Monday, December 26, 2016

Monday’s Mantra

Wow, it’s hard to believe, but this is my last Monday’s Mantra for 2016! Whew, where did the year go? And Christmas…come and gone and yet, there’s still a hint of Christmas spirit in the air. Oh, don’t you wish it could linger? Grab your coffee and join me for a new twist on the poem, Twas the Night before Christmas, now Twas the Day after Christmas….

‘Twas the morn after Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse
The stockings once hung by the chimney with care
Now lay empty, their contents lay everywhere

The grandchildren still nestled all snug in their bed
While visions of Christmas presents danced in my head
And I in my bathrobe holding my coffee cup
Nestled in my chair, not wanting to get up

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter?
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Forgetting my coffee and making a splash

The early morning moon was shining ever so bright
On what appeared an angel surrounded in light
I gasped out loud and opened the door a little wide
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing outside

It really was an angel surrounded in light
I pinched myself to confirm my vision was right
I dared walk a few feet closer to clarify
The angel stopped me, its hand held high

“I have a message for you, your friends & family
I’ve been sent from Heaven, from the Trinity”
I stood there frozen, not daring to move on the lawn
The moon lessened intensity into the early dawn

The angel spoke with gentle authority
An interesting message for you and for me
“I wonder how many of you will heed what I say
About all that shopping done for Christmas Day

“Now Target, now Macy’s, now Nordstrom’s, Amazon too
And Bath & Body, Ross and TJ Max, to name a few
Will be sending you the bills for who knows how long
And that’s okay; you’ve not done anything wrong

“Maybe it’s time to rethink how you celebrate
This Christmas season, this once-a-year holiday
Instead of going into debt and increasing the stress
Think of gifts to give all year that are priceless”

Like what, I asked this heavenly angel of light
Still standing in disbelief as I stared at this sight
I wanted to hear what this heavenly angel had to say
So I could return to my memories of Christmas Day

“All of you have confined Christmas to one day
With months of shopping, wrapping, and gifting away
And when the day has come and it is all but a memory
Stress and costs still linger for none of what you gave was free

“In this New Year approaching, might I suggest three gifts for each day?
Offer peace in times of conflict instead of demanding your own way

Love that unlovable, though your human nature doesn’t want to
It will go a long way in building bridges instead of destroying you 

“Extend grace to someone who’s hurt you in some way
And know you’re not alone in this each and every day
For when you give what you long to receive
You become the change that you long to see”

The angel began to ascend to the heavens high in the skies
I stood and watched until I could no longer see with my eyes
And though out of sight, its message and presence were still near
I vowed to myself to practice these gifts throughout the New Year

As we approach the end of this year and head into next, may we keep the Christmas Spirit going all year by giving love to the unlovable, being peacemakers in times of contention and extending grace when offended or hurt by others!


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