so humbled at this scripture He gave me as I decided to write this and tell on myself.  It’s like He whispered, “What I’m saying is I knew you would miss the mark; stand up, move forward. You are forgiven, and you are ready for your next divine appointment because you have learned from your mistake.”
So if there’s something you’re beating yourself up for, dip your soul in His grace for His mercies are new every morning and His love never changes or fails, even when we do.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

Do you lay awake at night, worrying about what you worry about? Are you anxious more and more? Did you know that there are more than 79 million Americans on either anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds? Isn’t time to “Embrace our Identity without Chaos and Confusion”? Join us for a Night of Purpose.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Monday’s Mantra

Wow, it’s hard to believe, but this is my last Monday’s Mantra for 2016! Whew, where did the year go? And Christmas…come and gone and yet, there’s still a hint of Christmas spirit in the air. Oh, don’t you wish it could linger? Grab your coffee and join me for a new twist on the poem, Twas the Night before Christmas, now Twas the Day after Christmas….

‘Twas the morn after Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse
The stockings once hung by the chimney with care
Now lay empty, their contents lay everywhere

The grandchildren still nestled all snug in their bed
While visions of Christmas presents danced in my head
And I in my bathrobe holding my coffee cup
Nestled in my chair, not wanting to get up

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter?
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Forgetting my coffee and making a splash

The early morning moon was shining ever so bright
On what appeared an angel surrounded in light
I gasped out loud and opened the door a little wide
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing outside

It really was an angel surrounded in light
I pinched myself to confirm my vision was right
I dared walk a few feet closer to clarify
The angel stopped me, its hand held high

“I have a message for you, your friends & family
I’ve been sent from Heaven, from the Trinity”
I stood there frozen, not daring to move on the lawn
The moon lessened intensity into the early dawn

The angel spoke with gentle authority
An interesting message for you and for me
“I wonder how many of you will heed what I say
About all that shopping done for Christmas Day

“Now Target, now Macy’s, now Nordstrom’s, Amazon too
And Bath & Body, Ross and TJ Max, to name a few
Will be sending you the bills for who knows how long
And that’s okay; you’ve not done anything wrong

“Maybe it’s time to rethink how you celebrate
This Christmas season, this once-a-year holiday
Instead of going into debt and increasing the stress
Think of gifts to give all year that are priceless”

Like what, I asked this heavenly angel of light
Still standing in disbelief as I stared at this sight
I wanted to hear what this heavenly angel had to say
So I could return to my memories of Christmas Day

“All of you have confined Christmas to one day
With months of shopping, wrapping, and gifting away
And when the day has come and it is all but a memory
Stress and costs still linger for none of what you gave was free

“In this New Year approaching, might I suggest three gifts for each day?
Offer peace in times of conflict instead of demanding your own way

Love that unlovable, though your human nature doesn’t want to
It will go a long way in building bridges instead of destroying you 

“Extend grace to someone who’s hurt you in some way
And know you’re not alone in this each and every day
For when you give what you long to receive
You become the change that you long to see”

The angel began to ascend to the heavens high in the skies
I stood and watched until I could no longer see with my eyes
And though out of sight, its message and presence were still near
I vowed to myself to practice these gifts throughout the New Year

As we approach the end of this year and head into next, may we keep the Christmas Spirit going all year by giving love to the unlovable, being peacemakers in times of contention and extending grace when offended or hurt by others!


Friday, December 23, 2016

Faith Filled Friday

Hello and welcome back to another Faith Filled Friday! 

Tonight I found myself wrapping up some paperwork for work and decided to start wrapping the presents. I was so tired and stressed from constantly playing catch-up, so it felt good to shift my remaining energy toward the gift-wrapping.

While I was sitting there I noticed I had no stimuli to help create a better evening. I didn't want to switch on the television and get lost in all of the bad news, so I decided to turn on the stereo. As I glided through my old CD collection, I came across an old band I had not listened to in so many years so I put that one in. About four or five songs played and I realized it was soothing my soul, making my evening and wrapping (which I may add I am really terrible at) much better.
And then a song came on that made me stop what I was doing. The memories the song brought hit me pretty hard. Music has always had a profound impact upon me; it is a way to my soul. It has a way of taking us back, doesn’t it?

This particular song lifted me back to a different time of life and it was almost as if I felt a different part of me, like a previous chapter of myself. It was almost spiritual in its own way. 

I couldn't help but feel tears well up from deep within me. There was a lot of sadness in that chapter of life, but I can tell you there was more a prevalent happiness and warmth from it as well. I won't go into the details but I will say this: I am a true believer that there are memories and emotions within us all that we don't sit down and cherish enough. Sometimes something like a song comes along and releases them when we least expect it.

There are a thousand and one reasons in which we don't take the time to harness out and relish our memories, but shouldn't life not only be about reflecting, but also taking the time to just play a good song, sit down in peace and quiet and absorb the moment of a great memory or even the present moment itself? Tonight I felt a peace despite some of the pain in it.

I love the thought that it could very well have been God sent. Perhaps not even by playing it by chance, but more that God inspired a group of people who wrote the song, only to sit on a shelf for years and released at a perfect time 20 years later. I told a friend about it and he said "Chance!" At this stage in my life I think I have come to believe that "Chance" itself can very well be God sent as well. 

For me it's a good night, as I hope it is for all of you. Don't we all deserve such a thing? Much love everyone and remember to keep a part of yourself reserved for when these precious memories come along and you can reflect, absorb all while letting a great song spark it off.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Thursday’s Trench Truth

Don’t allow your feelings to drive the car; you’re bound to get in an accident!

Join us for A Night of Purpose to discover how our feelings can cause emotional wrecks in our relationships and learn how to avoid accidents!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wednesday’s Word

Who’s Your Santa?

James 1:5: “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.”

Welcome to Wednesday’s Word @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United! I’m so blessed that you took the time to stop by. I pray you will be able to tie a few knots in your Strand of Faith as we talk about the types of gifts we ask for and who we ask!

I got a picture text a couple of weeks ago from our little Bryden’s grandma. It was him sitting on Santa’s lap, and underneath the picture were the words: “I heard him tell Santa he wants a remote control helicopter.”

My heart smiled and filled my soul. I absolutely love getting our grandkids what I know that I know that they really, really want! J

I quickly typed my text and sent it off, letting her know that his remote control helicopter had been ordered and was on its way already.

It brings me a happy feeling, a feeling of excited anticipation to see the look on their faces as they open their presents. They can be so, so expressive, enthusiastic, so incredibly joyful. It’s a good feeling to be part of that.

And then I read this verse in James and I marveled at the fresh reminder that our God is an emotional God and how it must make Him feel when we come to Him and ask Him for things, especially things that will be good for us in the classroom of life. He really does want to give us things…that will help us, not harm us, things that will aid in a better future, not weigh us down with unnecessary baggage.
Some people are of the belief that they are not supposed to ask Him for stuff for themselves; they say it’s selfish. There is such a thing as healthy selfish and this verse definitely contradicts the belief that we are not to pray for gifts for ourselves. Our Father is a good, good Father wanting to shower His kids with good things.

So let’s put this down here, and change it up a little by inserting your name where appropriate and put what you’re lacking: If you, Evinda, are lacking finances, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.

Let’s try another one:
If you, _______, are lacking understanding in your current situation, ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.
And one more:

If you, _______, are lacking love for an unlovable, ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.

Go ahead, it’s your turn. Ask Him…He’s the real deal, not a fairy tale like Santa!


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

Do you tell yourself things will be better if…when? Join us for A Night of Purpose, a free event that is guaranteed to be informative and life changing! html

Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday’s Mantra

Thanks for joining us for Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes
United. It’s always good to have a splash of perspective, especially around this time of year. Grab your favorite beverage and join me for a splash of perspective and a little Christmas message from my heart to yours!


It is not about the presents under the Christmas tree,

But the presence of love we feel from friends and family

It’s not about the shopping that we feel we must do

But about the gift that has been given freely to me and you

The gift is a gift that money can’t buy

The birth, death & resurrection of Christ is for you and I

Nor is it about making a list and then checking it twice

And buying countless gifts for the naughty or the nice

The reason for the season isn’t about all the debt and stress

It’s a season to offer special gifts such as patience and forgiveness

Or maybe a gift of time for one whose time is running out

A meal for a family in need to encourage hope where there is doubt

Or maybe someone needs a helping hand to accomplish a tedious chore

Yes, these are the kinds of gifts that keep on giving forever more

Oh that we would take the materialism out of this season

And in its place remember redemption is our reason

Acts of kindness come freely to and from those walking in His Spirit

They will outlive materialism though the world doesn’t want to hear it

The gifts of Love, joy, peace, patience, don’t need a reason

Nor does kindness, gentleness or self-control have to have a season! EL

              May the gifts of the season guide you to and through the New Year!



Friday, December 16, 2016

Faith-Filled Friday

Welcome to Faith-Filled Friday and Jon’s blog. I invite you to really allow his words to make their way down into your heart. Many of us have never, ever goin through all that he has, but some of us have. What would it look like if we truly sacrificed for the sake of giving a special gift? And oh, the thought of going without hugs…hmmm, hurry inside! You’re going to enjoy this thought-provoking Faith-Filled Friday!

Hello again everyone!

So the buzz of the holiday season is all around. This year I am trying to buy more gifts for more people. I want to get gifts that bring a wealth of smiles and warmth. The challenge is picking/finding what gifts I can afford as it has become increasingly difficult to afford things this last year. I have had to find creative ways to cut back throughout the year to prepare for this season. I even worked a few more side jobs and when I fell short, I decided to fast! This has worked as you'd be surprised what one can afford after not buying groceries! I was inspired to do this by something I once saw that Mormons do in their religion. They fast one weekend a month so they can give back the food they would have consumed to the less fortunate. I always loved the thought of that. For me, it's been interesting to cut corners in a few other ways but the thought of the smiles makes it so worth it. 

It's been a humbling thing to go hungry to get gifts. I actually consider it a blessing because things like this keep me humble. I won't be telling anyone I get the gifts for that I did this. But let me share with you just why I consider it a blessing. We never know just what people put into the gifts they give. I remember as a young boy trying to make my mother incredible gifts. I wanted no only to see her smile and be happy but I wanted her to feel loved. Shouldn't gifts we give to others be wrapped up not only in gift wrap but the very love we have for them? There is like this mystical side to thinking about the process one goes through to get a gift as well. Were they stressed out beyond belief while getting presents for others as well? Did they endure Black Friday shopping?
There is often a lot of stress and even heartache around the holidays. But I'd like to challenge everyone to think of just what goes into a gift. For me the process of merely being thought of makes me feel good.

I absolutely love getting lost in the creativity of what I can get and make for gifts. I really hope that children everywhere feel loved and cherished through the simple act of gift-giving. But the biggest gifts we can give others are our love, compassion, listening, friendship, empathy. Even a mere hug is so crucial to give and for many to receive. When I was homeless I remember going for huge stretches of time without a simple hug. I truly believe that God gave us the gift of a hug just so we can feel loved. I remember after being homeless for such a long period of time that when I finally did receive a hug, it felt almost alien to me. For someone to put their arms around me feels amazing. There is no such thing as a casual hug. Being alone and homeless only has cemented my thoughts and feelings that Christmas is amazing because it helps us center on others and their needs. It really is a time when we should stop and think more about sacrifice of men who serve afar and keep us safe at home. 

This year I am reaching out more via mail and sending cards. I will not just take time atop a keyboard wishing many a Merry Christmas. I know that for many of us we have a lot to be sad about in the holiday season, but we can rise above those feelings of depression. We can really reach out to love others, do for others. And in doing so, we will be reaching out our hand to God! So what do you say? Reach a hand out and thank Him for HIs love, but be watchful in the many ways in which He does love us. 

Have a blessed week everyone and may you feel loved in & out of your trenches. :)


Thursday, December 15, 2016

-Thursday’s Trench Truth

The melody of our lives should bring harmony to others’ lives.
Join us to learn how to Embrace your Identity and bring harmony into your world!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday’s Word

First Steps

Matthew 19:26 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by for Coffee Hour and Wednesday’s Word @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United.  As I write from my heart to yours, I pray that you will be compelled to ties some knots in your strand of faith, strengthening it for those times when you feel wobbly, and unable to take the next step.
Last Saturday, I was busy in my home office and above the noise in my head I heard George calling me, and not just calmly, but there was a hint of urgency in his voice so I dropped whatever I was doing and his next words rendered me running towards him. “Isaiah’s walking!” I must have made it to him in three seconds. He was sitting on the couch looking at a video on his phone and I could hear my son’s voice, and my daughter-in-love’s voice. I bent down and looked at the video, and got teary eyed as I watched our little just-turned-one-year-old grandson ever so tentatively, thoughtfully and not quite so confidently begin to take his first steps.
Sure, mommy was bribing him with some treats…but our Father has treats for us, too, when we hold our hand out to Him and allow Him to help us!  
He had one hand outstretched to his mommy, his gaze never leaving her face, not even for a second. He was so, so focused, determined to do it…and he wasn’t in a hurry. In the background was his daddy, “Come on, little guy; you can do it!” Then a gasp, “look! Look! Look! He’s taking another one!”
The encouragement from his mommy, daddy, and big brother and sister added to the beauty of this monumental moment in this little guy’s life. You could feel all of their excitement; it was as if I was almost right there – of course it made me want to be soooo bad. It won’t be long before he’s walking so fast and mommy and daddy have to chase him!
Watching those tentative first steps got me to thinking – uh-oh! Like the first steps of a child, we too are asked to take first steps toward seemingly uncomfortable situations and circumstances which require encouragement from others and focus and courage from the one stepping out. With each step taken, confidence comes.
Every one of us has had to take a “first step” many times over; and if you think about it, that’s what life is all about, first steps towards newness of life, whether it be a first step toward sobriety, a new attitude, a new relationship, a new job, a new home, a new healthy habit to replace an old unhealthy one, or what about that first step toward healing a broken relationship?
Many times we find ourselves overwhelmed with life, wondering how we are going to get through it. Could it be that we are to be just like little Isaiah, keeping our eyes on our Father, our hand held out, accepting His help to move forward one step at a time?
Life moves fast enough without us making it a race…let’s learn to walk it one step at a time, hand in hand with the One who will always pick us up if we falter!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

The difference between failure and success is availability!

Make yourself available to learn how to Embrace your Identity without Chaos and Confusion!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday’s Mantra

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United, and our Monday’s Mantra, which happens to be a very popular habit…worry! So turn off all distractions, grab your coffee, or whatever you’re having for our time together, and come on in for a few moments.
“There is scarcely any one sin against which our Lord Jesus more largely and earnestly warns His disciples, or against which He arms them with more variety of arguments, than the sin of disquieting, distracting, distrustful cares about the things of life, which are a bad sign that both the treasure and the heart are on the earth.” Matthew Henry Commentary
Let’s face it; meeting life on life’s terms without worrying is…well, something that seems impossible to do at times, right? Why, then, does worry seem to run in and through our veins leading to our hearts and minds?
In Matthew 6:25-34, the subject is worry, and it drives home this truth: the more time we spend doing the not-so-necessary things, such as worrying, the more necessary it becomes for our Savior to rescue us…from ourselves, and that which we worry about! Can you see the crazy cycle?
In Matthew 6, verse 25, Jesus mentions some life essentials – “do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear,” but did you notice He doesn’t mention shelter? “Shelter/home” falls under 25do not worry about your life…33all these things; shelter is an implied necessity; however, I suggest that our first form of shelter is to be found in Him! When we worry about any of the necessities of life, we are stepping out of the Shelter.
In Psalm 27:5, we read “For He will hide me in His shelter in the day of trouble; He will conceal me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high on a rock.” Now that’s a shelter of protection!
Let’s get back to worrying – not literally – and look at the side effects which can hinder our relationships, especially our relationship with Him!
1.      Worry harms health! Read Psalm37:8
If your body is His temple, your heart His home, why would we want to invite Him into a house cluttered with worry?
2.      Worry consumes our thoughts and derails us from His peace. Read Philippians 4:6-8
Whatever’s taking up space in your heart and mind and not paying rent has got to go!
3.      Worry disrupts our ability for kingdom productivity: Read Philippians 4:13
In other words, worry is a crutch that keeps us from reaching our purpose! When we are taking care of what concerns Him, we are allowing Him to handle what concerns us!
4.      Worry inhibits listening: Read 1st Peter 5:6-7
While worry is a natural emotion, it can become unreasonable and therefore a distraction.
5.      Worry diminishes your ability to trust God!
Worrying is a silent partnership with the enemy!

I love what Joyce Meyers says about worry: “Worry is like a rocking chair—it's always in motion but it never gets you anywhere.
Perhaps it’s time to get on up off that rocking chair and move forward knowing He is our shelter, our provider and exchange worrying for faith-ing (rhymes with bathing)!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Faith Filled Friday

Welcome back everyone to another Faith Filled Friday.

Last night I watched the 11pm news, just like I have for years. I watch to see the weather so I know how to proceed with the night of work ahead of me. After a couple weeks of rain, finally there was a dry day in the forecast. This makes my job so much easier and tends to put me in a better mood as I prepared for work.

I was an hour in to work when the raindrops started falling and I had to go back and redo some of my work to prepare for the rain. I let it bug me and really get under my skin. I blamed the weather man for not doing his job and making mine harder. I was just irritated the rest of the night. 

I was so happy when I finally finished and was driving home. As I pulled onto my street I saw a man wrapped in a blanket walking in the rain. I looked at his face as I pulled in to park in front of my home. He looked so lost and worried. The look on his face was very familiar to me. I myself had been there before and in fact I still spend much of my days wondering if I too will once again be homeless. The feeling of "What do I do?" "What is going to happen to me, become of me?"
As I struggled with my thoughts, I witnessed him pace back and forth not knowing where to go. I felt incredibly sad for him. Part of me wanted to invite him to come inside my home. But I decided I just couldn't do it because I also didn't get the best vibe. 

But I knew I could not ignore him though.  I hurried inside and even though I didn’t have much food in the home, I had gathered some of the food I did have, grabbed an old rain jacket and some garbage bags for him to put some of this things into to keep them dry. I had to hurry because I didn't want him to get too far. I hopped in my vehicle and drove up around the block and came back. When I stopped and asked to speak with him he was so upset because he said he was not ready for the rain that had started. Oh, how I could relate with that one!
When I was homeless the weather was always the hardship I could never fully prepare for. It's unforgiving. To be cold, wet, hungry, and to have no resources with you that are your own is the most despairing feeling. I will never forget it no matter how long I live. Perhaps that’s what moved me to do what I did next.

I opted to let him sit in my vehicle with me and we talked and talked. Over the course of that conversation I came to understand a few things about him. He did not hide the fact he was an alcoholic and had some other issues with addiction. I admired the fact that he could be transparent to a stranger and that I genuinely felt he was trying to find his way back like I once had. So I gave him some ideas and gave him the name of some resources. But I also told him that despair doesn't have to be a negative thing either; that it can drive us to do amazing things. It can teach us to never stop being humbled by the events in life, some good; some bad. I could see so much of myself in him when I was younger. I mean there before me was my younger self. I never dabbled with addiction like some did. I have been able to stop drinking when I saw that it could have been leading me down a bad road. But oh that despair, that feeling of hopelessness!

As we parted ways I felt the need to ask him if I could pray with him. I had never asked anyone before in a situation like that if I could pray with them. It felt almost alien to me for it to even pop into thought. But it did and I rolled with it. While praying, he started crying. My eyes watered so hard for him amidst that prayer.... But during that prayer, something sovereign happened: the rain stopped!

It was the coolest feeling! He was so happy to see it had stopped raining and it did something for my soul as well. On the drive home I had thought about how bugged I was that I had to go back after the rain had started and how petty it really seemed in comparison to this man's days as living homeless, and to be clothed in such despair.
Let's all remember to be grateful for the shelter over our heads, to thank God above for it. If you all don't mind, please join me in prayer for this young man. He did not want to give me his name which I respect but, please, let's pray that he finds shelter for his mind, body and soul.

Much love everyone

John Tam

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday’s Trench Truth

Avoid distractions that prevent interaction with the present moments!

This is one way to “Embrace your Identity without Chaos and Confusion”! Registration open!