Friday, September 2, 2016

Faith Filled Friday

Welcome to Faith-Filled Fridays and John’s blog, from his heart to yours, here it is:
So tonight I had some pretty bad writers block. I searched far and wide for something that would spark thoughts to inspire something you'd all like to read. Hours I sat here listening to music, reading previous thoughts I had jumbled onto paper... still nothing came to me. So I closed these eyes of mine and asked God to step in and give me a hand; another hour went by. Then I came across the most beautiful quote: 

"Perhaps someday I'll crawl back home, beaten, defeated. But not as long as I can make stories out of my heartbreak, beauty of sorrow." ~ Sylvia Plath

I loved it so much and thought for sure it had cracked my block open enough to get through it to the words but it just didn't seem to flow. I decided to share the quote on my FB wall. Shortly after I did, a friend I hardly know commented and the following short conversation unfolded: 

Julie Cass: Hey John... 
John Tam: Hey Julie 
Julie Cass: Listening to Keith Urban and John Mayer makes me a happy camper tonight.. Cheers!! 
John Tam: Right on! That was totally random and I love that you shared it with me. Really glad you feel the height of happiness. :) 
Julie Cass: It's more joy, but truly happiness too. Keep on keeping on my Man. 
John Tam: Always in the fight for healing, joy and inner peace. You really helped me with something tonight and you didn't even know it. Thanks for that. Sometimes we help people in ways by just saying something to them... even when random. How sweet it is this thing called life and the breaths of air that come with it. Good night, Julie :)

When I realized that at that moment God worked through someone to help me with my writer’s block, well it just felt fabulous. It really opened me up into thinking about all the things that shaped my evening and how thankful I was for the music, the friends that shared some music back at me after I had shared some myself. To stumble upon a quote that I absolutely love... all to come to a head with someone's completely random sharing of their joy and happiness, which led to this writing, this happiness that I didn't have to force upon myself by just being happy finding words. Instead this left me feeling like God had me covered tonight in a rather different way... a puzzle that just seems to keep coming together. 

I can't help but wonder just how many things out there are happening all around us that we never put together because we are so pre-occupied by stress, a to-do list, and the world and its many problems. I know I love it when things drift into place. It's like waking up with the light bulb above one's head just as it illuminates. I wonder the things I might have missed, but even more I look to what I have yet to find. 

Much love everyone... God Bless every piece of the puzzle...


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