Wednesday, July 11, 2018

No matter what you’re going thru, your Heavenly Father gets you! EL

Wednesday’s Word

I sat there sipping my morning coffee, wondering how I’d make it thru the day. Life had been coming at me hard, on every side, from every angle. In addition to one of my most favorite human beings – my self-adopted mom – being put on hospice care, we had to tell our little 8-year-old grandson that his mommy was no longer with us, and we needed to be as close to the truth as we could without giving him all the details.
Thanks for joining me today for Wednesday’s Word as I share from my heart directly to yours!
Have you ever gotten something just in the nick of time? Maybe it was something monetarily or emotionally, or physically, whatever it was, do you remember exhaling a sigh of relief? Or what about receiving something you had no idea you needed as desperately as you did? That’s where I was this particular morning, just a few mornings ago. I was so sad, heavy-hearted, wanting to protect our little grandson from this loss that would surely affect him, his future.
I looked down at my coffee cup, one I have drank from hundreds of times and it was like seeing it for the very first time. Only instead of exhaling a sigh of relief, I inhaled…and held my breath, startled by the obvious voice of Him who pursues us relentlessly and loves us lavishly, going through great lengths to continuously express it. And then I smiled, encouraged by His command, His reminder that He had already gone ahead of me; everything would eventually be all right.
Words can’t express how encouraged I felt, so allow me to share my coffee cup with you that you too would be encouraged…no matter what you’re going through.

I love how He speaks to me; how He is so able to get my attention; He gets me!

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