Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wednesday’s Word

Learning from our Mistakes
Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead

Welcome to Wednesday’s Word @ Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. Have you ever missed what you later figured out to be a divine opportunity and then wanted to kick yourself? Grab your coffee and come in for a true story.
I boarded the train for Los Angeles, got settled in and went right to work on our upcoming class, and then my blogs. I was focused, focused, focused. I had boarded about ten minutes early, so I had a good head start. I was already at it when I couldn’t help but hear this very upbeat chatty lady talking with a guy who was obviously her husband. Half of my mind and one ear was on what I was typing and the other ear, well, let’s just say it was hovering over to her conversation and I didn’t have to go far, because she was talking loud enough for the whole car to hear. It was like she was oblivious to how loud she was.
From her directions to her husband, it was easy to surmise that she was headed into chemo, wherever that was. I assumed it was in L.A. – I later learned I assumed incorrectly. Isn’t that usually the case? But what really struck me as odd is how happy she was. She was very upbeat, joyful, almost.
As the conductor announced last boarding call, her husband got off the train and I returned my focus to what I was doing and got completely immersed within seconds, again laser focused.
“I like your hair” echoed throughout the car, and I wondered: Is she talking to me? I turned and yep, she was looking right at me. She must have thought I didn’t hear her because she repeated herself, adding, “It’s so cute!”
I looked up and over from my laptop, trying desperately to tear myself away from my work and thanked her for her sweet compliment. That was all it took to get her to take off and within five minutes I got the condensed version of the last year of her life focused around her diagnosis of two different types of cancer. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. How can this woman be telling me about all these treatments, and how her husband was handling it, the side effects including how the treatments were giving her neuropathy in her fingers and toes…and be smiling and have such joy? I mean, I had no words except every now and then an “uh-huh,” or a nod of the head to show I was really listening.
At one point I asked her if she had a faith, because I wanted an answer for all that optimism that was oozing out of her. Her response both shocked and saddened me: “It’s not really in something or someone – I mean, I know there has to be something but…”
Wow, how does one get through this kind of thing without knowing what they believe and why they believe it?
She continued to talk, but I have to admit, I was only half-focused on what she was saying and had returned my attention to my laptop…but she kept on talking, and still I didn’t get it, that I should have picked up my stuff and just sat with her and been a shoulder, a listening ear, a captivated audience for her. Yeah, I gave her my card, told her I wanted to bless her with some encouragement and give her one of my books – which started another rabbit trail in the conversation – but I didn’t stay for this divine appointment. I bailed on it and didn’t realize I had until she got up when her stop was announced. I was shocked because I assumed she was going all the way to L.A. for some reason.
What she did next really hit me, like a bullseye, right  in my heart: She came over in front of me and took my hand and thanked me for listening to her, explaining that even though she’s been doing this for a year, she still gets scared and anxious and so it was good to talk and get her mind off of it for a little bit.
Talk about an overwhelming rush of conviction…bittersweet conviction as I watched her walk off the train with all of her stuff to go to her next all-day chemo treatment. That conviction haunted me all day and as I write this I am crying tears of regret…and yet, I’m so humbled at this scripture He gave me as I decided to write this and tell on myself.  It’s like He whispered, “What I’m saying is I knew you would miss the mark; stand up, move forward. You are forgiven, and you are ready for your next divine appointment because you have learned from your mistake.”
So if there’s something you’re beating yourself up for, dip your soul in His grace for His mercies are new every morning and His love never changes or fails, even when we do.


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