Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Disagreeing is not permission to disassociate! EL


Colossians 4:6: “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”
Have you ever been in a discussion that suddenly got heated, but you were white-knuckling through it to keep your cool?  How do we throw some water on the heat of the words?
Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United.
So I was in the midst of such a conversation, but before I tell you the ending, let me give you some backdrop so you can understand the context: I had gone to a conference for women and had taken someone very special to me. After a sweet time of worship, the first speaker got up there and began sharing the purpose of the whole conference, to begin a movement wherein we would build others, serve and sow in a time of so much confusion, and she went on to state homosexuality as the biggest part of that confusion. It was like she had an arrow for this group/behavior and she was aiming for a bulls-eye!
Well, this person who was with me is in between that lifestyle, has lived that lifestyle for more than 20 years – as a result of being physically, emotionally and sexually abused. And that’s not to excuse her behavior/choice but to understand it. I dropped the gavel a long time ago on such controversial issues and let God deal with them for He is the only one who knows their heart. It’s not my battle or my call; my only call is to love them.
The words definitely hit her heart and not in a good way, but she exerted some self-control. She said she knew to take what she could from the speaker(s) and to leave the rest on the floor. I breathed a sigh of relief, until on break she brought it up and began to get pretty angry about it. In fact, the more she talked about it, the madder she got!
To make a long story short, on the last day of the conference I posted something positive on Facebook about it, and tagged the speaker who had spoken out so vehemently about this lifestyle. I said nothing about that; I focused on what was good, the things I had taken from the conference.
The next day I was shopping with my BFF and I got a phone call from the one I had taken to the conference. She wanted me to help her understand why I would post “such nice things” about the conference when I didn’t agree with her.
I shared that I didn’t disagree with everything she had said, but if I were ever given a chance to speak into her life about this particular subject and give her thoughts to help her think twice about casting judgment so righteously, would she listen to me if I bashed her on social media?
“Well, that’s true,” she acceded…but not for long. Within minutes she got herself all worked up again – my friend could hear her as we were in line waiting to pay for our stuff – and I literally had to ask her to lower her voice as eyes began turning in my direction.
She said, “But you are guilty by association,” to which I asked her what she meant. “You shouldn’t alienate any group of people from God by being like that. You need to disassociate yourself.”
God intervened in such a powerful way by giving me these words: “We are called to be salt to the world, to be light. Just because I don’t agree with her doesn’t mean I get to disassociate with her.”
“Hey, it’s my turn to pay so I’ll call you back later.”
It felt so good to not only say those words but to live by those words!
I pray they give you something to think about and help you thru your next difficult conversation.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The melody of our lives should bring harmony to others’ lives.


In other words, we do not enforce our own agendas, opinions and beliefs on another but allow our lives to speak into theirs.
Join our community on Facebook at  for more encouragement for the journey!

Monday, October 22, 2018

A love letter from the One whose love never dies

 Monday’s Mantra

In the day of technology, it’s always nice to get a letter from someone we care about and even better if it’s someone we love.
Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Monday’s Message with Trench Classes United and Debra Dolce, our featured blogger Mondays and Fridays. Wow, does she have a letter for you, from His heart, to hers and now yours.
~Love Letter~
Good morning, My Beloved.
What is impossible for people is possible with Me. Meditate on this! My love and all of My abilities are so much stronger than you could ever ask or think.
Beloved, you could never ask for greater than I have! I have store rooms full of things that My children have not asked for and they are available for you and for your family. Why do you not ask? Do you doubt when you pray?
I created the world and everything in it and I took the time to name the stars as I hung them in space; are you not more valuable than they? Oh My beloved child, I have loved you with an everlasting love! My love for you never wanes. I never grow weak or weary. I am your biggest champion, I stand before the Father interceding for you and when you put your faith into action, when you believe My Word and stand on it declaring My promises, I am cheering and whooping and hollering, Yes!
Beloved, My love is so great that it extended from Heaven to the cross and there is no other name given under heaven, for My love is pure, and I will never leave you or forsake you.
May this letter encourage you today in all you do,

Friday, October 19, 2018

Sometimes we’re so focused on what’s wrong we can’t see all that’s right! EL

 Faith-Filled Friday

Philippians 4:8: Finally, ________, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things.
Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklitpower and Faith-Filled Fridays with Trench Classes United! Grab whatever drink you have for your break, a journal for notes and your strand of faith and hopefully you’ll leave with a couple knots tied and your faith that much stronger.
Have you ever caught yourself focusing on what’s wrong in your life, or in someone else’s for that matter, or what’s wrong about another person and their actions, especially as they pertain to you, instead of all that is right? Why does it seem to be so much easier to focus on the wrong instead of the right? 
I don’t know about you but sometimes I can really be a negative Nelly. Funny, just writing about this is taking me back to when my mom used to call me Pollyanna! There were times she said it sarcastically – that was in our time of Exodus which was when I was 12 all the way to 49 -- but I’ll never forget the time she said it while she was in the hospital and I was coming to see her every day.
I was telling her she had to get better so we could spend time together when she got out, and she smiled the sweetest smile – something I had rarely seen – and said, “You are such a Pollyanna.” 
It caused me to stop what I was doing and look at her to confirm she was really being sweet…she was.
It wasn’t until later that I looked it up and it made me weep and I do mean weep. My tears turned on like a faucet full blast and humility washed me clean of all the years where I had misunderstood her. See, the definition for a Pollyanna is “an excessively cheerful or optimistic person”!
I never did get to discuss that with her because she never did make it out of the hospital, but, oh, how happy I was to be sad…for God had finally made right what was wrong all those years.
See, all those years I thought she was focusing on something negative about me which kept her from me and it wasn’t that at all.
How many times have we thought incredibly negative thoughts of someone just because of what we think they’re thinking of us?
 Coffee Hour Friend, God calls us to get our focus on what is right about any of our circumstances, or about that person we’re in conflict with, and get it off of what’s wrong. He calls us to meditate on things that are true, noble and just – which may not describe the situation or the difficult person you are dealing with but there is ONE who is all of these things. He calls us to mediate on anything that is praiseworthy, on things of any virtue.
This God-breathed command spoken to us through Paul reminds us to quit picking apart and looking for all that is wrong, for when we do focus on what is right, the guarantee we have is we will be changed!
When we are focusing on what’s wrong, we rarely have eyes to realize what’s right…and what’s right usually far out-weighs what’s wrong, especially when we let go of what’s wrong and let Him make it right!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

In order to progress forward, we must look back, not fall back!

 Thursday’s Trench Truth

But why are we so afraid to do this? The truth about our past is this: It keeps coming up in your interactions with your significant relationships and we can’t disown something we haven’t owned. In other words, we can look back while leaning forward…and learn from it all.
Join our group for more encouragement at

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Your heart can beat against you!

Wednesday’s Word

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?
Thanks for joining us for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Grab your coffee and your strand of faith. Trust me when I say that this Word definitely tied a knot in my faith…and in my heart! I actually wrote this last year, but oh, its truths are timeless!
Have you ever bought into the lies your mind tries to speak into your life?
A couple of weeks ago, it was crunch time; everything was coming at me at once, just like every other time right before jumping into the trenches with others to get better at life and love. This time was different, though. My heart was heavy, and had been for a few weeks. It wasn’t until the day of class, just hours before it was supposed to start, that I realized why. One by one all of the silent questions I had been asking myself over the preceding weeks began to surface, questions that planted seeds in my heart: “Why is this so hard?” “If this was really of/from God, surely I wouldn’t be this stressed out so maybe – well more than maybe -- I’m on the wrong path.” “Maybe I made this whole crazy journey up. Maybe I’m supposed to just go back to working as a court reporter and forget this whole ministry thing.
Before long, I was convinced of all the lies I filled my heart, and it didn’t take time until my heart had convinced me they were true…and I began to “feel” these truths! What an incredibly sneaky process. The heart really can beat against you!
I did drop to my knees before class, asking Him to help me, to get me thru this first night, to reveal HIS heart to me, entwine His heart with mine so I could test if all I was “feeling” was accurate…or not. I surrendered all the questions and showed up for class, despite all the lies I had bought into and not wanting to or feeling like it, and let me tell you, so did HE…show up that is!
We had 43 registered and five walk-ins! It was amazing, encouraging and a great way to give the enemy a sucker punch!
It wasn’t until sitting in church the Sunday after that I got sucker-punched with this verse, a verse I had always questioned, and not fully understood. How could the heart be wicked? Isn’t that where love resides? I just love how He ministers to us just the way we need it, when we need it for the reasons we need it!
See, the heart only knows what we tell it so therefore, if we buy some lies and deposit them in there, the heart will take them, just like a thief, and deposit them into our emotional being and rob us of so much…so very much.
Are you catching what I’m throwing? Oh, let me tell you, my heart was definitely depositing every last one of those stinking-thinking thoughts and questions and dropping them in there like a swooshed-in basket ball, nice and heavy they dropped right in!  Before I realized what happened, my heart had taken those lies to the bank, and robbed me of all my joy and confidence in my calling.
What sort of lies is your heart trying to get you to buy? Oh, that we wouldn’t even lend an ear to things that are not of Him, and not be fooled by the robber who waits to steal our joy and derail us from our calling. Instead, may we be a people that drop to their knees and give those lies up!
With my heart cleaned…

Monday, October 15, 2018

Jesus loves to turn your impossible into possible! EL

Monday’s Mantra

I’m so excited to introduce you to a new writer for us…not new but new to be featured in our blog. I’ve known her for years and let me tell you, God speaks to her and through her so without further ado, come on in for Monday’s Message with Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United, a love letter for YOU!
~Love Letter~ Good morning My chosen one. I have made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time. I have also planted eternity, a sense of divine purpose, in your heart, a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except Me - yet man cannot find out, or comprehend or grasp what I have done or My overall plan, from the beginning to the end.
I have no limitations, so I am able to work all things out for your good and My glory.  It is okay that you don't know the "how" I will work all things out, but that I WILL. For I said in My Word that I will never leave you or abandon you, and that I will supply all your needs according to My riches.
Don't be limited by what you think and don't limit Me, but believe what I say and trust in Me.
Beloved, I love a good challenge and I know you think things may be impossible, but nothing is too hard for Me. Believe in Me! Trust in Me! Let go of limitations and let the eyes of your heart see what your physical eyes cannot. See My love; concentrate on My love; be filled with My love and walk in the fullness of My love.
Written through Debra Dolce

Friday, October 12, 2018

Waves of life can leave us lost but truth will lead us home EL

 Faith Filled Friday 

John 8:32-33 And Jesus said to those Jews who believed, if you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
Have you ever gotten lost on your way home? I realize that in today’s era, with all of our technology available, any sort of directions at our fingertips just by asking Google or Navigation or our factory-installed GPS equipment in our cars, it’s a little more difficult to get lost. And yet, I have found myself lost a time or two as I don’t always remember to rely on technology! I’ve even been known to go to the wrong law office for a deposition before, having put in the wrong number or even worse, getting the wrong information! Wow, is that ever embarrassing! J
Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and faith-filled Friday with Trench Classes United.
Getting lost is a horrible feeling, and I don’t just mean physically lost. I run into so many hurting people who are not lost, per say, overwhelmed with suffering of some sort. The waves of life have tossed them to and fro, and they have lost their way, their hope.
Talk to the wife who has just discovered her husband’s having an affair…either with another woman or with an addiction of some sort, and then there’s the parent(s) hurting over the choices their child is making, choices that surely are going to cause so many unfavorable consequences. It’s like being lost in a sea of hopelessness for there is nothing to do but watch the unfortunate consequences come and do whatever they’re going to do. And what about the one just given a life sentence via a medical diagnosis with a prognosis revealing the end is around the corner?
Friends, life is happening all around us and if it’s not happening to us, it’s happening to those close to us. What are we doing for them? What kind of directions are we giving when they reach out for help? Where do we send them or do we even stop to notice they’re a bit lost in their sea of life and the circumstances swimming around them threatening to overwhelm them, toss them to and fro that they may lose their way?
See, no matter the circumstance, there is a place to abide where we will never get lost, a place that will shed new light, a fresh perspective, a location that is filled with peace and hope, a foundation built with grace, a place that if we would only turn to, land in, abide in, we would find freedom from all that has us overwhelmed: His Love Letters to you and me!
It’s time to stop being one of those who don’t ask for directions and abide in that place that we will be found, never to get lost again because when we abide in His Word, and invite others to join us there, it is there we are found, and freed!
Abiding in His promises and principles,

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday’s Trench Truth

Thursday’s Trench Truth
Have you ever been pretty annoyed or irritated by an issue and you’re pretty sure that no one around you is comfortable either, but you all suppress the urge to address it? The more you suppress it the more it bugs you and consumes your thoughts, especially if you’re anywhere near it and the people involved… almost like there’s an elephant in the room.

There’s still time to join us in a location near you!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Fri-enemies: you can’t be an enemy unless you’ve been a friend first! EL

Wednesday’s Word

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”
C.S. Lewis, The Four Love
Welcome to Wednesday’s Word. Grab whatever you are having for your break and come on in and join me for what I pray will be a knot-tying time for us! Don’t forget that strand of faith, because friendship has a lot to do with our faith!
The last several weeks, there are two struggles that keep running into me, or should I say I keep running into them in my journey: Conflict and forgiveness! Ugh, sometimes I just want to blow right by them like I would an unseen stop sign. However, when I take the time to stop, HE never fails to grant me a new lesson, a new revelation. Granted, there are times I think, why do I always have to be the one to change? Well, because God has granted me the courage to know that the only one I can change is me! The illustrations He gives, the lengths He goes to in order to bring me through this lesson victoriously are…well, simply astounding!
Have you ever watched children in conflict? There is actually something to be learned by observing their struggle with innocence and their juggling of their little cups of pride that spill out onto the one they are conflicted with or by. There is this sort of bittersweet thing about them as they wiggle through their own frustration.
My grandchildren amaze me…fill my heart with so much love I never thought I had and at their young age, they teach me more than I thought I needed to know. When I watch them struggle in their childish conflicts, I realize that they still have a blanket of innocence around them that comes out after a few minutes of struggle and helps them to get over conflict so much quicker than you or I!
To watch children wiggle and wrestle with conflict is to witness the ingredients to what it takes to live out Colossians 3:12-13 which tells us “to put on tender mercies, kindness humility, meekness, long suffering, bearing with one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against the other, even as Christ forgave you, so you must do.”
Let me try and paint this picture verbally: At one of our grandson’s birthday party, there was a little girl whom he was in conflict with and as the party progressed, this girl, who by the way little B says “She’s a girl and she’s a friend, but she’s not my girlfriend” J – rather aggressively demanded her way continually. 
 At first he ignored her; that didn’t work. Then he tried appeasing her; that worked for a New York minute. And then as these things didn’t accomplish her desired goal, the conflict escalated and they began to sort of toss their point of view across to the other in hopes that the other would catch it.
But then, a burst of innocence would happen and one of them would stop it with a hug, or a simple “I’m sorry,” and the conflict was over. All was forgiven…until the next time she, or he, didn’t get their way, or the other felt slighted or ignored and not special and then the tug of war began all over again.
 His other grandma, whom my heart loves, and I were talking about it and she called them “frien-emies” and that stuck with me; you can’t be an enemy unless you’ve been a friend first!
Think about it; we aren’t nearly as hurt or offended by a stranger’s behavior as we are by the behavior of one whom we love or care deeply for. Why can’t we be more like children, and get through the conflict with a simple “I’m sorry”? Why does it seem to require so much more as we get older? 
Maybe it’s time to consider the value that that frien-emy brings to our life…and if there’s more conflict than caring, maybe it’s time to evaluate the amount of space they take up in our hearts without paying rent…
True transformation can only happen with another and that’s the value that a friend brings!
P.S. I’d like to wish one of my very best friends Janine Andriese Peace a beautiful and happy birthday. Love you so much, you amazing lady of God!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

Tuesday’s Trench Truth
When I say “elephant in the room,” what’s your first thought?
This phrase originated in the early ‘50s and is a metaphor for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed. This expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss.

All kidding aside, life wasn’t meant to be walking around elephants in the room!
I hope you’ll join us in one of our locations

Monday, October 8, 2018

The more we talk about a problem/conflict, the bigger it gets! EL

Monday’s Mantra

Proverbs26:20 Where there is no wood, the fire goes out;
And where there is no talebearer, strife ceases.
Have you ever said you’ve forgiven someone for an offense only to find that the next time that anything that even remotely reminds you of it, resentment, re-ignites the flame of un-forgiveness?
Thanks for joining me for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Monday’s Mantra with Trench Classes United.
What about when you’re going through challenging circumstances? When something comes up that reminds you of your current challenging circumstance and frustration takes the reins of your thoughts and runs like a champion thoroughbred, do you ever realize that before you know it, everyone knows about it? And suddenly that little hill of a trial becomes a mountain!
The truth is that the more we talk about a problem or a conflict, the bigger it gets!
Looking at the first line of Proverbs 26:20 which says “Where there is no wood, the fire goes out…” think about it; can a fire burn without wood? Of course not! This part of this instruction is telling us to minimize what we tend to maximize, and the beauty of this word is that it can be applied to conflicts and circumstances!
Do we add wood to the conflict by having the last word? Or to the circumstance by telling everyone we see of our struggle?
Perhaps it’s time we practice minimizing what we’ve maximized that He may become larger than it all!

Friday, October 5, 2018

God gave us dogs to help us visualize with our hearts an unconditional love

Faith-filled Friday
Thanks for joining us for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Faith Filled Friday with Trench Classes United. Today we feature Megan and I know, especially you dog lovers, you are going to enjoy this blog. Come on in.

For those of you who have never had the privilege of tracking a dog, it is difficult to describe the wonder of the experience...

Welcome to Coffee Hour at Chicklit Power and Megan’s Monday Mantra, with Trench Classes United.
Curl up with your favorite fur-kids and find out how my dog and a tracking test gave me an invaluable peek into how God works!

The tracking test is specifically designed to demonstrate a dog’s natural ability to follow a scent.
Picture a stranger walking around a large field. He makes a few left turns and a few right turns, going 50 to 120 yards between each turn. By the time he has finished, he has covered almost 500 yards of the field. An hour later, you and your dog arrive at the field and are expected to re-trace the exact footsteps taken by the stranger - site unseen!

On an early November morning, in the agricultural fields south of San Diego, I stood at the start line of a track with my Boxer, Huckleberry.  To calm my nerves, I decided to equate following Huckleberry over paths unknown to what it might feel like to follow God’s will. After all, when you track a dog, the dog is completely in charge only he knows how to use his nose to follow the track. Only he knows where he is leading you!

The Lord has a sense of humor. Since I was willing to experience how it felt to follow His will, He graciously included some of the stages one goes through as they attempt to discern His will…

Once Huckleberry picked up the scent of the track, my confidence surged. As he gained momentum, I found it more difficult to keep up, even though I had a firm hold of his 30-foot tracking line. As one turn led to another, I worried Huck might track us over the Mexican border. J J  When it took more time than I expected, I questioned the Lord as to how much longer would it be. Eventually the track did end … another 110 yards away! We passed the test and Huckleberry got his Tracking Dog Title.

Blindly following my dog over paths unknown and having to fully trust in the direction he was taking me was a powerful experience in learning what it truly felt like to follow and trust God’s will.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.  (Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV)

Faithfully trust in God’s will - and He will certainly direct your paths!

Your comments are always most welcome.

Lovingly in Christ,

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Thursday’s Trench Truth

In answer to what is becoming a common question, why does God allow suffering, I found a profound explanation from Wm. Paul Young, author of The Shack, and the book I am now reading, The Lies We Believe About God. He says:
“We are surrounded by distress that is common to broken humanity.”
Would you like to learn how to rise above the stress so it can’t take you down?
Then join us for a powerful six-week interactive study to live fueled by hope, coming to a trench near you!
Monday mornings: Yucaipa
Monday evenings: Beaumont; Yucaipa
Tuesday: Colton
Wednesday evenings: Redlands/Loma Linda
Wednesday evenings: Pomona
Thursday evenings: Redlands
Click on the picture for more information

Looking forward to meeting you

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

If you can’t be honest with self, you won’t be honest with others! EL

Wednesday’s Word
Have you ever told a lie? That is one of the questions on a sales assessment test. If you answer no, you are lying. If you answer yes, you are a liar. The best case scenario…you are an honest lair!

Welcome to Coffee Hour at Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United.

When I was the age of five, my mother decided it was time to teach me about the consequences of dishonesty. One morning at breakfast she said, “Megan, do you know God knows every time you tell a lie?” “How does He know?” I asked. She answered, “because every time you tell a lie, there is a light that blinks on and off in Heaven.” I had to take a few moments to think about that … and then I asked, “Mom, do you ever lie?” “Of course not!” she proclaimed. “Mom,” I replied, “I think there is a light blinking on and off in Heaven!”

This is a comical childhood memory, yes, but not without thought-provoking implications. What is the difference between a half truth and a white lie? Are we able to speak the truth if we are not able to be truthful with ourselves? Can we be totally honest without sacrificing the feelings of others? Does saving someone’s feelings actually save them from the truth?

I am currently studying “Speaking the Truth in Love; How to Be an Assertive Christian” in my Stephen Ministry class. Speaking the truth in love means being genuinely honest, direct, and open when relating to others. Assertive behavior is built on the principles of respect, truth and honesty. We are called to be honest with God, ourselves, and those with whom we love, live, and work. When we express our thoughts, feelings and preferences, in an honest, direct, and respectful manner, we empower others to do so as well. The Christ-centered, assertive Christian is one of wholeness and integrity; a person whose words and behaviors are consistent with his or her beliefs and values – a person who accurately reflects on the outside what is on the inside… a person who lives his or her truth out of love and respect for God, themselves, and others.

I pray, Dear Lord, that we may grow and blossom into this kind of Christian, so that our behavior may bring honor to You and to the whole Body of Christ. 

But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into Him who is the head – ChristEphesians 4:15 (HCSB)

Your comments are always most welcome.

Lovingly in Christ,

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

Do you need a comeback after a setback? Join us in  a trench near you to learn how to live life fueled by hope when circumstances try and deflate you.
Monday mornings: Yucaipa
Monday evenings: Beaumont; Yucaipa
Tuesday: Colton
Wednesday evenings: Redlands/Loma Linda
Wednesday evenings: Pomona
Thursday evenings: Redlands
Click on the picture below for more information

Looking forward to meeting you

Monday, October 1, 2018

When fear comes knocking, send your faith to answer. EL

Monday’s Mantra

I went in there ready to get it done. I was looking forward to seeing Renee, the manager of the imaging department, and I just knew she was going to be as ready as I was to accomplish what the tech was unable to the week prior.
Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Monday’s Mantra with Trench Classes United. Have you ever noticed that when we don’t know how something’s going to go, or how something’s going to feel, or why something is happening the way that it is, that anxiety rises up in you, especially if it’s about something serious?
I’m not going to lie and say I wasn’t anxious at all, but there was definitely a difference this time in that I knew a more about what to expect…at least I thought I did until they put me in a different room with a different mammography machine. “I don’t have to go on the table?”
“No, there’s an angle I forgot to try last week that Renee’s going to try.”
Just then Renee walked in and we hugged like we were old friends. Immediately I was at ease.  There is something to be said about experience, and hers was definitely apparent when after getting me and my itty-bitty all situated…albeit painfully, she got the image she needed on the second try. “I got it! Stay right there while I go show the doctor.”
“Uh, it’s not like I can go anywhere,” and we both laughed.
The tech from the week before came over to me and placed her phone close by, proud of herself for remembering what genre of music I liked…Christian worship.
Renee came back with the doctor: “Okay, we’re going to get started.”
Again I was embraced and held by a song and suddenly the unknown didn’t seem so bad. The name of the song is “Oh, my soul” but these words sang at the beginning really calmed me: “There’s a place where fear has to face the God you know.”
I was once again blown away by the appropriateness of not just the powerful words of the song, but the timing it. I was definitely in that place, my itty-bitty squished and compressed, waiting for the needle that would numb just the top layer, and totally unprepared for the pain that came with the insertion as it went deeper, twisting and pulling, shooting a pain that brought immediate tears to my eyes.
This moment catapulted me into His comforting grace as I stared into the sweet face of Renee and she talked me thru it. Within moments the actual biopsy part of this procedure was finished. It was after that, while Renee applied compression to the wound that we sat and had the sweetest fellowship, exchanging mini testimonies and professing our love for God and His infinite grace displayed thru important people in our lives. I mean it was the sweetest relief after such a painful procedure that it truly made me move on from the pain faster than I ever have from any pain.
In recovery, Renee explained she would walk the sample over herself to the hospital and that I should hear something in 3-5 days. We hugged and I couldn’t help but smile as I left the imaging center that day because though my itty-bitty was bittier and minus some tissue for sure, my heart was full of gratitude.