Friday, September 30, 2016

Faith Filled Friday

Hello and welcome back to Faith Filled Fridays everyone! Grab your favorite beverage and come on in for a few moments.
Some different thoughts came my way earlier in the day. Ernest Hemingway once said: "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down to a typewriter and bleed." 

Many a time, I have sat down and let my fingers bleed out what the heart can no longer keep inside. My mindset has been this since I was encouraged to write feelings out as a young teen in the foster system of California. At first it was incredibly difficult for I could not find the words to portray the emotion and feelings I seemed to almost be trapped in. Trying to explain fear, sadness, depression... how could a young man put words to these? 

I remember wanting to arrange my words in a way that people could not only understand but ultimately feel inside. At that time of my life (and, yes, even now sometimes) I felt no one listened to me about the things that had happened to me, and how they affected me. So I remember pondering that maybe this is the way to explain what I can't express and if I find just the right words and/or analogies that maybe someone would hear me.

All these years later...I have bled so much, but tonight when I remembered that quote from Mr. Hemingway a thought jumped in my head: What if I could type to heal instead of bleed? Surely there is as much oomph in a word on the opposite side of the spectrum. I admit this really made me feel good to think about the possibilities in writing.

We can climb to a summit, or we can fall to dive into refreshing water. Oh yes, we can surely write for a better tomorrow, my friends. So where is God in all this? Tonight I came to realize that God is the typewriter, the keyboard, the pen and even the brush. So what of us? We are the paper and the canvas. We can bleed and heal so much onto that paper that things can become hard to decipher.
Our prayers surely encourage the Holy Spirit to provide us with more canvases, more paper for a cycle that I not only repeat in writing this midnight blog, but more importantly start fresh. Writing is not always a way for others to hear us, but even more importantly, for us to hear ourselves.

Much love & God bless you through till next week... 

Your fellow trencher & friend,

~John Tam

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