Friday, May 12, 2017

Faith-Filled Friday

Hello and welcome back to Faith Filled Friday

I wanted to share with you all something that happened to me recently that really stood out to me that was unexpected. Lately I have had to call in and speak with many customer service representatives from all my various bills for one reason or another. Let's just say that I have had to really bite my tongue and that my patience has been fully tested. It was getting to that point where I felt like just screaming! Have you ever felt like that? I have been so frustrated with these reps that seem like they are somewhere else When they talk to me like they don't believe me despite having all previous information, for example, the operator id's and calls written down and recorded, to keep repeating myself over and over brought me to a boiling point that was about to spill over!
Just as I came to that point I noticed a shift of something different in me at that very moment. 

In the past when I have lost my patience with people who are rude or talk down to me, I'd let myself get upset and mad. However this time I felt like this low tide, I guess you could call it. Just as I was getting ready to give them a piece of my mind, I heard a voice within tell me to be calm, that there is so much other stuff I am going through lately that needs my full attention, to breathe and to close my eyes. This voice within was so calming and it was like an infusion of more patience within me. I didn't pray and ask for it. It was just there. Or was it already there but needed dusting off?

This really got me thinking to how present God is in those moments with us. Was I able to flip that switch because of all my effort in taking these Trench/Transform classes? Is it because I continue to ask God for strength to get me through the tough times...though I never considered a phone call in to a business as a way to get there.

In comparison to my current heartaches -- my father who I've never met is on his death bed and my family is not letting me come and meet him before he passes, being falsely accused of things and then losing a close friend just days ago -- yet there I was fully ready to go off on someone and that Voice stepped in.

Life is full of those small things in everyday life that can add to our faith. No matter what brought that voice forward in me I think I'll pat myself on the back for listening to it! But I will also continue to ask for not only strength but patience with people and even myself. To be honest, it kind of excites me to think what else this next class might bring to me with a high tide and what it can take peacefully and leave me with during a retreating low tide.

If you all don't mind I ask you to please pray for my father, my family, the situation and myself. It's been so hard on me lately knowing that I will never meet my father despite trying.

Much love to you all,
 ~John Tam

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