Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday’s Mantra

Welcome to Monday’s Mantra and Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. Can you believe we are almost halfway through a new year? Oh, my goodness, but the time just seems to fly, and I think the more distracted we are, the faster it goes. Speaking of distractions, one of our former Transformers wrote today’s blog and I just know you are going to enjoy it! Grab your coffee or whatever you’re having and come in for Monday’s Mantra.

Ever been on your phone, watching the battery level decrease, yet there's a sense of urgency to keep on with what you're doing? Doggone it, the battery might be dead but I'll send one more text, I'll read one more article, laugh at one more meme!

Isn't this how we often live our lives? The need to plug into the Power Source is there but we ignore it.

No good comes from this. Ultimately, the power dies and we're forced to hook in. In life, there are so many ways this plays out. Maybe we ignore those pesky emotions that hover under the surface, perhaps we lose someone we dearly love and realize too late that we didn't spend enough time with him/her. Our kids suddenly grow up and move out..a tragedy hits..illness stops us in our tracks. In a moment, we're left floundering without our energy.

I've given this a lot of thought lately. I've never been one to just allow life to happen without looking at what I can learn. I've given myself permission to take this year to be in the moment, to feel honestly, to change my responses to certain things and to reflect on it all without judgment, less 'personalizing,' and seek understanding instead.

What I've learned so far is: I have to stop regularly and go to the Source of my Power. For me, that is time with God. I rest from 'doing' and 'be' instead. It's those times of quiet that I hear the most. It's not always what I want to hear either, nor do I like what He reveals to me. However, I can't keep going on my own steam…eventually my battery will die. Then what?

Rest. Recharge. Renew. Only then can you pass it on.


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