Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

His Unchanging Changes Everything!
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Thanks so much for joining us for Coffee Hour and Wednesday’s Word @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. I can’t wait to share with you how this scripture came to life for me just days ago. My prayer is that it encourages your heart in whatever circumstance that you are in, especially those circumstances that you believe may change everything for the not-so-good! Grab your coffee, your strand of faith and let’s go tie some knots in our faith. I’ll be picking up from where we left off on Monday’s Mantra.

When I got my job assignment on Friday for the following Monday, it was for my favorite L.A. firm with the infamous attorney who represents authors and agents, and the case I was assigned to just happened to be one of his, but the deposition notice said he wasn’t taking the deposition; one of his colleagues was. 

It was actually an interesting case, and the witness was actually Jeff’s client. A guy from Germany who has invented this really cool thing – I can’t divulge what it is but I can say it comes out in January 2018. He was a really good witness and after the deposition we got to talking. He was bragging about how good his attorney is.

“I know,” I replied. “I’m trying to get him to help me because one of my publishers who published three of my books is going out of business and now I’m out of a publisher. I need to talk to him!” I sounded desperate to my own ears.

“You need to get him as your attorney,” he affirmed.

No kidding, I muttered to myself. I began to daydream about creative ways to get Jeff’s attention, and the witness brought me out of my creative fog as he recounted an interaction with him and Jeff.

We both laughed about Jeff’s aggressive attorney style and agreed that he really fights for his clients, though sometimes a bit too much. Then this witness said something that about knocked me over because I felt the wind go out of me, like the helium out of a balloon. “The only reason I got him is because Kevin Costner is one of my investors in this project and he represents Kevin Costner.”

No wonder he won’t talk to me, I thought to myself, along with about a hundred other negative thoughts. This changes everything, I remember thinking, as I numbly began packing up my equipment, wanting only to get the heck out of there and have me a talk with Abba. And then all of a sudden, the door opens. Guess who walks in? Yup, Jeff!
They shook hands and Jeff even gave him a side hug. He looked at his colleague and then did a quick cursory look at me and then something like recognition twitched in his eyes and he said, “Hey, how are you?”

“Good.” I didn’t waste a second and didn’t care if I sounded desperate. “I so need to talk with you, just 15 minutes of your time, because I know you’re really busy.”
“I know; I know.”
His client had handed him the product sample and before he opened the box I slipped in another plea.

“Are you going to be around tomorrow?”
He hesitated, holding the box up and removing the lid, “Yeah, I’ll be around tomorrow.”
“Can I call you tomorrow?”
I finished packing up, went and visited the little girls’ room and as I was walking back towards the conference room, they were walking out.  I said a friendly good-bye and added, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

I grabbed my stuff and headed for the elevator on auto pilot. I was numb, in a way, and yet, to me, it explained why we hadn’t talked. I mean for Pete’s sake, he represents Kevin Costner and what in the world does he want to talk to Evinda Lepins for? The best way to describe how I felt is by just having you envision a helium balloon whose helium was evaporating at a more than normal rate of speed. I was so discouraged, frustrated and to be honest, a bit humiliated. Talk about a huge piece of humble pie! Maybe I’m just not good enough was a thought that accompanied me all the way home on the train. By the time I got in my car, I had put it to rest…until the next morning in my quiet time, my own coffee hour with God.

I voiced my questions, cried out my frustrations, feeling hard-pressed like that olive, knowing something good had to come out of this, but not sure what at this point. I really kept thinking this changes everything. I told God “I don’t want to hope anymore; I’m so close to throwing in the towel, especially when I compare myself to others who seem to have hundreds of likes and views without so much effort. And now I don’t even have a publisher for three of my books. How does one promote the message without promoting themselves?” I fired all of this at Him and then added, “I KNOW YOU KNOW MY HEART, GOD and while I’m not doing this to be famous, I’d love a little help here!”

As you can surely tell, I was getting pretty deep into my pity party, and then, in the depths of my soul, I felt a stirring of my faith and it whispered louder than all my frustrations: “I am the same today as I was yesterday and this doesn’t change anything, including My plan for your books.”

Well, that was a sweet but serious slap on the behind! He talked to me the way I talk to my transformers. It was like hearing an echo as He reminded me, as I have reminded them; that when circumstances happen beyond our comprehension, He doesn’t get knocked off His throne…for nothing; He never changes and because of His unchanging love, this really does change everything…for the better!

Coffee Hour friend, what are you going through that you feel has changed everything in a bad way? Can I encourage you to change your focus and lift it to the One who is still in control, serving you by working ALL things for your good and His glory?
Join me tomorrow for Thursday’s Trench Truth and for Coffee Hour Live where we will be discussing step 3 to Loving the Unlovable!



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