Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wednesday's Word

I’m Fine, Why Do I Have to be Re-fined?
1st Peter 1: 7: “…that the genuineness of your faith being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ…”
Thanks so much for stopping by for our little break and Wednesday’s Word! Grab your coffee or favorite beverage – hope it’s iced because we’re going to talk about turning up the heat! And don’t forget your Strand of Faith. I think today’s topic may be a multiple knot-tier!
Have you ever wrestled with God? Ever wondered why things are happening the way that they are? One very large knot in my strand of faith is the fact that He is the only one who can make right what seems to be going wrong…every single time. (Rom. 8:28) I have to trust Him to do it again…this time.
Last week I shared my desire to have a better first response when a major piece of our financial foundation got ripped out from underneath me. Today, I’d like to pick up where we left off…shaken!
In my prayer time, which really was a tear fest, I heard “stay on the wheel.” My first response was, OKAY, but why do I gotta be re-fined; I’m fine! Isn’t this about the other person? Why oh why do I always get to learn something because of someone else’s choices? So after I had my pity party, I resisted the temptation to blame someone for all the new inconveniences in my world and I got back in my own emotional car. I let Him take the wheel once again as He washed my mind with promises. 
When I did that, it was like I received this shot of new attitude that went coursing through my blood stream into the vein that flows directly to my heart. I was reminded that nothing is too big for Him and I do not do this life alone. He is my strength, an ever present help in time of need. He will use this situation to refine me, not because I’m not fine, but because He doesn’t want me to get bitter, just better. See, because of this tent of flesh, and the heart being a not-so-pure thing, there’s always necessity for getting rid of that which needs to go. Negative emotions have a way of sneaking in and before you know it, we’ve developed a not-so-positive attitude, a wound, a weakness and/or the tendency to worry. It’s when I allow Him to refine me that I am really fine! 
Isaiah 48:10 says: “Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction.” Just as the dross has to be burned away to reach the true silver, so it is with the cares of this world that tend to weigh us down and make us less like Jesus. As He refines you and me, the goal is to see His reflection! He is solidifying His ownership!
Here’s a comforting promise for us all while in the refining process:  1st Peter 5:10 says: And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 
Becoming fine…all over again,


Monday, June 27, 2016

Jenn's Journey

Some weeks I am inspired easily on what to blog about, other weeks, not so much. Other times, I have so many thoughts rolling around in my head it's difficult to organize them. This week, it's both! Please grab a cup of coffee, or tea and read on.
Lately, I've been contemplating self'. Everywhere I look, including into my own heart, it seems that things boil down to ME. How in the world have we become so concerned with ourselves and our beliefs that it becomes paramount to promote that at the expense of others?
I was talking with a friend who was lamenting over a habit her husband has that she cannot stand. Granted, the habit could be annoying, but at the same time, it's something that has not changed over many years of marriage. She said, "If he really loved me, he'd change this for me." 
Another friend I have appears to give selflessly for others and has many accolades and pats on the back for doing so. Yet, this person complains that after all she does, she gets nothing back. 
Social media is full of people trying to force others to see their viewpoint, as if theirs is the only one that counts. We've all seen the comments that blatantly tear someone down due to a different belief. We've seen news coverage of protestors at funerals -- heaven help us -- and riots over differing political parties. 
Contrast all of this with an article I read about relationships, specifically marriage, but I think it applies to all. One simple question that changes so many things: "What can I do to make your day better?" What if I/we asked that and actually DID that for someone else expecting nothing back? What if we simply heard a viewpoint different than ours without giving an opinion back? What if I stopped believing that someone's behavior was an indicator of my worth? Or that my worth depends on making myself heard?
This verse: "But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come. “For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good"…2 Timothy 3:2 By asking “What can I do to make your day better,” we would be going against the times…are you up for the challenge?
God help me to be contrary to the mainstream. 
Until next week, be blessed,


Friday, June 24, 2016

Faith Filled Fridays

Welcome to Faith-Filled Fridays and John’s faith journey! I just love how he shares his heart…and his gift of photography. The Orlando tragedy is still fresh in the hearts and minds of many. I hope you enjoy what John shares about tragedy…and faith!

I grabbed this photograph while thinking about the tragedy in Orlando. For me, still seeing a rising sun doing its best to pierce the clouds is a promise that God has not forgotten us. It assures me that there is still something more than all the evil here combined, here upon this spinning sphere in which so much pain & hurtful things unfortunately run their unpredictable course. Here within us. 

For me I find it so incredibly sad that there is so much beauty in our world to be inspired by...we all could get peacefully lost and still find one's self in over and over again in a better place than before. It's so hard for me to grip; instead a bitter mind and hardened heart would rather free an ugliness and cruelness to the world than find refuge and love in the Holy Spirit. 

May we not shift to hatred ourselves, for we surely lose our way if we do make such a shift. My prayers and condolences go out to the families and friends who lost their loved ones to this darkness of a senseless rage-filled act. 
Let us not forget that God's love and light cry out for them to join Him. Let us capture the promise and light in God's love despite the cold dark overcast upon us...

God Bless Everyone,

                                           ~John Tam

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday's Word

First Response
Romans 12:12-…”rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer”…
Thanks so much for joining us for Coffee Hour & Wednesday’s Word! Grab your beverage and your Strand of Faith and let’s go tie some knots as we talk about our first responses.
When you hear a siren, what do you do? If you’re driving, hopefully you pull over and let them go speeding past you; but if you’re otherwise preoccupied, what do you do? The sound of a siren is the sound of a first response to something traumatic, something gone wrong in someone’s world. To the person injured, it’s the sign of help; to the one who caused the problem, well, maybe a sense of fear.   
What is it we do when something doesn’t go as planned in our world, let alone when something traumatic happens? Many of us have had those moments when the news we received was just to o much to bear and we couldn’t stand so instead, we kneeled…hopefully in prayer, while our brains were reeling with questions, and anguish laced with frustration, and yes, even anger. We look around and have to face the cold and hard truth: that life is happening on life’s terms and we have no control over any of it. The one thing we do have control over is how we respond to it! 
I had yet another opportunity to have a healthy first response just the other day; unfortunately, I think I grieved over the lack of the right first response almost as much as I grieve the problem that sent me responding the wrong way! The good news is that because I do abide in Him, I didn’t stay in the wrong response for long.  What sent me reeling? Uh, let me just say that our monthly income has been decreased by more than $3k! Talk about a mind-reeling, send-you-to-your-knees awakening!
But because our income is decreasing, my faith muscles will continue to increase as I put so many of His promises that are in me to the test! I trust that the plan He has for me isn’t to tear me down, but to build me up. Apparently, this comes with a cost and that’s okay because I won’t be broke in Heaven! I must continue to remind myself that my ERA (eternal retirement account) is bigger than my IRA! I trust that this current situation is being used for our good and His glory because if I can praise Him in the storm, how much more beautiful will the ride be when the storm has subsided? As long as I am seeking Him first, everything else’s importance diminishes. Weeping may be for a moment, but joy comes in the mourning…oh, morning! 
Can I encourage you to find a promise that will help you with your First Response?!
Practicing a better first response,


Monday, June 20, 2016

Jenn's Journey

Good morning! Thank you for being here. Grab a cup of your favorite drink and spend a few minutes with me!

Last night I took a walk. It was about 7:00 and the sun was beginning to set; there was a breeze and it felt just about perfect. One of the streets I walk on is lined with trees. The neighborhood looked so quiet and peaceful. I thought to myself how idyllic it looked. But then, sad and ugly thoughts popped into my head. I could not help but think of the people who were gunned down this past weekend…the terror they must have felt, how life changed or ended in an instant, how difficult it will be for their loved ones to see beauty in life after such a tragedy.
 These thoughts changed my mood to some extent. It's difficult to watch or read the news without becoming sad or depressed. There’s hardly a day goes by without a major incident, and let's not forget the political unrest, as well as hatred and anger that seems to be increasing at an alarming rate. I do not watch or listen to much news, and it's not because I want to stick my head in the sand. I just desperately need to keep my mind focused on things that give me hope, and keep me looking up. 
For my entire life I've heard about 'end times'. The very words strike fear in my heart. The Bible speaks of the last days as a time when the world sees trouble as it never has before. Those who have chosen God's way, or the devil's way, will stand in stark contrast to each other. 
What is God's way exactly? Of course, the different religions of the world have myriads of definitions but let's take a minute to see what the Inspired words of God have to say:

“A new command I give you: "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

"We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen." 1 John 4:19 

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:43
I could have chosen many verses, but it's clear that hate has no place in the life of someone who claims to follow God. If I follow Him, I must ask for His love to be manifested in and through my life. True love for God and His ways, will on their very own, stand out in a world of darkness.

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 Yes, there is trouble! But God's Love will bring an end to it all one day. Let's be part of the love!!!
Until next week, be blessed, 


Friday, June 17, 2016

Faith Filled Fridays

I am so excited about our new Friday blogger! He’s been in the trenches with me a couple of times and literally has a heart of gold and an amazing talent for writing. I’m super excited to introduce you to John Tam who is not only a gifted writer but also captures some of the most beautifully things I’ve ever seen in the form of photography. You’re in for a treat!

The Seeds between the Stepping Stones of Pain

Hello, I would like to introduce myself. My name is John Tam. After a hard beginning to a new year I have been spreading my wings a bit more lately and getting back into the vibrant world of writing. I was approached by Evinda and she asked if I would like to write for Faith Filled Friday's. It's such an honor to be asked such a thing. I have been seeking a commitment and find it funny how God sometimes answers the call despite the missing prayer. I'd like to welcome any and all of you to put on some music, maybe even light a candle as I share some thoughts and feelings. Ok, so ready, set go! ;)

2016 ,who are you? Many things have jumped in my boat since you brought the storm with you. Well your last 6 months be a stark difference from your first 6? That is what I had asked of myself almost as if 2016 was a living organism. Oh these things that have come my way have hurt so deeply. They are the kind of things that are incredibly hard to release and let go of. Things that seem to go against the grain of what one's heart wishes, whispers and hopes for through the seasons. For much of my life I have felt deep abandonment by people. I was a very young child when I first learned how deep pain feels. I can remember crying for my mother when she was being abused. Remember feeling a massive fear like a moment to moment tsunami. Remember flinching upon hearing my step-father's voice, never knowing if I did something wrong and would receive my answer when I got spanked for something or at a time that felt completely out the blue.  

As a young boy I never felt anger for many years…only fear. As the chapters of life compiled anger became such a powerful emotion that seemed to empower me. For a boy that was abused and full of fear it was a chance to see things differently, to be free from my fears in some way, to fill the belly of what I needed. I merely wanted to walk in the world without feeling I was going to be hit, be screamed at, or compared to others that were better than me. I longed to be noticed for working hard at the things I did... instead of being told I still wasn't working hard enough. So on came the feeling of being a failure, which fed depression, sadness and gloom. 

Years later I came to realize that those things seemed to push aside the anger, yet all the while germinated the seeds of fear. More of me became an ever shifting puzzle that I could not assemble nor morph an understanding to. It was like turning around as a young child midst a county fair and your parents were gone. Oh, yes the fear gripping you like a vice. So where was God? Where was my support? Where was my real father? Where was my mother? Where was I? I just wanted something to believe in, something to ground me, something to hold me. 

Writing feelings of a boyhood that I once ran away so difficult, but powerful as it reveals the stepping stones: Fear to anger, anger to depression, depression to failure all the while feeling abandonment stalking me... holding me hostage. I have come to believe that these things we carry, the feelings which hurt worse than any knife could deliver are only part of our life story. We carry them because we are human. We become them because we are broken. So just how am I still here? How have I come to be so empathetic toward others? How have I come to love so deeply? How is it possible when we embolden our tender sides of understanding and feeling that we in turnabout become incredibly strong? How could I have survived this pain when I felt that God had ultimately forsaken me? 

It was a gift that I came to understand that releasing anger, letting go of bitterness, even letting go of those you love the most when sadly a time arises to do so... thought it all hurts... but there in it is a lone seed. We can either choose to the see the seeds of pain or the one seed that God planted within. I am still here and my love still goes on. 

For me it was a lighthouse that I had and used as a nightlight to which I feel asleep looking at as a young boy. It was a foster family that took me in and loved me... and all of me. It was a dog named Bella that stuck with me through the thick and thin. Oh, yes, how blessed I am to see the love above all else. Those are the seeds that God places between the stepping stones of pain. They bring character and even beauty. We must not hurt more because we have been hurt more, we must celebrate more for the opportunity packed into every seed, every breath, every choice. All is provided from above: for everyone a chance to feel loved, held, and ultimately cared for by God. I am stronger because I can change. I can heal by always choosing to irrigate the things we wish to photosynthesize and harvest.... For it all turns out: the shade on a hot summer’s day, the many branches all grown by a lone seed... the seed of Love.

Well there you have it, my heart, mind and soul…still healing. I hope you feel God's love; it's not always in the ways in which we think. He can use one emotion to drive out others. He can use a nightlight, an animal…anything! The ways are absolutely endless & infinite. Truth is it's all around us; we must take the time and do our part to first discover it. I just know that I still have six months, the last half of 2016 to turn it around... Feel free to jump on this bandwagon! :)

May much Love, Laughter & Healing be yours,

God Bless,
John Tam

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wednesday's Word

Moving Forward While Going Backwards
2nd Corinthians 4:16: Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yes, the inward man is being renewed day by day!

Thanks for joining me for a little coffee break and our Wednesday’s Word! Grab your coffee, hot or cold, and your strand of faith. My hope and prayer is that you will be able to tie some knots in your faith and share a giggle or two!
I just love how scripture can splash such a bright perspective on a not-so-bright subject, for example aging! No, don’t go anywhere; stay with me. Let’s have some fun with this! I so need this perspective right now especially considering some “changes” I am literally seeing in my outer self! I mean, it’s like this morphing is going, like something or someone is taking over my external shell and I can’t do a darned thing about it!  It’s almost a daily discovery when I dare to look in the mirror only to discover a new wrinkle on my face, or a new cottage-cheese type dimple on some part of my extremities! J J I mean, what’s going on here? Is this the type of thing that drives people to plastic surgery?!!
There are just some things you have to laugh about; otherwise, you can wind up going backwards while life is going forward in  a not-so-positive way. Let me share a couple of “you know you’re aging when” lines with you and hopefully, if you can’t relate, at least you’ll get a good giggle out of them:
You know you’re aging when…you’re doing a pushup and have to pick your stomach up! J
You know you’re aging when…your girls look like old utters gone south! J
You know you’re aging when…you stand up and your skin goes down…around your knees, your ankles! J
You know you’re aging when…every time you dare to look in the mirror, you see your mother staring back at you!
You know you’re aging when…you you mistake an aging spot for a freckle!
You know you’re aging when…you lift your arm up and feel an aftershock of skin jiggling! J
I mean, I could keep this up for pages, but let me get on to the positive side of moving forward while going backwards! That’s exactly what this scripture is telling us. I truly believe with all of my heart that Jesus knew we’d have a hard time with this whole aging thing, and not just us women, either. That’s why the beginning of the verse says, “Therefore, we do not lose heart.”  But what comes next is like diamonds, an absolute treasure, a fantastic perspective on this topic of aging: even though our outward woman/man is wrinkling, covered in aging spots, losing shape and elasticity, because of who we are in Christ, inwardly, we are being renewed, getting younger and ready for eternity!
Sure, this whole external appearance can be a bit disgruntling, but it’s only temporary! This life really is a dress rehearsal. I don’t have to be consumed about my appearance because I won’t always have these wrinkles, and this skin that goes south while I stand up north, and the aging spots I try to pass off as big freckles, and…I am being made new, day by day and in Him I am young again but maturing!
Striving to age a bit more gracefully….


Monday, June 13, 2016

Jenn's Journey

Good morning my friends, and welcome to another week! Grab a cup of your favorite drink and join me.
By now, you may know that I collect quotes that resonate with me. One of the most recent ones says, "I no longer look for the good in people, I search for the real. Because while good is often dressed in fake clothing, real is naked and proud no matter the scars."
Some people may think this is a jaded way of thinking. I might have thought that in the past myself. But, think about it. How easy is it to appear “good”? How many of us put a lot of effort into hiding things about ourselves, i.e. mistakes, emotions, secret sins, wounds? All the while there is a suffering inside at the sake of appearing to others as if all is fine, and even worse, pretending we don't have problems.
I watched a short documentary with Bono of U2, and Eugene Peterson, author of The Message Bible. Bono has apparently become quite taken with that version of the Bible and the author. The exchange between them was quite beautiful. One comment by Bono struck me. He said that the problem he has with most Christians is that they are not real. His point was how much more influence would we have if we just let down our pretenses and show reality. I have to agree one hundred percent.
Being real and authentic is hard. It requires vulnerability, and not many of us enjoy that feeling.   What if we faced the truth about ourselves? What if we were honest about our shortcomings, our faults and our pain? What if we spent less time pointing the finger at others? I think of the Bible verse, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." [John 8:32] I believe that if we spent more time allowing ourselves to be real, God could better use us to show His character.
As Christians we say God loves us no matter what, yet we still hide as Adam and Eve did once they sinned. If we truly believe He loves us regardless, then we need to let our humanity show, be honest with self and others. It's freedom at its purest form.
Until next week, be blessed,