Friday, December 23, 2016

Faith Filled Friday

Hello and welcome back to another Faith Filled Friday! 

Tonight I found myself wrapping up some paperwork for work and decided to start wrapping the presents. I was so tired and stressed from constantly playing catch-up, so it felt good to shift my remaining energy toward the gift-wrapping.

While I was sitting there I noticed I had no stimuli to help create a better evening. I didn't want to switch on the television and get lost in all of the bad news, so I decided to turn on the stereo. As I glided through my old CD collection, I came across an old band I had not listened to in so many years so I put that one in. About four or five songs played and I realized it was soothing my soul, making my evening and wrapping (which I may add I am really terrible at) much better.
And then a song came on that made me stop what I was doing. The memories the song brought hit me pretty hard. Music has always had a profound impact upon me; it is a way to my soul. It has a way of taking us back, doesn’t it?

This particular song lifted me back to a different time of life and it was almost as if I felt a different part of me, like a previous chapter of myself. It was almost spiritual in its own way. 

I couldn't help but feel tears well up from deep within me. There was a lot of sadness in that chapter of life, but I can tell you there was more a prevalent happiness and warmth from it as well. I won't go into the details but I will say this: I am a true believer that there are memories and emotions within us all that we don't sit down and cherish enough. Sometimes something like a song comes along and releases them when we least expect it.

There are a thousand and one reasons in which we don't take the time to harness out and relish our memories, but shouldn't life not only be about reflecting, but also taking the time to just play a good song, sit down in peace and quiet and absorb the moment of a great memory or even the present moment itself? Tonight I felt a peace despite some of the pain in it.

I love the thought that it could very well have been God sent. Perhaps not even by playing it by chance, but more that God inspired a group of people who wrote the song, only to sit on a shelf for years and released at a perfect time 20 years later. I told a friend about it and he said "Chance!" At this stage in my life I think I have come to believe that "Chance" itself can very well be God sent as well. 

For me it's a good night, as I hope it is for all of you. Don't we all deserve such a thing? Much love everyone and remember to keep a part of yourself reserved for when these precious memories come along and you can reflect, absorb all while letting a great song spark it off.


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