Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Tuesday’s Trench Truth

Thanks so much for joining me for Tuesday’s Trench Truth, and Happy Valentine’s Day to you! This blog is for all, but dedicated to those who think they don’t have a Valentine. Grab whatever you’re having for our break and come on in for just a minute or two.

Have you ever watched a friend “fall” in love? It’s like this morphing that takes place before your very eyes: their countenance changes; their attitude changes; their somewhat happy face now has a lopsided grin more often than not. They are giddy, upbeat and there’s a sort of dance in their step.
Why do you think that happens?

In my opinion and experience, it’s because we feel accepted, approved and valued, all of which are GOD-given needs to each one of us!

But what happens when we begin to discover differences…things change! We make it a negative when really it could be a positive.

See, most of us have bought into several relational lies as it relates to sameness in relationships, believing that if we are the same in lots of areas, and we don’t argue that we have a great relationship…FALSE! If you are really honest and think about it, to want to be the same as the one you’re with like saying we have a good relationship…as long as we don’t talk about anything serious!

The desire for “perceived sameness” often leads to becoming a human pretzel!
Are you bending over backwards, inwards, sideways, this way, that way to be like the one you’re with, or are you confident to be who you really are?

Let’s remember that “love” is a verb, not a feeling, an action that should be put in action to all who come our way…not just our Valentine!


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