Friday, November 23, 2012

Power Friday-From Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Thanks for stopping by for Power Friday, especially on Black Friday! Hey, I saw something the other day about a country artist trying to make this Pink Friday! Hmm. Grab your coffee and come on in for a few. I won’t keep you long. I know you may want to go out there and join that crazy frenzy of Black Friday shopping.

So just a bit of an accountability session here regarding last Friday’s power thought, “Don’t turn your back; turn the other cheek”: I am learning to do this much better with my husband; however, I still need the prescription of practice, practice, practice when it comes to others in my life. Oh the desire of my heart is to be assertive and not aggressive with all whom I interact with!

Now for today’s power thought which is helpful with becoming assertive versus aggressive in all relationships and has to do with the definition for boundary integrity, which is: keeping the same boundaries no matter whom I am dealing with or whom I am with!

I hope this thought permeates in your mind and dissipates in your heart as you interact with others today, tomorrow and the tomorrow after that.



P.S. Happy, happy birthday to my son, Jeff. I thank God for the gift of you, how your testimony has strengthened me, my faith and my desire for our Father. I pray that this year will be a year of consistent forwards and new beginnings that inspire you, strengthen you and encourage you as you continue to become all that He’s called you to be. I love you, Son

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